# List of currently registered types of content providers for JClic activities. # All JClic content providers must extend edu.xtec.jclic.automation.AutoContentProvider # and must be accessibles to the JVM classloader. # List format: # full_class_name_including_package=content_provider_name[|content_provider_description] # The symbol "@" can be used in place of the standard package name: "edu.xtec.jclic.automation." # Example: # com.acme.jclic.TestContentProvider=Acme test content|This JClic content provider is just a test... @arith.Arith=Arith|Creaci\u00F3 autom\u00E0tica d'exercicis de c\u00E0lcul mental @tagreplace.TagReplace=TagReplace|Substitueix determinades etiquetes de text per valors especificats en un fitxer o font de dades externa