#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wwm.h" void draw_outline(Client *c) { Window root = ROOTWINDOW; static int gc_initialized = 0; static GC invert_gc; if (!gc_initialized) { XGCValues gv; gc_initialized++; gv.function = GXinvert; gv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; gv.line_width = DEF_BW; /* opt_bw */ invert_gc = XCreateGC(display, root, GCFunction | GCSubwindowMode | GCLineWidth, &gv); } XDrawRectangle(display, root, invert_gc, c->x - c->border, c->y - c->border, c->width + c->border, c->height + c->border); } void get_mouse_position(int *x, int *y) { Window root = ROOTWINDOW; Window dw1, dw2; int t1, t2; unsigned int t3; XQueryPointer(display, root, &dw1, &dw2, x, y, &t1, &t2, &t3); } void recalculate_sweep(Client *c, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int basex, basey; c->width = (int) abs(x1 - x2); c->height = (int) abs(y1 - y2); if (c->size->flags & PResizeInc) { basex = (c->size->flags & PBaseSize) ? c->size->base_width : (c->size->flags & PMinSize) ? c->size->min_width : 0; basey = (c->size->flags & PBaseSize) ? c->size->base_height : (c->size->flags & PMinSize) ? c->size->min_height : 0; c->width -= (c->width - basex) % c->size->width_inc; c->height -= (c->height - basey) % c->size->height_inc; } if (c->size->flags & PMinSize) { if (c->width < c->size->min_width) c->width = c->size->min_width; if (c->height < c->size->min_height) c->height = c->size->min_height; } if (c->size->flags & PMaxSize) { if (c->width > c->size->max_width) c->width = c->size->max_width; if (c->height > c->size->max_height) c->height = c->size->max_height; } c->x = (x1 <= x2) ? x1 : x1 - c->width; c->y = (y1 <= y2) ? y1 : y1 - c->height; } void sweep(Client *c) { Window root = ROOTWINDOW; static int resize_cursor_initialized = 0; static Cursor resize_curs; XEvent ev; int old_cx = c->x; int old_cy = c->y; if (!resize_cursor_initialized) { resize_cursor_initialized++; resize_curs = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_plus); } if (!grab(root, MouseMask, resize_curs)) return; XGrabServer(display); draw_outline(c); XWarpPointer(display, None, c->window, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->width, c->height); for (;;) { XMaskEvent(display, MouseMask, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case MotionNotify: draw_outline(c); /* clear */ XUngrabServer(display); recalculate_sweep(c, old_cx, old_cy, ev.xmotion.x, ev.xmotion.y); XSync(display, False); XGrabServer(display); draw_outline(c); break; case ButtonRelease: draw_outline(c); /* clear */ XUngrabServer(display); XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime); return; } } } void drag(Client *c) { Window root = ROOTWINDOW; static int drag_cursor_initialized = 0; static Cursor drag_curs; XEvent ev; int x1, y1; int old_cx = c->x; int old_cy = c->y; if (!drag_cursor_initialized) { drag_cursor_initialized++; drag_curs = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_fleur); } if (!grab(root, MouseMask, drag_curs)) return; get_mouse_position(&x1, &y1); XGrabServer(display); draw_outline(c); for (;;) { XMaskEvent(display, MouseMask, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case MotionNotify: draw_outline(c); /* clear */ XUngrabServer(display); c->x = old_cx + (ev.xmotion.x - x1); c->y = old_cy + (ev.xmotion.y - y1); XSync(display, False); XGrabServer(display); draw_outline(c); break; case ButtonRelease: draw_outline(c); /* clear */ XUngrabServer(display); XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime); return; default: break; } } } void move(Client *c, int set) { if (!set) drag(c); XMoveWindow(display, c->parent, c->x - c->border, c->y - c->border); send_config(c); XRaiseWindow(display, c->parent); } void resize(Client *c, int set) { if (!set) sweep(c); XMoveResizeWindow(display, c->parent, c->x - c->border, c->y - c->border, c->width + (c->border * 2), c->height + (c->border * 2)); XMoveResizeWindow(display, c->window, c->border, c->border, c->width, c->height); send_config(c); XRaiseWindow(display, c->parent); } void maximise_horiz(Client *c) { if (c->oldw) { c->x = c->oldx; c->width = c->oldw; c->oldw = 0; } else { c->oldx = c->x; c->oldw = c->width; recalculate_sweep(c, c->border, c->y, (xmax() - c->border), c->y + c->height); } } void maximise_vert(Client *c) { if (c->oldh) { c->y = c->oldy; c->height = c->oldh; c->oldh = 0; } else { c->oldy = c->y; c->oldh = c->height; recalculate_sweep(c, c->x, c->border, c->x + c->width, (ymax() - c->border)); } } void hide(Client *c) { c->ignore_unmap = 2; XUnmapWindow(display, c->parent); XUnmapWindow(display, c->window); set_wm_state(c, IconicState); } void unhide(Client *c, int raiseit) { c->ignore_unmap = 0; XMapWindow(display, c->window); raiseit ? XMapRaised(display, c->parent) : XMapWindow(display, c->parent); set_wm_state(c, NormalState); } /* * Next focuses the next client on this vdesk */ void next(Client *c) { Client *newc; newc = next_client_on_vdesk(( c ? c : head_client)); if (!newc) return; /* couldn't find a next on this screen */ focus_client(newc, RAISE); } /* * switch_vdesk changes to a different vdesk */ void switch_vdesk(int v) { Client *c; int vcurr = vdesk_get(); if (v == vcurr) return; for (c = head_client; c; c = c->next) { if (c->vdesk == vcurr) { hide(c); } else if (c->vdesk == v) { unhide(c, NO_RAISE); if (c->focus) focus_client(c, RAISE); } } vdesk(VDESK_SET, v); } void focus_client(Client *c, int raiseit) { Client *cp; for (cp = head_client; cp; cp = cp->next) if ((cp->vdesk == vdesk_get() || cp->vdesk == LOCKED) && cp->focus) unfocus_client(cp); unhide(c, raiseit); XSetInputFocus(display, c->window, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); XSetWindowBackground(display, c->parent, (c->vdesk == LOCKED) ? fc.pixel : fg.pixel); XClearWindow(display, c->parent); XGrabButton(display, AnyButton, WMMODMASK, c->parent, False, ButtonMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None); c->focus = 1; current = c; } void unfocus_client(Client *c) { XSetInputFocus(display, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); XSetWindowBackground(display, c->parent, bg.pixel); XClearWindow(display, c->parent); c->focus = 0; current = NULL; }