LDTP (http://ldtp.freedesktop.org) works on Windows/Linux/Mac/Solairs/FreeBSD/NetBSD/Palm Source, yes its Cross Platform GUI testing tool. Please share your feedback with us (nagappan@gmail.com). Mandatory requirements - GNOME Version - min 2.24 - Accessibility should be enabled Install the following packages - pyatspi (python-atspi) - python-twisted-web - python-wnck - python-gnome Optional dependency packages - Python Imaging Library (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/) to compare two images - Pystatgrab (http://www.i-scream.org/pystatgrab/) to moitor memory and CPU utilization Setting up LDTP from source in Linux environment - check out source from with the following command: 'git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/ldtp/ldtp2.git' - When prompted for password enter - change to the source directory with the following command: 'cd ldtp2' - build with 'python setup.py build'. Assuming that all the above mentioned packages are installed - setup with 'python setup.py install' as the root user Note: If your GNOME version is less than or equal to 2.24, then use LDTPv1 (1.7.x) LDTP works in the following platforms: - http://www.opensuse.org/ OpenSuSE - http://opensolaris.org/ OpenSolaris - http://ubuntu.com/ Ubuntu - http://www.debian.org/ Debian GNU/Linux - http://fedora.redhat.com/ Fedora Core - http://www.freebsd.org/ FreeBSD How to write test scripts using ldtp for your module ? - How to create LDTP test scripts in python - http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/LDTP_test_scripts_in_python - Refer existing pyautosuite test scripts - http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/pyautosuite/ - Refer API Reference page for list of LDTP functions available - http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/user-doc/index.html How do I contact LDTP team incase of any help ? - Join the LDTP team on IRC for technical help, online Server : irc.freenode.net Channel : #ldtp - Join the LDTP Mailing List - http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/Mailing_20list If you are interested in contributing to LDTP ? - You are welcome to do that. Check TODO page and pitch in where ever you can contribute ;) - ping us in the mailing list For Java compilation: Download commons-codec-1.6.jar, ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar, xmlrpc-client-3.1.3.jar, xmlrpc-common-3.1.3.jar and place it in JavaLDTP/lib/ Download jar files from this location or any other apache mirror. Make sure you have the version mentioned in the jar or latest http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/apache/commons/codec/binaries/commons-codec-1.6-bin.zip http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/ws/xmlrpc/ In eclipse its compiled by default. FIXME: Write how to compile from command line # Note: The following steps created for Windows installer To create Ldtp.jar cd ldtp\JavaLDTP\bin jar cvf ..\..\Ldtp.jar * # Note: Tested this on Mac with a forward slash though, haven't created Jar on Windows To use LDTP Java library: Include Ldtp.jar file available under ldtp folder in your project