Check-Script: debian-readme Author: Richard Braakman Abbrev: drm Type: binary Needs-Info: debian-readme Info: This script checks the README.Debian file for various problems. Tag: readme-debian-mentions-usr-doc Severity: normal Certainty: possible Info: The README.Debian file installed by this package apparently points users at /usr/doc. /usr/doc has been retired and all documentation migrated to /usr/share/doc. This reference should probably also be updated. Tag: readme-debian-contains-debmake-template Severity: normal Certainty: certain Info: The README.Debian file installed by this package contains one of the template phrases from the README.Debian provided by deb-make or dh_make: . Comments regarding the package So far nothing to say <possible notes regarding this package - if none, delete this file> . If there is real information in the file, please delete any generic template phrases. If there is nothing to say in the file, it is best removed. Tag: readme-debian-contains-invalid-email-address Severity: normal Certainty: certain Info: The README.Debian file contains an invalid email address: the domain needs at least one dot. This looks like a mistake. Tag: spelling-error-in-readme-debian Severity: minor Certainty: certain Info: Lintian found a spelling error in the README.Debian file. Lintian has a list of common misspellings that it looks for. It does not have a dictionary like a spelling checker does.