# virtual packages provided by the Perl core packages that also have a # separate binary package available # # the listed version is the one included in the Perl core # # regenerate by running # debian/rules refresh-perl-provides # in the lintian source tree # # last updated for PERL_VERSION=5.014002 libtime-piece-perl 1.20.01 libthreads-shared-perl 1.37 libthreads-perl 1.83 libsys-syslog-perl 0.27 libio-compress-perl 2.033 libencode-perl 2.42.01 libdigest-sha-perl 5.61 libdevel-dprof-perl 20110228.00 libcompress-raw-zlib-perl 2.033 libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl 2.033 libversion-requirements-perl 0.101020 libversion-perl 0.88 libunicode-collate-perl 0.73 libtime-local-perl 1.2000 libthread-queue-perl 2.12 libtest-simple-perl 0.98 libtest-harness-perl 3.23 libshell-perl 0.72.01 libpod-simple-perl 3.16 libperl-ostype-perl 1.002 libparse-cpan-meta-perl 1.4401 libparent-perl 0.225 libmodule-pluggable-perl 3.9 libmodule-metadata-perl 1.000004 libmodule-load-conditional-perl 0.44 libmodule-corelist-perl 2.49.02 libmodule-build-perl 0.3800 libmath-complex-perl 1.56 libmath-bigint-perl 1.994 liblocale-maketext-simple-perl 0.21 libjson-pp-perl 2.27105 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.012 libfile-temp-perl 0.22 libfile-spec-perl 3.33 libfile-path-perl 2.08.01 libextutils-parsexs-perl 2.2210 libextutils-command-perl 1.17 libextutils-cbuilder-perl 0.280203 libdigest-perl 1.16 libcpan-meta-yaml-perl 0.003 libcpan-meta-perl 2.110440 libautodie-perl 2.1001