Source: {$srcpkg} Priority: extra Section: {$section} Maintainer: {$author} Standards-Version: {$standards_version} Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9) Package: {$srcpkg} Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: {$srcpkg} is a package which tests lintian's description checks. missing The the synopsis should not start with the package's name. Moreover, the long description should not contain tabs. .control statements are not allowed as well. . All all all of of these these should be matched matched matched . This description was automagically extracted from the module by dh-make-perl . No, not really... (dummy) Package: {$srcpkg}-2 Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: Don't use tabs in the synopsis and restrict yourself to less than 80 characters, otherwise Lintian will complain Oh, and don't start the long description with spaces. Now here comes a list: - which is - unfortunately - not correctly indented. (dummy) Package: {$srcpkg}-3 Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: There should really be a synopsis. The line in an extended description should be less than 80 characters, otherwise you'll get a Lintian warning. . And the old man said "he he is the one!" "No, I am am not", he replied (dummy) Package: {$srcpkg}-4 Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: some Lintian test package some Lintian test package . Some mroe stuff about this debian test package. (dummy) . Homepage: Package: {$srcpkg}-ends-etc Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: This description ends, etc. This is another real Lintian bug which has been discovered with this testset. . This is a test package designed to exercise some feature or tag of Lintian. It is part of the Lintian test suite and may do very odd things. It should not be installed like a regular package. It may be an empty package. Package: {$srcpkg}-dummy Section: oldlibs Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: test package (transitional package) Transitional packages can have short long descriptions. Package: {$srcpkg}-empty Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: test package with empty extended description (dummy) Package: {$srcpkg}-utf8-long Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: test package with UTF-8 description (“héh锓héh锓héh锓héhé”) Not really too long: “héh锓héh锓héh锓héh锓héh锓héhé” . This is a test package designed to exercise some feature or tag of Lintian. It is part of the Lintian test suite and may do very odd things. It should not be installed like a regular package. It may be an empty package. Package: {$srcpkg}-not-dup Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: test package with duplicated words that aren't Lossless JPEG is defined in ITU-T T.81, ISO/IEC IS 10918-1. Contain the strings " link to ", " -> ", or ": ". This is train A, a particularly fast train. . "hallo" or "evening" or "farewell" should not trigger a duplicate "or or" warning. Also "or" "or" does not trigger the warning either. . This is a test package designed to exercise some feature or tag of Lintian. It is part of the Lintian test suite and may do very odd things. It should not be installed like a regular package. It may be an empty package. Package: {$srcpkg}-syn-article Architecture: {$architecture} Depends: $\{shlibs:Depends\}, $\{misc:Depends\} Description: the synopsis starts with an article A good synopsis should start not start with "a", "an" and "the" according to devref 6.2.2. . This is a test package designed to exercise some feature or tag of Lintian. It is part of the Lintian test suite and may do very odd things. It should not be installed like a regular package. It may be an empty package.