#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import re import os import shutil import zipfile import hashlib import math import getopt import bisect import textwrap import xml.etree.ElementTree import logging logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) # Level formats let you choose how you want each heading levels to be # translated in the .rst file. # It is a list of tuple corresponding to the list of header levels. # The first element of the tuple is the charactere used to underline the # header. # The second element is a boolean which should be set to True if you # want the header to be both underlined and 'upperlined' and to False # if you want it to be only underlined. LEVEL_FORMATS = [("#", False), ("*", False), ("=", False), ("-", False), ("^", False), ('"', False)] DEBUG_FLAG = False office_prefix = "{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0}" text_prefix = "{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0}" table_prefix = "{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0}" drawing_prefix = "{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0}" style_prefix = "{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0}" fo_prefix = "{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0}" xlink_prefix = "{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}" class Options: def __init__(self): self.images_relative_folder = "images" self.temp_folder = "." self.clean = True self.wrap_width = -1 def getRomanString(n): values = [ (1, "I"), (4, "IV"), (5, "V"), (9, "IX"), (10, "X"), (40, "XL"), (50, "L"), (90, "XC"), (100, "C"), (400, "CD"), (500, "D"), (900, "CM"), (1000, "M"), ] ret = "" while n > 0: i = bisect.bisect(values, (n, "Z")) - 1 n -= values[i][0] ret += values[i][1] return ret def unpackOdt(input_path, temp_folder="."): """Unpack the odt file into the temp folder and return a dictionary translating .png file path into they hashes.""" odtfile = zipfile.ZipFile(input_path) try: os.mkdir(temp_folder) except: pass try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_folder, "Pictures")) except: pass odt_pictures_hashes = {} for path in odtfile.namelist(): if path.lower() in ["content.xml", "styles.xml"]: g = open(os.path.join(temp_folder, path), "wb") bytes = odtfile.read(path) g.write(bytes) g.close() folder, name = os.path.split(path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if folder.lower() == "Pictures".lower() and ext in [".png", ".jpg"]: g = open(os.path.join(temp_folder, path), "wb") bytes = odtfile.read(path) g.write(bytes) g.close() h = hashlib.md5() h.update(bytes) h = h.digest() odt_pictures_hashes[path] = h return odt_pictures_hashes def cleanPack(temp_folder="."): """Delete the files and folder created by unpackOdt apart from the temp_folder itself.""" os.remove(os.path.join(temp_folder, "content.xml")) os.remove(os.path.join(temp_folder, "styles.xml")) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(temp_folder, "Pictures")) def getHashesRstImages(output_folder, images_relative_folder): "Return a dictonary translating hash into the its .png file path." hashes_rst_images = {} image_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, images_relative_folder) logging.debug("image_folder = %s", image_folder) if not os.path.isdir(image_folder): return {} for path in os.listdir(image_folder): _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext not in [".png", ".jpg"]: continue path = os.path.join(image_folder, path) logging.debug("path = %s", path) f = open(path, "rb") bytes = f.read() f.close() h = hashlib.md5() h.update(bytes) h = h.digest() hashes_rst_images[h] = path return hashes_rst_images def synchronizeImagesFolders(temp_folder, output_path, images_relative_folder, odt_pictures_hashes): output_folder, output_name = os.path.split(output_path) image_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, images_relative_folder) hashes_rst_images = getHashesRstImages(output_folder, images_relative_folder) # Build the picture_dict that convert odt image path into rst image # path (when possible) picture_prefix = "picture_" existing_picture_names = [] if os.path.isdir(image_folder): for path in os.listdir(image_folder): path = path.lower() name, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext not in [".png", ".jpg"]: continue if not name.startswith(picture_prefix): continue existing_picture_names.append(name) picture_dict = {} picture_index = 0 for path in odt_pictures_hashes: h = odt_pictures_hashes[path] if h in hashes_rst_images: picture_dict[path] = hashes_rst_images[h] else: # Find an available picture name: while picture_prefix + str(picture_index) in \ existing_picture_names: picture_index += 1 picture_name = picture_prefix + str(picture_index) existing_picture_names.append(picture_name) name, ext = os.path.splitext(path) picture_relative_path = os.path.join(images_relative_folder, picture_name) + ext if not os.path.isdir(image_folder): os.mkdir(image_folder) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(temp_folder, path), os.path.join(output_folder, picture_relative_path)) picture_dict[path] = picture_relative_path return picture_dict class Style: def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.parent_name = "" self.family = "" self.margin_left = 0 self.font_style = "" self.font_weight = "" def translateNode(self, node): self.name = node.attrib[style_prefix + "name"] self.parent_name = node.attrib.get(style_prefix + "parent-style-name", "") self.family = node.attrib.get(style_prefix + "family", "") for child in node: if child.tag == style_prefix + "paragraph-properties": self.margin_left = child.attrib.get(fo_prefix + "margin-left", "0in") if self.margin_left.endswith("cm") or \ self.margin_left.endswith("in"): self.margin_left = float(self.margin_left[:-2]) else: raise Exception("unknown mesure: '%s'" % self.margin_left) if child.tag == style_prefix + "text-properties": self.font_style = child.attrib.get(fo_prefix + "font-style", "") self.font_weight = child.attrib.get(fo_prefix + "font-weight", "") def isBold(self): if self.family != "text": return False if self.font_weight == "bold": return True return False def isItalic(self): if self.family != "text": return False if self.font_style == "italic": return True return False def __str__(self): ret = "Style(" ret += '\tName : "%s"\n' % self.name ret += '\tParent-Name : "%s"\n' % self.parent_name ret += '\tFamily : "%s"\n' % self.family ret += '\tMargin-Left : %f\n' % self.margin_left ret += '\tFont-Style : "%s"\n' % self.font_style ret += '\tFont-Weight : "%s"\n' % self.font_weight ret += ")\n" return ret def extractStylesFromNode(node): ret = {} for child in node: if child.tag != style_prefix + "style": continue style = Style() style.translateNode(child) ret[style.name] = style return ret def extractStylesFromRoot(root): ret = {} automatic_styles = root.find(office_prefix + "automatic-styles") if automatic_styles is not None: ret.update(extractStylesFromNode(automatic_styles)) styles = root.find(office_prefix + "styles") if styles is not None: ret.update(extractStylesFromNode(styles)) return ret class ListLevelStyle: def __init__(self): self.num_format = "" def translateNode(self, node): if node.tag == text_prefix + "list-level-style-number": self.num_format = node.attrib.get(style_prefix + "num-format", "") class ListStyle: def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.levels = [] def translateNode(self, node): self.name = node.attrib.get(style_prefix + "name", "") #print self.name for child in node: if child.tag not in [text_prefix + "list-level-style-number", text_prefix + "list-level-style-bullet"]: print('Unknown tag: "%s" in list style.' % child.tag) continue list_level_style = ListLevelStyle() self.levels.append(list_level_style) list_level_style.translateNode(child) def extractListStylesFromNode(node): ret = {} for child in node: if child.tag != text_prefix + "list-style": #print child.tag continue style = ListStyle() style.translateNode(child) ret[style.name] = style return ret def extractListStylesFromRoot(root): ret = {} automatic_styles = root.find(office_prefix + "automatic-styles") if automatic_styles is not None: ret.update(extractListStylesFromNode(automatic_styles)) styles = root.find(office_prefix + "styles") if styles is not None: ret.update(extractListStylesFromNode(styles)) return ret class ListInfo: def __init__(self): self.style_name = "" self.levels = [] class ListLevelInfo: def __init__(self): # Set to True when the '-', '#.' or '1.' have been inserted in # the rst document. self.is_bullet_inserted = False # Set to -1 if the list is a bulleted list and to the current # item index if the list is a numbered list. self.num_format = "" self.current_index = -1 # Keep the identation level of list item (to be able to start # a new sublist or to stop the list when the identation change) self.identation = 0 def splitIntoLines(text, wrap_width): if wrap_width <= 0: text = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z]{2})\. +", r"\1.\n", text) text = re.sub(r"([\)\]\"'`\*])\. +", r"\1.\n", text) else: text = textwrap.fill(text, wrap_width) return text def getRawText(node): text = "" if node.text: text += node.text for child in node: if child.tag in [text_prefix + "p", text_prefix + "span"]: text += getRawText(child) if child.tail: text += child.tail text = text.replace("\n", " ") return text def getCodeText(node): text = "" if node.text: text += node.text for child in node: if child.tag in [text_prefix + "p", text_prefix + "span"]: text += getCodeText(child) if child.tag == text_prefix + "line-break": text += "\n" if child.tag == text_prefix + "s": identation = int(child.attrib[text_prefix + "c"]) identation = " " * identation text += identation if child.tail: text += child.tail return text def escapeCellText(text): "Return a rst version of the text that is suitable for rst cell content." text = text.replace("+", "\\+") text = text.replace("-", "\\-") text = text.replace("|", "\\|") return text class Table: def __init__(self): self.rows = [] def __str__(self): ret = "Table(\n" ret += " rows : [\n" for row in self.rows: ret += str(row) + ",\n" ret += " ]\n" ret += ")\n" return ret def addCoveredCells(self): num_columns = 0 row = self.rows[0] for cell in row.cells: num_columns += cell.h_span grid = [[None for i in range(num_columns)] for j in range(len(self.rows))] for row_index in range(len(self.rows)): row = self.rows[row_index] column_index = 0 for cell in row.cells: while column_index < num_columns and \ grid[row_index][column_index]: column_index += 1 grid[row_index][column_index] = cell for extra_column_index in range(cell.h_span): for extra_row_index in range(cell.v_span): if extra_column_index == 0 and extra_row_index == 0: continue covered_cell = TableCell() grid[row_index + extra_row_index][column_index + extra_column_index] \ = covered_cell covered_cell.covered = True if extra_column_index: covered_cell.left_wall = False if extra_row_index: covered_cell.top_wall = False for row_index in range(len(self.rows)): row = self.rows[row_index] row.cells = grid[row_index] def getColumnWidths(self): col_widths = [] for row in self.rows: col_index = 0 while col_index < len(row.cells): cell = row.cells[col_index] if cell.covered: col_index += 1 continue while len(col_widths) < col_index + cell.h_span: col_widths.append(0) actual_width = sum( col_widths[col_index: col_index + cell.h_span]) + \ cell.h_span - 1 width = len(cell.text) + 2 if width > actual_width: addition = int(math.ceil((width - actual_width) / float(cell.h_span))) for index in range(col_index, col_index + cell.h_span): col_widths[index] += addition col_index += cell.h_span return col_widths class TableRow: def __init__(self): self.header = False self.cells = [] def __str__(self): ret = "Row(\n" ret += " rows : [\n" for cell in self.cells: ret += str(cell) + ",\n" ret += " ]\n" ret += ")\n" return ret class TableCell: def __init__(self): self.h_span = 1 self.v_span = 1 self.text = "" self.covered = False self.top_wall = True self.left_wall = True def __str__(self): ret = "Cell(\n" ret += " h_span : %d,\n" % self.h_span ret += " v_span : %d,\n" % self.v_span ret += ' text : "%s",\n' % self.text ret += ' covered : %d,\n' % self.covered ret += ")\n" return ret class RstDocument: # Set here the char that should be used to underline the titles # according to they levels. # The default is the Python convention for documentation. level_formats = LEVEL_FORMATS identation_string = " " def __init__(self, path=""): self.path = path self.file = None self.styles = {} self.list_styles = {} self.lists = [] # Keep the list levels info to merge consecutive lists: self.last_levels = [] self.picture_dict = {} self.options = Options() self.inline_images = {} self.paragraphs = [] self.notes = [] self._last_note_citation = '' def getLastListLevel(self): return self.lists[-1].levels[-1] def getAllListLevels(self): ret = [] for list_info in self.lists: ret += list_info.levels return ret def flush(self): for paragraph in self.paragraphs: text = paragraph if DEBUG_FLAG: text += "endof para" text += "\n" #text = text.encode("utf8") self.file.write(text) self.paragraphs = [] def open(self, path=""): if path: self.path = path self.file = open(self.path, "w") def close(self): self.flush() for path in self.inline_images: name = self.inline_images[path] text = "\n.. |%s| image:: %s\n" % (name, path) text = text.encode("utf8") try: self.file.write(text) except Exception as e: print(str(text)) self.file.close() def write(self, text): self.flush() # text = text.encode("utf8") # if text == "\n": # raise Exception("hidden return") self.file.write(text) def append_post_para_matter(self): out = "\n\n".join(self.notes) self.notes = [] return out def writeTitle(self, text, level): paragraph = "" if DEBUG_FLAG: paragraph += "pre-title" paragraph += "\n" + "\n" upper_line=None try: char = self.level_formats[level][0] upper_line = self.level_formats[level][1] except Exception as e: char = "#" if upper_line: paragraph += char * len(text) + "\n" paragraph += text + "\n" + char * len(text) + "\n" self.write(paragraph) def writeParagraph(self, text): if not text: return if text.startswith("Unknown interpreted text role"): return # if text.startswith("Unknown directive type"): # return paragraph = "" if DEBUG_FLAG: paragraph += "pre-para" paragraph += "\n" # if not self.lists: # if DEBUG_FLAG: # paragraph += "pre-para" # paragraph += "\n" # elif self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted: # # A new paragraph in a list item needs a blank line to mark # the separation with the previous one. # if DEBUG_FLAG: # paragraph += "pre-item" # paragraph += "\n" identation = "" bullet = "" non_bullet = "" if self.lists: if self.getLastListLevel().num_format == "1": bullet = " " non_bullet = " " if not self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted: bullet = "%d. " % ( self.getLastListLevel().current_index % 10) elif self.getLastListLevel().num_format == "a": bullet = " " non_bullet = " " if not self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted: bullet = "%c. " % (ord('a') + self.getLastListLevel().current_index - 1) elif self.getLastListLevel().num_format == "A": bullet = " " * (5 + 1) non_bullet = " " * (5 + 1) if not self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted: bullet = (getRomanString( self.getLastListLevel().current_index).upper() + ".").ljust(5) + " " elif self.getLastListLevel().num_format == "i": bullet = " " * (5 + 1) non_bullet = " " * (5 + 1) if not self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted: bullet = (getRomanString( self.getLastListLevel().current_index).lower() + ".").ljust(5) + " " else: bullet = " " non_bullet = " " if not self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted: bullet = "- " self.getLastListLevel().is_bullet_inserted = True for list_level_info in self.getAllListLevels()[:-1]: if list_level_info.current_index >= 0: identation += " " else: identation += " " text = splitIntoLines(text, self.options.wrap_width) text = text.split("\n") paragraph += identation + bullet + \ ("\n" + identation + non_bullet).join(text) paragraph += self.append_post_para_matter() self.paragraphs.append(paragraph) def writeDefinitionBody(self, text): if self.paragraphs: paragraph = self.paragraphs.pop() paragraph = paragraph.replace("**", "") self.write(paragraph) text = splitIntoLines(text, self.options.wrap_width) text = text.split("\n") self.write("\n") identation = self.identation_string text = identation + ("\n" + identation).join(text) + "\n" self.write(text) def writeCodeBlock(self, text): if self.paragraphs: paragraph = self.paragraphs[-1] paragraph += ":\n" self.paragraphs[-1] = paragraph identation = self.identation_string text = text.split("\n") self.write(identation + ("\n" + identation).join(text) + "\n") def writeNoteHeader(self): self.write("\n.. note::\n") def appendToNote(self, text): text = splitIntoLines(text, self.options.wrap_width) text = text.split("\n") self.write(" " + "\n ".join(text) + "\n\n") def writeWarningHeader(self): self.write("\n.. warning::\n") def appendToWarning(self, text): self.write(" " + text + "\n\n") def writeImage(self, path): self.write("\n") if path in self.picture_dict: path = self.picture_dict[path] path = path.replace('\\', '/') self.write(".. image:: %s\n" % path) def writeFigure(self, path, legend): self.write("\n") if path in self.picture_dict: path = self.picture_dict[path] path = path.replace('\\', '/') self.write(".. figure:: %s\n\n" % path) if legend: self.write(" %s\n" % legend) def writeComment(self, text): text = text.split("\n") self.write("\n.. " + text.pop(0) + "\n") while text: self.write(" " + text.pop(0) + "\n") self.write("\n") def writeTable(self, table): self.write("\n") table.addCoveredCells() col_widths = table.getColumnWidths() bottom = "" previous_header = False for row_index in range(len(table.rows)): row = table.rows[row_index] top = "" body = "" col_index = 0 while col_index < len(row.cells): cell = row.cells[col_index] if cell.covered: while col_index < len(row.cells): cursor_cell = row.cells[col_index] if not cursor_cell.covered: break top_char = " " if cursor_cell.top_wall: if previous_header: top_char = "=" else: top_char = "-" cross_char = "+" if not cursor_cell.top_wall and \ not cursor_cell.left_wall: cross_char = " " top += cross_char + \ top_char * col_widths[col_index] wall_char = " " if cursor_cell.left_wall: wall_char = "|" body += wall_char + " " * col_widths[col_index] col_index += 1 else: for cursor_column_index in \ range(col_index, col_index + cell.h_span): cursor_cell = row.cells[cursor_column_index] top_char = " " if cursor_cell.top_wall: if previous_header: top_char = "=" else: top_char = "-" top += "+" + \ top_char * col_widths[cursor_column_index] width = sum( col_widths[col_index: col_index + cell.h_span]) + \ cell.h_span - 1 body += "|" + " " + cell.text + " " * \ (width - len(cell.text) - 2) + " " col_index += cell.h_span top += "+\n" if row_index == 0: bottom = top body += "|\n" self.write(top) self.write(body) previous_header = row.header self.write(bottom) def getElementText(self, node): text = "" if node.text: text += node.text for child in node: if child.tag == text_prefix + "span": style_name = child.attrib[text_prefix + "style-name"] style = self.styles.get(style_name, None) if style_name == "rststyle-strong": text += "**%s**" % child.text.strip() elif style_name == "rststyle-emphasis": text += "*%s*" % child.text.strip() elif style.isBold(): # TODO: we should check the attributes of the # rststyle-strong and rststyle-emphasis styles. text += "**%s**" % child.text.strip() elif style.isItalic(): # TODO: we should check the attributes of the # rststyle-strong and rststyle-emphasis styles. text += "*%s*" % child.text.strip() elif style_name in ["rststyle-inlineliteral"]: text += "``%s``" % child.text.strip() else: if child.text is not None: text += child.text elif child.tag == drawing_prefix + "frame": if child[0].tag == drawing_prefix + "image": image = child[0] path = image.attrib[xlink_prefix + "href"] if path in self.picture_dict: path = self.picture_dict[path] path = path.replace('\\', '/') folder, name = os.path.split(path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) text += "|%s|" % name self.inline_images[path] = name elif child.tag == text_prefix + "p": text += self.getElementText(child) # per ODF spec 1.2 section 6.1.3 this is just an # equivalent of [UNICODE] character (U+0020, SPACE) for # situation when multiple spaces are required elif child.tag == text_prefix + "s": text += ' ' # per ODF spec 1.2 section 6.1.5 represents a hard line # break. # FIXME not sure, what to do with it now. elif child.tag == text_prefix + "line-break": pass # per ODF spec 1.2 section 5.6 this is a soft page break # within or between paragraph elements or as a child element # of a element it represents a soft page break # between two table rows. It may appear in front of # a element. # Per ODF spec 1.2 section marks a text position. # For purposes of rST we just skip it elif child.tag in [text_prefix + "soft-page-break", text_prefix + 'bookmark']: pass elif child.tag == text_prefix + "note": text += self.getElementText(child) elif child.tag == text_prefix + "note-citation": self._last_note_citation = self.getElementText(child) text += " [%s]_" % self._last_note_citation elif child.tag == text_prefix + "note-body": text_part = self.getElementText(child) text_out = "\n\n.. [%s] " % self._last_note_citation text_out += text_part self.notes.append(text_out) elif child.tag == text_prefix + "a": text_part = self.getElementText(child) logging.debug("child text = %s", text_part) href_URL = child.get(xlink_prefix + 'href', '') if text_part.find('') != -1: text_ref = '`%s`' % text_part else: text_ref = text_part text += ' ' + text_ref + '_' text_out = '\n\n.. _%s: %s' % (text_ref, href_URL) self.notes.append(text_out) else: print('Unknown tag: "%s" in text.' % child.tag) if child.tail: text += child.tail text = text.replace("\n", " ") return text def transformTableNode(self, table_node): table = Table() for child in table_node: header = False row_node = child if child.tag == table_prefix + "table-header-rows": header = True row_node = child[0] if row_node.tag != table_prefix + "table-row": continue row = TableRow() row.header = header table.rows.append(row) for cell_node in row_node: cell = TableCell() if cell_node.tag != table_prefix + "table-cell": continue row.cells.append(cell) cell.h_span = int(cell_node.attrib.get( table_prefix + "number-columns-spanned", 1)) cell.v_span = int(cell_node.attrib.get( table_prefix + "number-rows-spanned", 1)) cell.text = self.getElementText(cell_node) cell.text = escapeCellText(cell.text) self.writeTable(table) def transformNode(self, node): for child in node: if child.tag == text_prefix + "p": if not self.lists: self.last_levels = [] style = child.attrib[text_prefix + "style-name"] frame = child.find(drawing_prefix + "frame") comment = child.find(office_prefix + "annotation") if style == "rststyle-title": self.writeTitle(child.text, 0) elif style == "rststyle-admon-note-hdr": self.writeNoteHeader() elif style == "rststyle-admon-note-body": self.appendToNote(self.getElementText(child)) elif style == "rststyle-admon-warning-hdr": self.writeWarningHeader() elif style == "rststyle-admon-warning-body": self.appendToWarning(self.getElementText(child)) elif style == "Preformatted_20_Text": self.writeCodeBlock(self.getElementText(child)) elif style == "rststyle-blockindent": self.writeDefinitionBody(self.getElementText(child)) elif style == "rststyle-codeblock": self.writeCodeBlock(getCodeText(child)) elif frame and \ frame.attrib[text_prefix + "anchor-type"] \ == "paragraph": if frame[0].tag == drawing_prefix + "image": image = frame[0] path = image.attrib[xlink_prefix + "href"] self.writeImage(path) elif frame[0].tag == drawing_prefix + "text-box": try: text_box = frame[0] paragraph = text_box[0] frame = paragraph[0] image = frame[0] path = image.attrib[xlink_prefix + "href"] legend = frame.tail self.writeFigure(path, legend) except: print("fail to convert the figure") elif comment is not None: try: text = getRawText(comment) self.writeComment(text) except: print("fail to find the comment") else: self.writeParagraph(self.getElementText(child)) elif child.tag == text_prefix + "h": level = int(child.attrib[text_prefix + "outline-level"]) self.writeTitle(self.getElementText(child), level) elif child.tag == text_prefix + "section": self.transformNode(child) elif child.tag == text_prefix + "list": style_name = child.attrib.get(text_prefix + "style-name", "") if style_name == "Outline": item = child[0] while item._children: if item[0].tag == text_prefix + "h": self.transformNode(item) break item = item[0] else: list_info = ListInfo() list_info.style_name = style_name list_info.levels = list(self.last_levels) self.lists.append(list_info) self.transformNode(child) self.last_levels = self.lists[-1].levels self.lists.pop() elif child.tag == text_prefix + "list-item": paragraph = child.find(text_prefix + "p") style = None if paragraph is not None: style_name = paragraph.attrib.get( text_prefix + "style-name", "") style = self.styles.get(style_name, None) identation = 0 if style: identation = style.margin_left if not self.lists[-1].levels or \ self.getLastListLevel().identation < identation: list_level_info = ListLevelInfo() list_level_style = None list_info = self.lists[-1] list_style = self.list_styles.get( list_info.style_name, None) if list_style: list_level_style = list_style.levels[ len(self.lists[-1].levels)] elif list_info.style_name == "": print('Empty list style. ' + 'This probably mean uncorrect rst list near:"%s"' % self.getElementText(child)[:20]) else: print('Unknown list style: "%s"' % list_info.style_name) # Child list will be of the same kind of the parent list. if self.lists[-1].style_name in \ ["rststyle-bulletitem", "rststyle-blockquote-bulletitem"]: list_level_info.current_index = 0 elif self.lists[-1].style_name in \ ["rststyle-enumitem", "rststyle-blockquote-bulletitem"]: list_level_info.current_index = -1 elif list_level_style and \ list_level_style.num_format != "": list_level_info.num_format = \ list_level_style.num_format list_level_info.current_index = 0 else: list_level_info.current_index = -1 self.lists[-1].levels.append(list_level_info) # separator = "" # if DEBUG_FLAG: # separator += "prelist" # separator += "\n" # self.write(separator) else: while self.lists[-1].levels and \ self.getLastListLevel().identation > identation: self.lists[-1].levels.pop() list_level_info = self.lists[-1].levels[-1] list_level_info.identation = identation # Make sure the first paragraph get its bullet mark. list_level_info.is_bullet_inserted = False # Update the item index of the item: if list_level_info.current_index >= 0: list_level_info.current_index += 1 self.transformNode(child) elif child.tag == table_prefix + "table": self.transformTableNode(child) def transform(self, content_path, styles_path, picture_dict, options): self.picture_dict = picture_dict self.options = options styles = {} list_styles = {} if os.path.isfile(styles_path): parser = xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLTreeBuilder() doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(styles_path, parser) root = doc.getroot() styles.update(extractStylesFromRoot(root)) list_styles.update(extractListStylesFromRoot(root)) parser = xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLTreeBuilder() doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(content_path, parser) root = doc.getroot() styles.update(extractStylesFromRoot(root)) list_styles.update(extractListStylesFromRoot(root)) self.styles = styles self.list_styles = list_styles # f = open("styles.tsn", "w") # for style in styles: # f.write(str(styles[style])) # f.close() body = root.find(office_prefix + "body") text = body.find(office_prefix + "text") self.open() self.transformNode(text) self.close() def odt2rst(input_path, output_path, options): odt_pictures_hashes = unpackOdt(input_path, options.temp_folder) picture_dict = synchronizeImagesFolders(options.temp_folder, output_path, options.images_relative_folder, odt_pictures_hashes) content_path = os.path.join(options.temp_folder, "content.xml") styles_path = os.path.join(options.temp_folder, "styles.xml") rst_document = RstDocument(output_path) rst_document.transform(content_path, styles_path, picture_dict, options) if options.clean: cleanPack(options.temp_folder) def version(): print("1.0") def help(): print("odt2rst.py [--images images-folder] [--temp temp-folder] " + "[--wrap-width width] odtfile [rstfile]") def main(): opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["version", "help", "do-not-clean", "images=", "temp=", "wrap-width="]) options = Options() for o, v in opts: if o in ["-v", "--version"]: version() return if o in ["-h", "--help"]: help() return if o in ["--images"]: #images_relative_folder = v options.images_relative_folder = v if o in ["--temp"]: #temp_folder = v options.temp_folder = v if o in ["--wrap-width"]: options.wrap_width = int(v) if o in ["--do-not-clean"]: #clean = False options.clean = False input_file = "" if len(args) >= 1: input_file = args[0] if input_file == "": help() return name, ext = os.path.splitext(input_file) output_file = name + ".rst" if len(args) >= 2: output_file = args[1] # print "input", input_file # print "output:", output_file # print "temp:", temp_folder # print "images:", images_relative_folder odt2rst(input_file, output_file, options) if __name__ == "__main__": main()