#!/bin/bash export TEXTDOMAIN="lliurex-jclic-biblioteca-installer" M_MSG_BAJAR=$(gettext "Murcia Library will now be downloaded. Aprox. size 1,3GB") R_MSG_BAJAR=$(gettext "Ratoli Library will now be downloaded. Aprox. size 2GB") E_MSG_BAJAR=$(gettext "Elteumestre Library will now be downloaded. Aprox. size 3GB") MSG_NO_INTERNET=$(gettext "No Internet Connection has been detected. Please, check it") elhost=$(n4d-vars getvalues HOSTNAME | cut -d"'" -f2) eldominio=$(n4d-vars getvalues INTERNAL_DOMAIN | cut -d"'" -f2) elaula=$elhost"."$eldominio #Comprobar conexión a internet e instalar rc=0 host www.lliurex.net || rc=1 if [ $rc -eq 0 ] then zenity --info --text="$M_MSG_BAJAR" IMAGENES="http://www.lliurex.net/recursos/Murcia_0809.tar.gz" rc=0 host $elaula || rc=1 if [ $rc -eq 0 ] then export http_proxy="proxy:3128" firefox $IMAGENES else firefox $IMAGENES fi else zenity --error --text="$MSG_NO_INTERNET" fi exit 0