#!/bin/sh export TEXTDOMAIN="lliurex-jclic-shared" L1=$(gettext "LliureX JClic shared, is a little app to manage shared JClic's libraries and\n") L2=$(gettext "activities into the classroom.\n\n") L3=$(gettext "To share these, the only thing you must do is paste the libraries and\n") L4=$(gettext "activities you want, into the folder that will be shown after this message.\n\n") L5=$(gettext "This folder contains all jclic and libraries shared at classroom server, to\n") L6=$(gettext "share another Jclic library or activity, please paste it on this folder\n") L7=$(gettext "(create a separate folder for each library is a good idea).\n\n") L8=$(gettext "All shared activities and libraries are under:\n") L9=$(gettext "/net/server-sync/share/jclic-shared folder at\n") L10=$(gettext "Places->Computer->File system.\n\n") L11=$(gettext "To use it you can find it at http://server/ on firefox (JClic activities).\n\n") L12=$(gettext "Enjoy it.") MSG_INFO=$L1$L2$L3$L4$L5$L6$L7$L8$L9$L10$L11$L12 PATH_TO_JCLIC="/net/server-sync/share/jclic-aula/" [ -d "$PATH_TO_JCLIC" ] || exit 1 zenity --info --text="$MSG_INFO" --no-wrap nautilus "$PATH_TO_JCLIC" exit 0