== GNOME APPS SEED == == GNOME APPS L10N == == GNOME APPS L10N == * language-selector-gnome * (libreoffice-help-en-us) * (wamerican) * (firefox-locale-ca) == GNOME APPS LOGIN == == GNOME APPS LOGIN == * (xdg-utils) * xdg-user-dirs * xdg-user-dirs-gtk == GNOME SOFTWARE INSTALLATION == == GNOME APPS INSTALL TOOLS == * gnome-app-install * software-center * software-properties-gtk * synaptic * gdebi * update-manager * update-notifier * lliurex-apt == GNOME APPS BASE == == GNOME APPS BASE == == PURE GNOME == * gnome-session * gnome-session-flashback * gnome-session-common * seahorse * (libpam-gnome-keyring) * gnome-system-monitor * gnome-power-manager * gnome-system-log * ssh-askpass-gnome * zenity == AMUSEMENT == * gnome-applets == PANEL, TOOLS AND MORE == * indicator-applet-complete * indicator-application * indicator-appmenu * indicator-datetime * indicator-messages * indicator-power * indicator-printers * indicator-session * indicator-sound * indicator-status-provider-mc5 * notify-osd * lliurex-do == GCONF AND BEYOND == * dconf-editor == TERMINAL == * gnome-terminal == GNOME APPS NAUTILUS == == NAUTILUS AND MORE == * nautilus == nautilus-sendto == nautilus-gksu == nautilus-wallpaper == nautilus-script-audio-convert * (nautilus-image-converter) * (nautilus-open-terminal) * (lliurex-nautilus-execute-script) * (nautilus-share) * file-roller * (lliurex-autorun) * (nautilus-image-manipulator) * (nautilus-script-audio-convert) * (nautilus-wallpaper) == MENU ORDER == == GNOME APPS ACCESSORIES == == GNOME APPS ACCESSORIES MENU == * gcalctool == POR AHORA NO == * (tomboy) [i386 powerpc amd64 ia64 sparc] * gucharmap * gnome-terminal * gedit * (gedit-plugins) * (gnome-bluetooth) * scite * gnome-screenshot * (gnome-screensaver) == GNOME APPS ACCESIBILITY == == GDESKTOP ACCESIBILITY SEED == * (gnome-accessibility-themes-extras) * (gnome-accessibility-themes) * (onboard) == GNOME APPS GRAPHICS == == GNOME APPS GRAPHICS == == GRAPHICS == * (simple-scan) * (gimp) * (gimp-plugin-registry) * (shotwell) [i386 powerpc amd64 ia64 sparc] * (jockey-gtk) # enable non-free graphics and other drivers easily == dcraw == * eog * (mypaint) == GNOME APPS INTERNET == == GNOME APPS INTERNET == * (firefox) * (adobe-flashplugin) * (firefox-gnome-support) * (firefox-locale-es) * (firefox-search-engines-qcv) * (lliurex-firefox-settings) * (lliurex-certificates) * (vinagre) * (vino) * (gwget) * (filezilla) == INFINOTED == * (gobby-infinote) * (gobby-0.5) * (infinoted-0.4) ==== * (zero-infinoted) # == P2P APPS SEED == * (transmission-gtk) # == AMUSEMENT AND SOCIAL NETWORKS == # == GNOME APPS NETWORK SOCIAL == * (pidgin) * (pidgin-data) * (pidgin-libnotify) * (pidgin-themes) * (polly) # DEADSEED FOR PEOPLE == GNOME APPS GAMES (AMUSEMENT) == == GNOME APPS AMUSEMENT (GAMES)== # == AMUSEMENT == * (gnome-games) [!ia64] * (gnome-applets) == (gnome-mahjongg) == (gnomine) == (gnome-sudoku) == (quadrapassel) * (gbrainy) == GNOME APPS OFFICE == == GNOME APPS OFFICE MENU == == OPENOFFICE SUITE == == L10N OPENOFFICE SEED == = ooo langpacks = * libreoffice-l10n-qcv * libreoffice-l10n-es * libreoffice-l10n-ca = ooo thesaurus and hyphenation = * libreoffice-thesaurus-qcv * libreoffice-hyphenation * libreoffice-hypen-qcv = ooo help = * libreoffice-help-qcv * libreoffice-help-es * libreoffice-hyphenation-en-us == Translations for Openoffice == * (language-support-translations-qcv) * (language-support-translations-es) == OPENOFFICE PLUGINS SEED == * libreoffice-pdfimport * libreoffice-presentation-minimizer * libreoffice-presenter-console * libreoffice-wiki-publisher * libreoffice-ogltrans * libreoffice * libreoffice-base * libreoffice-base-core * libreoffice-gtk * libreoffice-gnome * libreoffice-style-human [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] # before OOo to avoid openoffice.org-style-default * libreoffice-writer [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-calc [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-impress [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-math [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-help-es [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * gnome-font-viewer == OTHERS == == DOCUMENT VIEWERS == * evince == (acroread) REMOVED == GNOME APPS MULTIMEDIA == == GNOME APPS MULTIMEDIA == * (brasero) * (cdrdao) * (icedax) * sound-juicer * (rhythmbox) * (gnome-codec-install) * (totem) * (totem-plugins-extra) * (libavcodec-extra-53) * (gstreamer0.10-plugins-good) * (gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad) * (gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly) * (gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg) * (totem-plugins-dvb-daemon) * (cheese) * (audacity) # * (openshot) * (blender) # == GNOME APPS WINE == == WINE SEED == == * wine1.6-amd64 [amd64] ==# * wine == * wine1.6 == REMOVED BY MENTAL SANITY : wine1.4-amd64 [amd64] == GNOME APPS ADMIN == == GNOME APPS ADMIN == * consolekit * desktop-file-utils * gnome-control-center * system-config-printer-gnome * hwtest-gtk * alacarte * gnome-nettool * gnome-system-monitor * gnome-power-manager * policykit-desktop-privileges * gparted * (grub-customizer) * (usb-creator-gtk) * usb-creator * (gnome-disk-utility) * (computer-janitor-gtk) # == SEED FOR NETWORK MANAGER == * (network-manager-gnome) * (network-manager) * (network-manager-pptp) * (network-manager-pptp-gnome) * (libproxy1-plugin-gsettings) * (libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager) # * (pysdm) == GNOME APPS HELP == == GNOME APPS HELP == * doc-base * (ubuntu-docs) * gnome-about * yelp * (gnome-user-guide) == LAUNCHPAD == * launchpad-integration * lliurex-report-bug * (apport-gtk) == GNOME APPS NON SERVER == # == NON SERVER APPS == #