== GNOME APPS OFFICE MENU == == OPENOFFICE SUITE == == L10N OPENOFFICE SEED == = ooo langpacks = * libreoffice-l10n-qcv * libreoffice-l10n-es * libreoffice-l10n-ca = ooo thesaurus and hyphenation = * libreoffice-thesaurus-qcv * libreoffice-hyphenation * libreoffice-hypen-qcv = ooo help = * libreoffice-help-qcv * libreoffice-help-es * libreoffice-hyphenation-en-us == Translations for Openoffice == * (language-support-translations-qcv) * (language-support-translations-es) == OPENOFFICE PLUGINS SEED == * libreoffice-pdfimport * libreoffice-presentation-minimizer * libreoffice-presenter-console * libreoffice-wiki-publisher * libreoffice-ogltrans * libreoffice * libreoffice-base * libreoffice-base-core * libreoffice-gtk * libreoffice-gnome * libreoffice-style-human [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] # before OOo to avoid openoffice.org-style-default * libreoffice-writer [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-calc [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-impress [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-math [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * libreoffice-help-es [i386 amd64 powerpc armel] * gnome-font-viewer == OTHERS == == DOCUMENT VIEWERS == * evince == (acroread) REMOVED