LmdServer ========= Version 2 of lliurex-ltsp-server, integrated in the LMD Project (LliureX LTSP 2.0), for thin cient creation and management. class LmdTemplateManager ------------------------ ### Description Manages template files to create LTSP Fat-thin client images. ### N4d Methods * *_getTemplateList():_* anonymous Reads the file list of templates from /etc/ltsp/templates and returna a JSON List. * *_getTemplate(template):_* anonymous Reads the file template from /etc/ltsp/templates and returna a JSON string with the config options * *setTemplate(template, config):* teachers, admins Writes in /etc/ltsp/templates the config file "template" with the "config" (JSON format) content. class LmdImageManager ------------------------ ### Description Manages client images (.img files) metadata. This data will be stored in server, under /etc/ltsp/images. The image metadata data will be: * *id:* Image id * *name:* Image name * *desc:* Image descripion * *img:* image .png file * *template:* template file which is the image based in Other fields such as: img file, chroot, date of last modification, SO version, error codes, etc. will be calculated automatically. ### N4d Methods * *_getImageList():_* anonymous Reads the file list of images from /etc/ltsp/images and returna a JSON List. * *_getImage(image):_* anonymous Reads the file image from /etc/ltsp/images and returna a JSON string with the image metadata * *_setTemplate(template, {config})_:* teachers, admins Writes in /etc/ltsp/images the config file "template" with the "config" (JSON/Parameter list) content. * *_checkTemplateExists (template) _:* anonymous Checks if *template* exists in /etc/ltsp/image and returns true (exists) or false (not exists).