import json import os import crypt class LmdBootManager: def __init__(self): self.imagepath="/etc/ltsp/bootopts/" pass #def __init__ def getNetinstall(self): ''' Reads file /etc/ltsp/bootopts/netinstall and returns true or false ''' # 1. /opt/ltsp/name-chroot # 2. /opt/ltsp/images/name-chroot.img # 3. /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/name-chroot # if 1,2 and 3 exist -> show # if 1 but not exist 2 or/and 3 -> show with error # json_data=open(self.imagepath+"netinstall.json") data = json.load(json_data) json_data.close() if(data["netinstall_boot"].lower()=="true"): netinstall=True; else: netinstall=False; if(data["netinstall_unattended"].lower()=="true"): unattended=True; else: unattended=False; return {"netinstall":netinstall, "unattended":unattended} return json.dumps(imagelist) # END def GetListImages(self) def setNetinstall(self, status, unattended): ''' sets option for netinstall int bootopt.json (status and unattended install) ''' try: mirror_var="/var/lib/n4d/variables-dir/LLIUREXMIRROR" if os.path.isfile(mirror_var): if (status.lower()=="true" or status.lower()=="false"): path_to_write = os.path.join(self.imagepath,"netinstall.json") f = open(path_to_write,'w') data='{"netinstall_boot":"'+str(status)+'", "netinstall_unattended":"'+str(unattended)+'"}' f.writelines(data) f.close() # Removing user and password from preseed self.setNetinstallUnattended(status, "", "", "") return {"status":"true", "msg":"all ok"} else: return {"status":"false", "msg":"option not valid"} else: return {"status":"false", "msg":"mirror is not available"} #return data; except Exception as e: return str(e); # END def getListTemplate(self, image) def setNetinstallUnattended(self, status, username, password, rootpassword): ''' Writing in presseed username and password ''' try: filedir="/var/www/preseed" filepath="/var/www/preseed/unattended.cfg" filepartman="/var/www/preseed/partman_sda.cfg" if not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) preseed=open(filepath,'w') preseed.write("# LMD Created user account\n") salt="sw9.tfRI" userpassencrypted=crypt.crypt(str(password),"$1$"+salt+"$") rootpassencrypted=crypt.crypt(str(rootpassword),"$1$"+salt+"$") if(status==True): # Saving file userfullline="d-i passwd/user-fullname string "+str(username)+"\n"; userline="d-i passwd/username string "+str(username)+"\n"; passline="d-i passwd/user-password-crypted password "+str(userpassencrypted)+"\n" if (len(rootpassword) > 0): rootpassline = "d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password "+str(rootpassencrypted) + "\n" else: rootpassline = "# d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password "+str(rootpassencrypted) + "\n" # Partition preseed try: partman = open(filepartman,'r') preseed.writelines(partman.readlines()) preseed.write("\n") partman.close() except Exception as e: return str(e) else: userfullline="#d-i passwd/user-fullname string \n" userline="#d-i passwd/username string \n" passline="# d-i passwd/user-password-crypted password \n" rootpassline = "# d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password \n" preseed.write("# Normal user name\n") preseed.write(userfullline) preseed.write(userline) preseed.write("# Normal user's password, either in clear text\n") preseed.write("#d-i passwd/user-password password insecure\n") preseed.write("# Normal user's password encrypted using an MD5 hash.\n") preseed.write(passline) preseed.write(rootpassline) # Allow weak passwords preseed.write("d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true\n") preseed.close() except Exception as e: return str(e) # END def getListTemplate(self, image) ''' Methods to work with lts.conf file ''' ''' def getTemplate(self, template): '' ' Reads the file template from /etc/ltsp/templates Returna a JSON string with the config options '' ' try: config = StringIO.StringIO() config.write('[meta_inf]\n') config.write('name="'+template+'"\n') config.write('[default]\n') config.write(open(str(self.templatepath)+"/"+str(template)).read()), os.SEEK_SET) cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cp.readfp(config) aux = cp._sections for x in aux.keys(): for y in aux[x]: if aux[x][y][0] == '"' and aux[x][y][-1] == '"': aux[x][y] = aux[x][y][1:-1] return json.dumps(aux) #return json.dumps(cp.items('default')); except Exception as e: return "Exception: "+str(e) # END def getListTemplate(self, template) ''' def getLtsConf(self): # Reads $tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf and returns it in json format try: conf_file="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf" cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cp.optionxform=str aux = cp._sections print "**",aux,"$$$" for x in aux.keys(): for y in aux[x]: if aux[x][y][0] == '"' and aux[x][y][-1] == '"': aux[x][y] = aux[x][y][1:-1] print "@@",aux,"##" return json.dumps(aux) pass #return json.dumps(cp.items('default')); except Exception as e: return "Exception: "+str(e) # END def getListTemplate(self, template) pass def mergeLtsConf(self): # Creates lts.conf file merging lts.default.conf and lts.clients.conf conf_file="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf" default_file="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.default.conf" clients_file="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.clients.conf" filenames = [default_file, clients_file] with open(conf_file, 'w') as outfile: for fname in filenames: with open(fname) as infile: for line in infile: outfile.write(line) return true; def setLtsClientsConf(self): # Writes json config in $tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf try: conf_file="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.clients.conf" clientpath="/etc/ltsp/bootopts/clients/" cfgfile = open(conf_file,'w') # Autologin by mac... try: for i in os.listdir(clientpath): if '.json' in i: json_data=open(os.path.join(clientpath,i)) data = json.load(json_data) json_data.close() cfgfile.write("["+data["mac"]+"]\n"); if (data["user"]!="" and data["pass"]!=""): cfgfile.write("LDM_AUTOLOGIN = True\n"); cfgfile.write("LDM_USERNAME = "+data["user"]+"\n"); cfgfile.write("LDM_PASSWORD = "+data["pass"]+"\n"); cfgfile.write(data["extra"]+"\n\n"); except Exception as e: print "[LMDBootManager] Exception "+str(e) cfgfile.close() # Finally merge both conf files: self.mergeLtsConf(); except Exception as e: return "Exception: "+str(e) pass def setLtsConf(self, config): # Writes json config in $tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf try: conf_file="/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.default.conf" cfgfile = open(conf_file,'w') #cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf=json.loads(config) for (section) in conf: cfgfile.write("["+section+"]\n"); for i in conf[section]: if i.lower()=="__name__": pass else: if (conf[section][i]).find(' ')!=-1: # ound spaces, adding " cfgfile.write("{0}=\"{1}\"\n".format(i, (conf[section][i]))) else: cfgfile.write("{0}={1}\n".format(i, (conf[section][i]))) cfgfile.close() # Finally merge both conf files: self.mergeLtsConf(); except Exception as e: return "Exception: "+str(e) def getBootOpts(self): ''' Reads file /etc/ltsp/bootopts/netinstall and returns true or false ''' # 1. /opt/ltsp/name-chroot # 2. /opt/ltsp/images/name-chroot.img # 3. /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/name-chroot # if 1,2 and 3 exist -> show # if 1 but not exist 2 or/and 3 -> show with error # json_data=open(self.imagepath+"netinstall.json") data = json.load(json_data) json_data.close() if(data["netinstall_boot"].lower()=="true"): return True else: return False return json.dumps(imagelist) # END def GetListImages(self) def setBootOpts(self, status): ''' sets option for netinstall int bootopt.json ''' try: mirror_var="/var/lib/n4d/variables-dir/LLIUREXMIRROR" if os.path.isfile(mirror_var): if (status.lower()=="true" or status.lower()=="false"): path_to_write = os.path.join(self.imagepath,"netinstall.json") f = open(path_to_write,'w') data='{"netinstall_boot":"'+str(status)+'"}' f.writelines(data) f.close() return {"status":"true", "msg":"all ok"} else: return {"status":"false", "msg":"option not valid"} else: return {"status":"false", "msg":"mirror is not available"} #return data; except Exception as e: return str(e); def ReadNBDSwapSize(self): nbd_swap_file="/etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf" f1 = open(nbd_swap_file,'r') data=f1.readlines() size=data[0][5:]; f1.close() return size def SaveNBDSwapSize(self, swap_size): ''' Saves properly options to set swap size ''' try: # Saving nbdswapd.conf nbd_swap_file="/etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf" f1 = open(nbd_swap_file,'w') data='SIZE='+str(swap_size)+'\n'; f1.writelines(data) f1.close() # Saving swap.conf swap_conf_file="/etc/nbd-server/conf.d/swap.conf" f2 = open(swap_conf_file,'w') f2.writelines("[swap]\n") f2.writelines("exportname = /tmp/nbd-swap/%s\n") f2.writelines("prerun = nbdswapd %s\n") f2.writelines("postrun = rm -f %s\n") f2.writelines("authfile = /etc/ltsp/nbd-server.allow\n") f2.close() # Checking /etc/hosts.allow needs_nbdswap_line=True if os.path.isfile("/etc/hosts.allow"): # if file exists, read it f3=open("/etc/hosts.allow", 'r') for line in f3.readlines(): print line if (line=="nbdswapd: ALL: keepalive\n"): needs_nbdswap_line=False f3.close(); # If file does not exists or has no line for nbdwap, write it if (needs_nbdswap_line): f4=open("/etc/hosts.allow", 'a') f4.writelines("nbdswapd: ALL: keepalive\n") f4.close() return {"status":True, "msg":"finished"} except Exception as e: print "exc,"+str(e) return {"status":False, "msg":str(e)} def getDefaultBootImage(self): try: if os.path.exists(self.imagepath+"defaultboot.json"): json_data=open(self.imagepath+"defaultboot.json") data = json.load(json_data) json_data.close() return data else: return {"default_boot":""} except Exception as e: return {"default_boot":""} def setDefaultBootImage(self, image): try: path_to_write = os.path.join(self.imagepath,"defaultboot.json") f = open(path_to_write,'w') data='{"default_boot":"'+str(image)+'"}' f.writelines(data) f.close() return {"status":"true", "msg":"all ok"} except Exception as e: return {"status":False, "msg":str(e)} def getMenuTimeout(self): try: if os.path.exists(self.imagepath+"menutimeout.json"): json_data=open(self.imagepath+"menutimeout.json") data = json.load(json_data) json_data.close() return data else: return {"timeout":""} except Exception as e: return {"timeout":""} def setMenuTimeout(self, time): try: path_to_write = os.path.join(self.imagepath,"menutimeout.json") f = open(path_to_write,'w') data='{"timeout":"'+str(time)+'"}' f.writelines(data) f.close() return {"status":"true", "msg":"all ok"} except Exception as e: return {"status":False, "msg":str(e)}