. /** * This script serves files from dataroot/codecoverage * * Syntax: coveragefile.php/path/to/file/file.html * coveragefile.php?file=path/to/file/file.html * * @package tool * @subpackage unittest * @copyright 2003 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // disable moodle specific debug messages and any errors in output define('NO_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php'); // basic security, require login + require site config cap require_login(); require_capability('tool/unittest:execute', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); // get file requested $relativepath = get_file_argument(); // basic check, start by slash if (!$relativepath) { print_error('invalidargorconf'); } else if ($relativepath{0} != '/') { print_error('pathdoesnotstartslash'); } // determine which disk file is going to be served // and how it's going to be named $filepath = $CFG->dataroot . '/codecoverage' . $relativepath; $filename = basename($filepath); // extract relative path components $args = explode('/', ltrim($relativepath, '/')); // only serve from some controlled subdirs $alloweddirs = array('dbtest', 'unittest'); if (!isset($args[0]) || !in_array($args[0], $alloweddirs)) { print_error('invalidarguments'); } // only serve some controlled extensions $allowedextensions = array('text/html', 'text/css', 'image/gif', 'application/x-javascript'); if (!in_array(mimeinfo('type', $filepath), $allowedextensions)) { print_error('invalidarguments'); } // arrived here, send the file session_get_instance()->write_close(); // unlock session during fileserving send_file($filepath, $filename, 0, false);