. /** * Strings for component 'auth_fc', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package auth_fc * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['auth_fcconnfail'] = 'Connection failed with Errno: {$a->no} and Error String: {$a->str}'; $string['auth_fccreators'] = 'List of groups whose members are allowed to create new courses. Separate multiple groups with \';\'. Names must be spelled exactly as on FirstClass server. System is case-sensitive.'; $string['auth_fccreators_key'] = 'Creators'; $string['auth_fcdescription'] = 'This method uses a FirstClass server to check whether a given username and password is valid.'; $string['auth_fcfppport'] = 'Server port (3333 is the most common)'; $string['auth_fcfppport_key'] = 'Port'; $string['auth_fcchangepasswordurl'] = 'Password-change URL'; $string['auth_fcpasswd'] = 'Password for the account above.'; $string['auth_fcpasswd_key'] = 'Password'; $string['auth_fcuserid'] = 'Userid for FirstClass account with privilege \'Subadministrator\' set.'; $string['auth_fcuserid_key'] = 'User ID'; $string['auth_fchost'] = 'The FirstClass server address. Use the IP number or DNS name.'; $string['auth_fchost_key'] = 'Host'; $string['pluginname'] = 'FirstClass server';