. /** * Utility helper for automated backups run through cron. * * @package core * @subpackage backup * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * This class is an abstract class with methods that can be called to aid the * running of automated backups over cron. */ abstract class backup_cron_automated_helper { /** automated backups are active and ready to run */ const STATE_OK = 0; /** automated backups are disabled and will not be run */ const STATE_DISABLED = 1; /** automated backups are all ready running! */ const STATE_RUNNING = 2; /** Course automated backup completed successfully */ const BACKUP_STATUS_OK = 1; /** Course automated backup errored */ const BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR = 0; /** Course automated backup never finished */ const BACKUP_STATUS_UNFINISHED = 2; /** Course automated backup was skipped */ const BACKUP_STATUS_SKIPPED = 3; /** Course automated backup had warnings */ const BACKUP_STATUS_WARNING = 4; /** Run if required by the schedule set in config. Default. **/ const RUN_ON_SCHEDULE = 0; /** Run immediately. **/ const RUN_IMMEDIATELY = 1; const AUTO_BACKUP_DISABLED = 0; const AUTO_BACKUP_ENABLED = 1; const AUTO_BACKUP_MANUAL = 2; /** * Runs the automated backups if required * * @global moodle_database $DB */ public static function run_automated_backup($rundirective = self::RUN_ON_SCHEDULE) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; $emailpending = false; $now = time(); mtrace("Checking automated backup status",'...'); $state = backup_cron_automated_helper::get_automated_backup_state($rundirective); if ($state === backup_cron_automated_helper::STATE_DISABLED) { mtrace('INACTIVE'); return $state; } else if ($state === backup_cron_automated_helper::STATE_RUNNING) { mtrace('RUNNING'); if ($rundirective == self::RUN_IMMEDIATELY) { mtrace('Automated backups are already running. If this script is being run by cron this constitues an error. You will need to increase the time between executions within cron.'); } else { mtrace("automated backup are already running. Execution delayed"); } return $state; } else { mtrace('OK'); } backup_cron_automated_helper::set_state_running(); mtrace("Getting admin info"); $admin = get_admin(); if (!$admin) { mtrace("Error: No admin account was found"); $state = false; } if ($status) { mtrace("Checking courses"); mtrace("Skipping deleted courses", '...'); mtrace(sprintf("%d courses", backup_cron_automated_helper::remove_deleted_courses_from_schedule())); } if ($status) { mtrace('Running required automated backups...'); // This could take a while! @set_time_limit(0); raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_EXTRA); $nextstarttime = backup_cron_automated_helper::calculate_next_automated_backup($admin->timezone, $now); $showtime = "undefined"; if ($nextstarttime > 0) { $showtime = date('r', $nextstarttime); } $rs = $DB->get_recordset('course'); foreach ($rs as $course) { $backupcourse = $DB->get_record('backup_courses', array('courseid'=>$course->id)); if (!$backupcourse) { $backupcourse = new stdClass; $backupcourse->courseid = $course->id; $DB->insert_record('backup_courses',$backupcourse); $backupcourse = $DB->get_record('backup_courses', array('courseid'=>$course->id)); } // Skip courses that do not yet need backup $skipped = !(($backupcourse->nextstarttime > 0 && $backupcourse->nextstarttime < $now) || $rundirective == self::RUN_IMMEDIATELY); if ($skipped && $backupcourse->nextstarttime != $nextstarttime) { $backupcourse->nextstarttime = $nextstarttime; $backupcourse->laststatus = backup_cron_automated_helper::BACKUP_STATUS_SKIPPED; $DB->update_record('backup_courses', $backupcourse); mtrace('Backup of \'' . $course->fullname . '\' is scheduled on ' . $showtime); } // Skip backup of unavailable courses that have remained unmodified in a month if (!$skipped && empty($course->visible) && ($now - $course->timemodified) > 31*24*60*60) { //Hidden + settings were unmodified last month //Check log if there were any modifications to the course content $sqlwhere = "course=:courseid AND time>:time AND ". $DB->sql_like('action', ':action', false, true, true); $params = array('courseid' => $course->id, 'time' => $now-31*24*60*60, 'action' => '%view%'); $logexists = $DB->record_exists_select('log', $sqlwhere, $params); if (!$logexists) { $backupcourse->laststatus = self::BACKUP_STATUS_SKIPPED; $backupcourse->nextstarttime = $nextstarttime; $DB->update_record('backup_courses', $backupcourse); mtrace('Skipping unchanged course '.$course->fullname); $skipped = true; } } //Now we backup every non-skipped course if (!$skipped) { mtrace('Backing up '.$course->fullname.'...'); //We have to send a email because we have included at least one backup $emailpending = true; //Only make the backup if laststatus isn't 2-UNFINISHED (uncontrolled error) if ($backupcourse->laststatus != 2) { //Set laststarttime $starttime = time(); $backupcourse->laststarttime = time(); $backupcourse->laststatus = self::BACKUP_STATUS_UNFINISHED; $DB->update_record('backup_courses', $backupcourse); $backupcourse->laststatus = backup_cron_automated_helper::launch_automated_backup($course, $backupcourse->laststarttime, $admin->id); $backupcourse->lastendtime = time(); $backupcourse->nextstarttime = $nextstarttime; $DB->update_record('backup_courses', $backupcourse); if ($backupcourse->laststatus === self::BACKUP_STATUS_OK) { // Clean up any excess course backups now that we have // taken a successful backup. $removedcount = backup_cron_automated_helper::remove_excess_backups($course); } } mtrace("complete - next execution: $showtime"); } } $rs->close(); } //Send email to admin if necessary if ($emailpending) { mtrace("Sending email to admin"); $message = ""; $count = backup_cron_automated_helper::get_backup_status_array(); $haserrors = ($count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR] != 0 || $count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_UNFINISHED] != 0); //Build the message text //Summary $message .= get_string('summary')."\n"; $message .= "==================================================\n"; $message .= " ".get_string('courses').": ".array_sum($count)."\n"; $message .= " ".get_string('ok').": ".$count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_OK]."\n"; $message .= " ".get_string('skipped').": ".$count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_SKIPPED]."\n"; $message .= " ".get_string('error').": ".$count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR]."\n"; $message .= " ".get_string('unfinished').": ".$count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_UNFINISHED]."\n"; $message .= " ".get_string('warning').": ".$count[self::BACKUP_STATUS_WARNING]."\n\n"; //Reference if ($haserrors) { $message .= " ".get_string('backupfailed')."\n\n"; $dest_url = "$CFG->wwwroot/report/backups/index.php"; $message .= " ".get_string('backuptakealook','',$dest_url)."\n\n"; //Set message priority $admin->priority = 1; //Reset unfinished to error $DB->set_field('backup_courses','laststatus','0', array('laststatus'=>'2')); } else { $message .= " ".get_string('backupfinished')."\n"; } //Build the message subject $site = get_site(); $prefix = format_string($site->shortname, true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, SITEID))).": "; if ($haserrors) { $prefix .= "[".strtoupper(get_string('error'))."] "; } $subject = $prefix.get_string('automatedbackupstatus', 'backup'); //Send the message $eventdata = new stdClass(); $eventdata->modulename = 'moodle'; $eventdata->userfrom = $admin; $eventdata->userto = $admin; $eventdata->subject = $subject; $eventdata->fullmessage = $message; $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; $eventdata->fullmessagehtml = ''; $eventdata->smallmessage = ''; $eventdata->component = 'moodle'; $eventdata->name = 'backup'; message_send($eventdata); } //Everything is finished stop backup_auto_running backup_cron_automated_helper::set_state_running(false); mtrace('Automated backups complete.'); return $status; } /** * Gets the results from the last automated backup that was run based upon * the statuses of the courses that were looked at. * * @global moodle_database $DB * @return array */ public static function get_backup_status_array() { global $DB; $result = array( self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR => 0, self::BACKUP_STATUS_OK => 0, self::BACKUP_STATUS_UNFINISHED => 0, self::BACKUP_STATUS_SKIPPED => 0, self::BACKUP_STATUS_WARNING => 0 ); $statuses = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT DISTINCT bc.laststatus, COUNT(bc.courseid) AS statuscount FROM {backup_courses} bc GROUP BY bc.laststatus'); foreach ($statuses as $status) { if (empty($status->statuscount)) { $status->statuscount = 0; } $result[(int)$status->laststatus] += $status->statuscount; } return $result; } /** * Works out the next time the automated backup should be run. * * @param mixed $timezone user timezone * @param int $now timestamp, should not be in the past, most likely time() * @return int timestamp of the next execution at server time */ public static function calculate_next_automated_backup($timezone, $now) { $result = 0; $config = get_config('backup'); $autohour = $config->backup_auto_hour; $automin = $config->backup_auto_minute; // Gets the user time relatively to the server time. $date = usergetdate($now, $timezone); $usertime = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']); $diff = $now - $usertime; // Get number of days (from user's today) to execute backups. $automateddays = substr($config->backup_auto_weekdays, $date['wday']) . $config->backup_auto_weekdays; $daysfromnow = strpos($automateddays, "1"); // Error, there are no days to schedule the backup for. if ($daysfromnow === false) { return 0; } // Checks if the date would happen in the future (of the user). $userresult = mktime($autohour, $automin, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'] + $daysfromnow, $date['year']); if ($userresult <= $usertime) { // If not, we skip the first scheduled day, that should fix it. $daysfromnow = strpos($automateddays, "1", 1); $userresult = mktime($autohour, $automin, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'] + $daysfromnow, $date['year']); } // Now we generate the time relative to the server. $result = $userresult + $diff; // If that time is past, call the function recursively to obtain the next valid day. if ($result <= $now) { // Checking time() in here works, but makes PHPUnit Tests extremely hard to predict. // $now should never be earlier than time() anyway... $result = self::calculate_next_automated_backup($timezone, $now + DAYSECS); } return $result; } /** * Launches a automated backup routine for the given course * * @param stdClass $course * @param int $starttime * @param int $userid * @return bool */ public static function launch_automated_backup($course, $starttime, $userid) { $outcome = self::BACKUP_STATUS_OK; $config = get_config('backup'); $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $course->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_AUTOMATED, $userid); try { $settings = array( 'users' => 'backup_auto_users', 'role_assignments' => 'backup_auto_role_assignments', 'activities' => 'backup_auto_activities', 'blocks' => 'backup_auto_blocks', 'filters' => 'backup_auto_filters', 'comments' => 'backup_auto_comments', 'completion_information' => 'backup_auto_userscompletion', 'logs' => 'backup_auto_logs', 'histories' => 'backup_auto_histories' ); foreach ($settings as $setting => $configsetting) { if ($bc->get_plan()->setting_exists($setting)) { $bc->get_plan()->get_setting($setting)->set_value($config->{$configsetting}); } } // Set the default filename $format = $bc->get_format(); $type = $bc->get_type(); $id = $bc->get_id(); $users = $bc->get_plan()->get_setting('users')->get_value(); $anonymised = $bc->get_plan()->get_setting('anonymize')->get_value(); $bc->get_plan()->get_setting('filename')->set_value(backup_plan_dbops::get_default_backup_filename($format, $type, $id, $users, $anonymised)); $bc->set_status(backup::STATUS_AWAITING); $bc->execute_plan(); $results = $bc->get_results(); $outcome = self::outcome_from_results($results); $file = $results['backup_destination']; // may be empty if file already moved to target location $dir = $config->backup_auto_destination; $storage = (int)$config->backup_auto_storage; if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) { $dir = null; } if ($file && !empty($dir) && $storage !== 0) { $filename = backup_plan_dbops::get_default_backup_filename($format, $type, $course->id, $users, $anonymised, !$config->backup_shortname); if (!$file->copy_content_to($dir.'/'.$filename)) { $outcome = self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR; } if ($outcome != self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR && $storage === 1) { $file->delete(); } } } catch (moodle_exception $e) { $bc->log('backup_auto_failed_on_course', backup::LOG_ERROR, $course->shortname); // Log error header. $bc->log('Exception: ' . $e->errorcode, backup::LOG_ERROR, $e->a, 1); // Log original exception problem. $bc->log('Debug: ' . $e->debuginfo, backup::LOG_DEBUG, null, 1); // Log original debug information. $outcome = self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR; } $bc->destroy(); unset($bc); return $outcome; } /** * Returns the backup outcome by analysing its results. * * @param array $results returned by a backup * @return int {@link self::BACKUP_STATUS_OK} and other constants */ public static function outcome_from_results($results) { $outcome = self::BACKUP_STATUS_OK; foreach ($results as $code => $value) { // Each possible error and warning code has to be specified in this switch // which basically analyses the results to return the correct backup status. switch ($code) { case 'missing_files_in_pool': $outcome = self::BACKUP_STATUS_WARNING; break; } // If we found the highest error level, we exit the loop. if ($outcome == self::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR) { break; } } return $outcome; } /** * Removes deleted courses fromn the backup_courses table so that we don't * waste time backing them up. * * @global moodle_database $DB * @return int */ public static function remove_deleted_courses_from_schedule() { global $DB; $skipped = 0; $sql = "SELECT bc.courseid FROM {backup_courses} bc WHERE bc.courseid NOT IN (SELECT c.id FROM {course} c)"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($rs as $deletedcourse) { //Doesn't exist, so delete from backup tables $DB->delete_records('backup_courses', array('courseid'=>$deletedcourse->courseid)); $skipped++; } $rs->close(); return $skipped; } /** * Gets the state of the automated backup system. * * @global moodle_database $DB * @return int One of self::STATE_* */ public static function get_automated_backup_state($rundirective = self::RUN_ON_SCHEDULE) { global $DB; $config = get_config('backup'); $active = (int)$config->backup_auto_active; $weekdays = (string)$config->backup_auto_weekdays; // In case of automated backup also check that it is scheduled for at least one weekday. if ($active === self::AUTO_BACKUP_DISABLED || ($rundirective == self::RUN_ON_SCHEDULE && $active === self::AUTO_BACKUP_MANUAL) || ($rundirective == self::RUN_ON_SCHEDULE && strpos($weekdays, '1') === false)) { return self::STATE_DISABLED; } else if (!empty($config->backup_auto_running)) { // Detect if the backup_auto_running semaphore is a valid one // by looking for recent activity in the backup_controllers table // for backups of type backup::MODE_AUTOMATED $timetosee = 60 * 90; // Time to consider in order to clean the semaphore $params = array( 'purpose' => backup::MODE_AUTOMATED, 'timetolook' => (time() - $timetosee)); if ($DB->record_exists_select('backup_controllers', "operation = 'backup' AND type = 'course' AND purpose = :purpose AND timemodified > :timetolook", $params)) { return self::STATE_RUNNING; // Recent activity found, still running } else { // No recent activity found, let's clean the semaphore mtrace('Automated backups activity not found in last ' . (int)$timetosee/60 . ' minutes. Cleaning running status'); backup_cron_automated_helper::set_state_running(false); } } return self::STATE_OK; } /** * Sets the state of the automated backup system. * * @param bool $running * @return bool */ public static function set_state_running($running = true) { if ($running === true) { if (self::get_automated_backup_state() === self::STATE_RUNNING) { throw new backup_exception('backup_automated_already_running'); } set_config('backup_auto_running', '1', 'backup'); } else { unset_config('backup_auto_running', 'backup'); } return true; } /** * Removes excess backups from the external system and the local file system. * * The number of backups keep comes from $config->backup_auto_keep * * @param stdClass $course * @return bool */ public static function remove_excess_backups($course) { $config = get_config('backup'); $keep = (int)$config->backup_auto_keep; $storage = $config->backup_auto_storage; $dir = $config->backup_auto_destination; if ($keep == 0) { // means keep all backup files return true; } $backupword = str_replace(' ', '_', moodle_strtolower(get_string('backupfilename'))); $backupword = trim(clean_filename($backupword), '_'); if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) { $dir = null; } // Clean up excess backups in the course backup filearea if ($storage == 0 || $storage == 2) { $fs = get_file_storage(); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); $component = 'backup'; $filearea = 'automated'; $itemid = 0; $files = array(); // Store all the matching files into timemodified => stored_file array foreach ($fs->get_area_files($context->id, $component, $filearea, $itemid) as $file) { if (strpos($file->get_filename(), $backupword) !== 0) { continue; } $files[$file->get_timemodified()] = $file; } if (count($files) <= $keep) { // There are less matching files than the desired number to keep // do there is nothing to clean up. return 0; } // Sort by keys descending (newer to older filemodified) krsort($files); $remove = array_splice($files, $keep); foreach ($remove as $file) { $file->delete(); } //mtrace('Removed '.count($remove).' old backup file(s) from the automated filearea'); } // Clean up excess backups in the specified external directory if (!empty($dir) && ($storage == 1 || $storage == 2)) { // Calculate backup filename regex, ignoring the date/time/info parts that can be // variable, depending of languages, formats and automated backup settings $filename = $backupword . '-' . backup::FORMAT_MOODLE . '-' . backup::TYPE_1COURSE . '-' .$course->id . '-'; $regex = '#^'.preg_quote($filename, '#').'.*\.mbz$#'; // Store all the matching files into fullpath => timemodified array $files = array(); foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { if (preg_match($regex, $file, $matches)) { $files[$file] = filemtime($dir . '/' . $file); } } if (count($files) <= $keep) { // There are less matching files than the desired number to keep // do there is nothing to clean up. return 0; } // Sort by values descending (newer to older filemodified) arsort($files); $remove = array_splice($files, $keep); foreach (array_keys($remove) as $file) { unlink($dir . '/' . $file); } //mtrace('Removed '.count($remove).' old backup file(s) from external directory'); } return true; } }