title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_social_activities');
function applicable_formats() {
return array('course-view-social' => true);
function get_content() {
global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$this->content = new stdClass();
$this->content->items = array();
$this->content->icons = array();
$this->content->footer = '';
if (empty($this->instance)) {
return $this->content;
$course = $this->page->course;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$isediting = $this->page->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context);
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
/// extra fast view mode
if (!$isediting) {
if (!empty($modinfo->sections[0])) {
$options = array('overflowdiv'=>true);
foreach($modinfo->sections[0] as $cmid) {
$cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid];
if (!$cm->uservisible) {
list($content, $instancename) =
get_print_section_cm_text($cm, $course);
if (!($url = $cm->get_url())) {
$this->content->items[] = $content;
$this->content->icons[] = '';
} else {
$linkcss = $cm->visible ? '' : ' class="dimmed" ';
//Accessibility: incidental image - should be empty Alt text
$icon = '
$this->content->items[] = 'extra.
' href="' . $url . '">' . $icon . $instancename . '';
return $this->content;
/// slow & hacky editing mode
$ismoving = ismoving($course->id);
$sections = get_all_sections($course->id);
if(!empty($sections) && isset($sections[0])) {
$section = $sections[0];
if (!empty($section)) {
get_all_mods($course->id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
$groupbuttons = $course->groupmode;
$groupbuttonslink = (!$course->groupmodeforce);
if ($ismoving) {
$strmovehere = get_string('movehere');
$strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string('movefull', '', "'$USER->activitycopyname'"));
$strcancel= get_string('cancel');
$stractivityclipboard = $USER->activitycopyname;
/// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
$editbuttons = '';
if ($ismoving) {
$this->content->icons[] = '
$this->content->items[] = $USER->activitycopyname.' ('.$strcancel.')';
if (!empty($section) && !empty($section->sequence)) {
$sectionmods = explode(',', $section->sequence);
$options = array('overflowdiv'=>true);
foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
$mod = $mods[$modnumber];
if (!$ismoving) {
if ($groupbuttons) {
if (! $mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink) {
$mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;
} else {
$mod->groupmode = false;
$editbuttons = '
'.make_editing_buttons($mod, true, true);
} else {
$editbuttons = '';
if ($mod->visible || has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $context)) {
if ($ismoving) {
if ($mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
$this->content->items[] = ''.
$this->content->icons[] = '';
list($content, $instancename) =
get_print_section_cm_text($modinfo->cms[$modnumber], $course);
$linkcss = $mod->visible ? '' : ' class="dimmed" ';
if (!($url = $mod->get_url())) {
$this->content->items[] = $content . $editbuttons;
$this->content->icons[] = '';
} else {
//Accessibility: incidental image - should be empty Alt text
$icon = '
$this->content->items[] = 'extra .
' href="' . $url . '">' . $icon . $instancename . '' . $editbuttons;
if ($ismoving) {
$this->content->items[] = ''.
$this->content->icons[] = '';
if ($modnames) {
$this->content->footer = print_section_add_menus($course, 0, $modnames, true, true);
} else {
$this->content->footer = '';
return $this->content;