. /** * Cohort related management functions, this file needs to be included manually. * * @package core * @subpackage cohort * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/selector/lib.php'); /** * Add new cohort. * * @param object $cohort * @return int */ function cohort_add_cohort($cohort) { global $DB; if (!isset($cohort->name)) { throw new coding_exception('Missing cohort name in cohort_add_cohort().'); } if (!isset($cohort->idnumber)) { $cohort->idnumber = NULL; } if (!isset($cohort->description)) { $cohort->description = $DB->sql_empty(); } if (!isset($cohort->descriptionformat)) { $cohort->descriptionformat = FORMAT_HTML; } if (empty($cohort->component)) { $cohort->component = ''; } if (!isset($cohort->timecreated)) { $cohort->timecreated = time(); } if (!isset($cohort->timemodified)) { $cohort->timemodified = $cohort->timecreated; } $cohort->id = $DB->insert_record('cohort', $cohort); events_trigger('cohort_added', $cohort); return $cohort->id; } /** * Update existing cohort. * @param object $cohort * @return void */ function cohort_update_cohort($cohort) { global $DB; if (property_exists($cohort, 'component') and empty($cohort->component)) { // prevent NULLs $cohort->component = ''; } $cohort->timemodified = time(); $DB->update_record('cohort', $cohort); events_trigger('cohort_updated', $cohort); } /** * Delete cohort. * @param object $cohort * @return void */ function cohort_delete_cohort($cohort) { global $DB; if ($cohort->component) { // TODO: add component delete callback } $DB->delete_records('cohort_members', array('cohortid'=>$cohort->id)); $DB->delete_records('cohort', array('id'=>$cohort->id)); events_trigger('cohort_deleted', $cohort); } /** * Somehow deal with cohorts when deleting course category, * we can not just delete them because they might be used in enrol * plugins or referenced in external systems. * @param object $category * @return void */ function cohort_delete_category($category) { global $DB; // TODO: make sure that cohorts are really, really not used anywhere and delete, for now just move to parent or system context $oldcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id, MUST_EXIST); if ($category->parent and $parent = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$category->parent))) { $parentcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $parent->id, MUST_EXIST); $sql = "UPDATE {cohort} SET contextid = :newcontext WHERE contextid = :oldcontext"; $params = array('oldcontext'=>$oldcontext->id, 'newcontext'=>$parentcontext->id); } else { $syscontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $sql = "UPDATE {cohort} SET contextid = :newcontext WHERE contextid = :oldcontext"; $params = array('oldcontext'=>$oldcontext->id, 'newcontext'=>$syscontext->id); } $DB->execute($sql, $params); } /** * Add cohort member * @param int $cohortid * @param int $userid * @return void */ function cohort_add_member($cohortid, $userid) { global $DB; $record = new stdClass(); $record->cohortid = $cohortid; $record->userid = $userid; $record->timeadded = time(); $DB->insert_record('cohort_members', $record); events_trigger('cohort_member_added', (object)array('cohortid'=>$cohortid, 'userid'=>$userid)); } /** * Remove cohort member * @param int $cohortid * @param int $userid * @return void */ function cohort_remove_member($cohortid, $userid) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('cohort_members', array('cohortid'=>$cohortid, 'userid'=>$userid)); events_trigger('cohort_member_removed', (object)array('cohortid'=>$cohortid, 'userid'=>$userid)); } /** * Returns list of visible cohorts in course. * * @param object $course * @param bool $enrolled true means include only cohorts with enrolled users * @return array */ function cohort_get_visible_list($course) { global $DB, $USER; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id, MUST_EXIST); list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context); $parentsql = get_related_contexts_string($context); $sql = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.idnumber, COUNT(u.id) AS cnt FROM {cohort} c JOIN {cohort_members} cm ON cm.cohortid = c.id JOIN ($esql) u ON u.id = cm.userid WHERE c.contextid $parentsql GROUP BY c.id, c.name, c.idnumber HAVING COUNT(u.id) > 0 ORDER BY c.name, c.idnumber"; $params['ctx'] = $context->id; $cohorts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($cohorts as $cid=>$cohort) { $cohorts[$cid] = format_string($cohort->name); if ($cohort->idnumber) { $cohorts[$cid] .= ' (' . $cohort->cnt . ')'; } } return $cohorts; } /** * Get all the cohorts. * * @global moodle_database $DB * @param int $contextid * @param int $page number of the current page * @param int $perpage items per page * @param string $search search string * @return array Array(totalcohorts => int, cohorts => array) */ function cohort_get_cohorts($contextid, $page = 0, $perpage = 25, $search = '') { global $DB; $cohorts = array(); // Add some additional sensible conditions $tests = array('contextid = ?'); $params = array($contextid); if (!empty($search)) { $conditions = array( 'name', 'idnumber', 'description', ); $searchparam = '%' . $search . '%'; foreach ($conditions as $key=>$condition) { $conditions[$key] = $DB->sql_like($condition,"?", false); $params[] = $searchparam; } $tests[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $conditions) . ')'; } $wherecondition = implode(' AND ', $tests); $fields = 'SELECT *'; $countfields = 'SELECT COUNT(1)'; $sql = " FROM {cohort} WHERE $wherecondition"; $order = ' ORDER BY name ASC'; $totalcohorts = $DB->count_records_sql($countfields . $sql, $params); $cohorts = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params, $page*$perpage, $perpage); return array('totalcohorts' => $totalcohorts, 'cohorts' => $cohorts); } /** * Cohort assignment candidates */ class cohort_candidate_selector extends user_selector_base { protected $cohortid; public function __construct($name, $options) { $this->cohortid = $options['cohortid']; parent::__construct($name, $options); } /** * Candidate users * @param $search * @return array */ public function find_users($search) { global $DB; //by default wherecondition retrieves all users except the deleted, not confirmed and guest list($wherecondition, $params) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u'); $params['cohortid'] = $this->cohortid; $fields = 'SELECT ' . $this->required_fields_sql('u'); $countfields = 'SELECT COUNT(1)'; $sql = " FROM {user} u LEFT JOIN {cohort_members} cm ON (cm.userid = u.id AND cm.cohortid = :cohortid) WHERE cm.id IS NULL AND $wherecondition"; $order = ' ORDER BY u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC'; if (!$this->is_validating()) { $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql($countfields . $sql, $params); if ($potentialmemberscount > 100) { return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount); } } $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params); if (empty($availableusers)) { return array(); } if ($search) { $groupname = get_string('potusersmatching', 'cohort', $search); } else { $groupname = get_string('potusers', 'cohort'); } return array($groupname => $availableusers); } protected function get_options() { $options = parent::get_options(); $options['cohortid'] = $this->cohortid; $options['file'] = 'cohort/lib.php'; return $options; } } /** * Cohort assignment candidates */ class cohort_existing_selector extends user_selector_base { protected $cohortid; public function __construct($name, $options) { $this->cohortid = $options['cohortid']; parent::__construct($name, $options); } /** * Candidate users * @param $search * @return array */ public function find_users($search) { global $DB; //by default wherecondition retrieves all users except the deleted, not confirmed and guest list($wherecondition, $params) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u'); $params['cohortid'] = $this->cohortid; $fields = 'SELECT ' . $this->required_fields_sql('u'); $countfields = 'SELECT COUNT(1)'; $sql = " FROM {user} u JOIN {cohort_members} cm ON (cm.userid = u.id AND cm.cohortid = :cohortid) WHERE $wherecondition"; $order = ' ORDER BY u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC'; if (!$this->is_validating()) { $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql($countfields . $sql, $params); if ($potentialmemberscount > 100) { return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount); } } $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params); if (empty($availableusers)) { return array(); } if ($search) { $groupname = get_string('currentusersmatching', 'cohort', $search); } else { $groupname = get_string('currentusers', 'cohort'); } return array($groupname => $availableusers); } protected function get_options() { $options = parent::get_options(); $options['cohortid'] = $this->cohortid; $options['file'] = 'cohort/lib.php'; return $options; } }