nodeCache = array();
$this->_repository = $repository;
$this->_ticket = $ticket;
$this->repositoryService = WebServiceFactory::getRepositoryService($this->_repository->connectionUrl, $this->_ticket);
$this->contentService = WebServiceFactory::getContentService($this->_repository->connectionUrl, $this->_ticket);
* Creates a new store in the current respository
* @param $address the address of the new store
* @param $scheme the scheme of the new store, default value of 'workspace'
* @return Store the new store
public function createStore($address, $scheme="workspace")
// Create the store
$result = $this->repositoryService->createStore(array(
"scheme" => $scheme,
"address" => $address));
$store = new Store($this, $result->createStoreReturn->address, $result->createStoreReturn->scheme);
// Add to the cached list if its been populated
if (isset($this->_stores) == true)
$this->_stores[] = $store;
// Return the newly created store
return $store;
* Get the store
* @param $address the address of the store
* @param $scheme the scheme of the store. The default it 'workspace'
* @return Store the store
public function getStore($address, $scheme="workspace")
return new Store($this, $address, $scheme);
* Get the store from it string representation (eg: workspace://SpacesStore)
* @param $value the stores string representation
* @return Store the store
public function getStoreFromString($value)
list($scheme, $address) = explode("://", $value);
return new Store($this, $address, $scheme);
public function getNode($store, $id)
$node = $this->getNodeImpl($store, $id);
if ($node == null)
$node = new Node($this, $store, $id);
return $node;
public function getNodeFromString($value)
throw new Exception("getNode($value) not yet implemented");
* Adds a new node to the session.
public function addNode($node)
$this->nodeCache[$node->__toString()] = $node;
private function getNodeImpl($store, $id)
$result = null;
$nodeRef = $store->scheme . "://" . $store->address . "/" . $id;
if (array_key_exists($nodeRef, $this->nodeCache) == true)
$result = $this->nodeCache[$nodeRef];
return $result;
* Commits all unsaved changes to the repository
public function save($debug=false)
// Build the update statements from the node cache
$statements = array();
foreach ($this->nodeCache as $node)
if ($debug == true)
echo ("
if (count($statements) > 0)
// Make the web service call
$result = $this->repositoryService->update(array("statements" => $statements));
// Update the state of the updated nodes
foreach ($this->nodeCache as $node)
* Clears the current session by emptying the node cache.
* WARNING: all unsaved changes will be lost when clearing the session.
public function clear()
// Clear the node cache
$this->nodeCache = array();
private function getIdMap($result)
$return = array();
$statements = $result->updateReturn;
if (is_array($statements) == true)
foreach ($statements as $statement)
if ($statement->statement == "create")
$id = $statement->sourceId;
$uuid = $statement->destination->uuid;
$return[$id] = $uuid;
if ($statements->statement == "create")
$id = $statements->sourceId;
$uuid = $statements->destination->uuid;
$return[$id] = $uuid;
return $return;
public function query($store, $query, $language='lucene')
// TODO need to support paged queries
$result = $this->repositoryService->query(array(
"store" => $store->__toArray(),
"query" => array(
"language" => $language,
"statement" => $query),
"includeMetaData" => false));
// TODO for now do nothing with the score and the returned data
$resultSet = $result->queryReturn->resultSet;
return $this->resultSetToNodes($this, $store, $resultSet);
public function getTicket()
return $this->_ticket;
public function getRepository()
return $this->_repository;
public function getNamespaceMap()
if ($this->_namespaceMap == null)
$this->_namespaceMap = new NamespaceMap();
return $this->_namespaceMap;
public function getStores()
if (isset ($this->_stores) == false)
$this->_stores = array ();
$results = $this->repositoryService->getStores();
foreach ($results->getStoresReturn as $result)
$this->_stores[] = new Store($this, $result->address, $result->scheme);
return $this->_stores;
/** Want these methods to be package scope some how! **/
public function nextSessionId()
$sessionId = "session".$this->_ticket.$this->idCount;
$this->idCount ++;
return $sessionId;