. /** * Cron job for reviewing and aggregating course completion criteria * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Catalyst IT Ltd * @author Aaron Barnes * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once $CFG->libdir.'/completionlib.php'; /** * Update user's course completion statuses * * First update all criteria completions, then * aggregate all criteria completions and update * overall course completions * * @return void */ function completion_cron() { completion_cron_mark_started(); completion_cron_criteria(); completion_cron_completions(); } /** * Mark users as started if the config option is set * * @return void */ function completion_cron_mark_started() { global $CFG, $DB; if (debugging()) { mtrace('Marking users as started'); } if (!empty($CFG->gradebookroles)) { $roles = ' AND ra.roleid IN ('.$CFG->gradebookroles.')'; } else { // This causes it to default to everyone (if there is no student role) $roles = ''; } /** * A quick explaination of this horrible looking query * * It's purpose is to locate all the active participants * of a course with course completion enabled. * * We also only want the users with no course_completions * record as this functions job is to create the missing * ones :) * * We want to record the user's enrolment start time for the * course. This gets tricky because there can be multiple * enrolment plugins active in a course, hence the possibility * of multiple records for each couse/user in the results */ $sql = " SELECT c.id AS course, u.id AS userid, crc.id AS completionid, ue.timestart AS timeenrolled, ue.timecreated FROM {user} u INNER JOIN {user_enrolments} ue ON ue.userid = u.id INNER JOIN {enrol} e ON e.id = ue.enrolid INNER JOIN {course} c ON c.id = e.courseid INNER JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON ra.userid = u.id LEFT JOIN {course_completions} crc ON crc.course = c.id AND crc.userid = u.id WHERE c.enablecompletion = 1 AND crc.timeenrolled IS NULL AND ue.status = 0 AND e.status = 0 AND u.deleted = 0 AND ue.timestart < ? AND (ue.timeend > ? OR ue.timeend = 0) $roles ORDER BY course, userid "; $now = time(); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array($now, $now, $now, $now)); // Check if result is empty if (!$rs->valid()) { $rs->close(); // Not going to iterate (but exit), close rs return; } /** * An explaination of the following loop * * We are essentially doing a group by in the code here (as I can't find * a decent way of doing it in the sql). * * Since there can be multiple enrolment plugins for each course, we can have * multiple rows for each particpant in the query result. This isn't really * a problem until you combine it with the fact that the enrolment plugins * can save the enrol start time in either timestart or timeenrolled. * * The purpose of this loop is to find the earliest enrolment start time for * each participant in each course. */ $prev = null; while ($rs->valid() || $prev) { $current = $rs->current(); if (!isset($current->course)) { $current = false; } else { // Not all enrol plugins fill out timestart correctly, so use whichever // is non-zero $current->timeenrolled = max($current->timecreated, $current->timeenrolled); } // If we are at the last record, // or we aren't at the first and the record is for a diff user/course if ($prev && (!$rs->valid() || ($current->course != $prev->course || $current->userid != $prev->userid))) { $completion = new completion_completion(); $completion->userid = $prev->userid; $completion->course = $prev->course; $completion->timeenrolled = (string) $prev->timeenrolled; $completion->timestarted = 0; $completion->reaggregate = time(); if ($prev->completionid) { $completion->id = $prev->completionid; } $completion->mark_enrolled(); if (debugging()) { mtrace('Marked started user '.$prev->userid.' in course '.$prev->course); } } // Else, if this record is for the same user/course elseif ($prev && $current) { // Use oldest timeenrolled $current->timeenrolled = min($current->timeenrolled, $prev->timeenrolled); } // Move current record to previous $prev = $current; // Move to next record $rs->next(); } $rs->close(); } /** * Run installed criteria's data aggregation methods * * Loop through each installed criteria and run the * cron() method if it exists * * @return void */ function completion_cron_criteria() { // Process each criteria type global $CFG, $COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPES; foreach ($COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPES as $type) { $object = 'completion_criteria_'.$type; require_once $CFG->libdir.'/completion/'.$object.'.php'; $class = new $object(); // Run the criteria type's cron method, if it has one if (method_exists($class, 'cron')) { if (debugging()) { mtrace('Running '.$object.'->cron()'); } $class->cron(); } } } /** * Aggregate each user's criteria completions * * @return void */ function completion_cron_completions() { global $DB; if (debugging()) { mtrace('Aggregating completions'); } // Save time started $timestarted = time(); // Grab all criteria and their associated criteria completions $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT c.id AS course, cr.id AS criteriaid, crc.userid AS userid, cr.criteriatype AS criteriatype, cc.timecompleted AS timecompleted FROM {course_completion_criteria} cr INNER JOIN {course} c ON cr.course = c.id INNER JOIN {course_completions} crc ON crc.course = c.id LEFT JOIN {course_completion_crit_compl} cc ON cc.criteriaid = cr.id AND crc.userid = cc.userid WHERE c.enablecompletion = 1 AND crc.timecompleted IS NULL AND crc.reaggregate > 0 AND crc.reaggregate < :timestarted ORDER BY course, userid '; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array('timestarted' => $timestarted)); // Check if result is empty if (!$rs->valid()) { $rs->close(); // Not going to iterate (but exit), close rs return; } $current_user = null; $current_course = null; $completions = array(); while (1) { // Grab records for current user/course foreach ($rs as $record) { // If we are still grabbing the same users completions if ($record->userid === $current_user && $record->course === $current_course) { $completions[$record->criteriaid] = $record; } else { break; } } // Aggregate if (!empty($completions)) { if (debugging()) { mtrace('Aggregating completions for user '.$current_user.' in course '.$current_course); } // Get course info object $info = new completion_info((object)array('id' => $current_course)); // Setup aggregation $overall = $info->get_aggregation_method(); $activity = $info->get_aggregation_method(COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY); $prerequisite = $info->get_aggregation_method(COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE); $role = $info->get_aggregation_method(COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ROLE); $overall_status = null; $activity_status = null; $prerequisite_status = null; $role_status = null; // Get latest timecompleted $timecompleted = null; // Check each of the criteria foreach ($completions as $params) { $timecompleted = max($timecompleted, $params->timecompleted); $completion = new completion_criteria_completion((array)$params, false); // Handle aggregation special cases if ($params->criteriatype == COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY) { completion_cron_aggregate($activity, $completion->is_complete(), $activity_status); } else if ($params->criteriatype == COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE) { completion_cron_aggregate($prerequisite, $completion->is_complete(), $prerequisite_status); } else if ($params->criteriatype == COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ROLE) { completion_cron_aggregate($role, $completion->is_complete(), $role_status); } else { completion_cron_aggregate($overall, $completion->is_complete(), $overall_status); } } // Include role criteria aggregation in overall aggregation if ($role_status !== null) { completion_cron_aggregate($overall, $role_status, $overall_status); } // Include activity criteria aggregation in overall aggregation if ($activity_status !== null) { completion_cron_aggregate($overall, $activity_status, $overall_status); } // Include prerequisite criteria aggregation in overall aggregation if ($prerequisite_status !== null) { completion_cron_aggregate($overall, $prerequisite_status, $overall_status); } // If aggregation status is true, mark course complete for user if ($overall_status) { if (debugging()) { mtrace('Marking complete'); } $ccompletion = new completion_completion(array('course' => $params->course, 'userid' => $params->userid)); $ccompletion->mark_complete($timecompleted); } } // If this is the end of the recordset, break the loop if (!$rs->valid()) { $rs->close(); break; } // New/next user, update user details, reset completions $current_user = $record->userid; $current_course = $record->course; $completions = array(); $completions[$record->criteriaid] = $record; } // Mark all users as aggregated $sql = " UPDATE {course_completions} SET reaggregate = 0 WHERE reaggregate < :timestarted AND reaggregate > 0 "; $DB->execute($sql, array('timestarted' => $timestarted)); } /** * Aggregate criteria status's as per configured aggregation method * * @param int $method COMPLETION_AGGREGATION_* constant * @param bool $data Criteria completion status * @param bool|null $state Aggregation state * @return void */ function completion_cron_aggregate($method, $data, &$state) { if ($method == COMPLETION_AGGREGATION_ALL) { if ($data && $state !== false) { $state = true; } else { $state = false; } } elseif ($method == COMPLETION_AGGREGATION_ANY) { if ($data) { $state = true; } else if (!$data && $state === null) { $state = false; } } }