libdir.'/form/password.php'); /** * HTML class for a password type element with unmask option * * @author Petr Skoda * @access public */ class MoodleQuickForm_passwordunmask extends MoodleQuickForm_password { function MoodleQuickForm_passwordunmask($elementName=null, $elementLabel=null, $attributes=null) { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->xmlstrictheaders)) { // no standard mform in moodle should allow autocomplete of passwords // this is valid attribute in html5, sorry, we have to ignore validation errors in legacy xhtml 1.0 if (empty($attributes)) { $attributes = array('autocomplete'=>'off'); } else if (is_array($attributes)) { $attributes['autocomplete'] = 'off'; } else { if (strpos($attributes, 'autocomplete') === false) { $attributes .= ' autocomplete="off" '; } } } parent::MoodleQuickForm_password($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes); } function toHtml() { global $PAGE; if ($this->_flagFrozen) { return $this->getFrozenHtml(); } else { $unmask = get_string('unmaskpassword', 'form'); //Pass id of the element, so that unmask checkbox can be attached. $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-form-passwordunmask', 'M.form.passwordunmask', array(array('formid' => $this->getAttribute('id'), 'checkboxname' => $unmask))); return $this->_getTabs() . '_getAttrString($this->_attributes) . ' />'; } } //end func toHtml }