. /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright nicolas@moodle.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) { die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); /// It must be included from a Moodle page } require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); /** * Shared code for all grade related tests. * * Here is a brief explanation of the test data set up in these unit tests. * category1 => array(category2 => array(grade_item1, grade_item2), category3 => array(grade_item3)) * 3 users for 3 grade_items */ class grade_test extends UnitTestCaseUsingDatabase { public $grade_tables = array('lib' => array( 'grade_categories', 'grade_categories_history', 'scale', 'scale_history', 'grade_items', 'grade_items_history', 'grade_grades', 'grade_grades_history', 'grade_outcomes', 'grade_outcomes_history','grade_outcomes_courses', 'files', 'modules', 'course_modules'), 'mod/quiz' => array('quiz') ); public $grade_items = array(); public $grade_categories = array(); public $grade_grades = array(); public $grade_outcomes = array(); public $scale = array(); public $activities = array(); public $courseid = 1; public $userid = 1; /** * Create temporary test tables and entries in the database for these tests. * These tests have to work on a brand new site. */ function setUp() { global $CFG; parent::setup(); $CFG->grade_droplow = -1; $CFG->grade_keephigh = -1; $CFG->grade_aggregation = -1; $CFG->grade_aggregateonlygraded = -1; $CFG->grade_aggregateoutcomes = -1; $CFG->grade_aggregatesubcats = -1; $this->switch_to_test_db(); // All operations until end of test method will happen in test DB foreach ($this->grade_tables as $dir => $tables) { $this->create_test_tables($tables, $dir); // Create tables foreach ($tables as $table) { // Fill them if load_xxx method is available $function = "load_$table"; if (method_exists($this, $function)) { $this->$function(); } } } } function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); // All the test tables created in setUp will be dropped by this } /** * Load scale data into the database, and adds the corresponding objects to this class' variable. */ function load_scale() { global $DB; $scale = new stdClass(); $scale->name = 'unittestscale1'; $scale->courseid = $this->courseid; $scale->userid = $this->userid; $scale->scale = 'Way off topic, Not very helpful, Fairly neutral, Fairly helpful, Supportive, Some good information, Perfect answer!'; $scale->description = 'This scale defines some of qualities that make posts helpful within the Moodle help forums.\n Your feedback will help others see how their posts are being received.'; $scale->timemodified = mktime(); $scale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $scale); $this->scale[0] = $scale; $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $this->scalemax[0] = count($temp) -1; $scale = new stdClass(); $scale->name = 'unittestscale2'; $scale->courseid = $this->courseid; $scale->userid = $this->userid; $scale->scale = 'Distinction, Very Good, Good, Pass, Fail'; $scale->description = 'This scale is used to mark standard assignments.'; $scale->timemodified = mktime(); $scale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $scale); $this->scale[1] = $scale; $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $this->scalemax[1] = count($temp) -1; $scale = new stdClass(); $scale->name = 'unittestscale3'; $scale->courseid = $this->courseid; $scale->userid = $this->userid; $scale->scale = 'Loner, Contentious, Disinterested, Participative, Follower, Leader'; $scale->description = 'Describes the level of teamwork of a student.'; $scale->timemodified = mktime(); $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $scale->max = count($temp) -1; $scale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $scale); $this->scale[2] = $scale; $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $this->scalemax[2] = count($temp) -1; $scale->name = 'unittestscale4'; $scale->courseid = $this->courseid; $scale->userid = $this->userid; $scale->scale = 'Does not understand theory, Understands theory but fails practice, Manages through, Excels'; $scale->description = 'Level of expertise at a technical task, with a theoretical framework.'; $scale->timemodified = mktime(); $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $scale->max = count($temp) -1; $scale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $scale); $this->scale[3] = $scale; $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $this->scalemax[3] = count($temp) -1; $scale->name = 'unittestscale5'; $scale->courseid = $this->courseid; $scale->userid = $this->userid; $scale->scale = 'Insufficient, Acceptable, Excellent.'; $scale->description = 'Description of skills.'; $scale->timemodified = mktime(); $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $scale->max = count($temp) -1; $scale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $scale); $this->scale[4] = $scale; $temp = explode(',', $scale->scale); $this->scalemax[4] = count($temp) -1; } /** * Load grade_category data into the database, and adds the corresponding objects to this class' variable. * category structure: course category | +--------+-------------+ | | unittestcategory1 level1category | +--------+-------------+ | | unittestcategory2 unittestcategory3 */ function load_grade_categories() { global $DB; $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->courseid); $grade_category = new stdClass(); $grade_category->fullname = 'unittestcategory1'; $grade_category->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_category->aggregation = GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN; $grade_category->aggregateonlygraded = 1; $grade_category->keephigh = 0; $grade_category->droplow = 0; $grade_category->parent = $course_category->id; $grade_category->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_category->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_category->depth = 2; $grade_category->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $grade_category->path = '/'.$course_category->id.'/'.$grade_category->id.'/'; $DB->update_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $this->grade_categories[0] = $grade_category; $grade_category = new stdClass(); $grade_category->fullname = 'unittestcategory2'; $grade_category->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_category->aggregation = GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN; $grade_category->aggregateonlygraded = 1; $grade_category->keephigh = 0; $grade_category->droplow = 0; $grade_category->parent = $this->grade_categories[0]->id; $grade_category->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_category->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_category->depth = 3; $grade_category->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $grade_category->path = $this->grade_categories[0]->path.$grade_category->id.'/'; $DB->update_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $this->grade_categories[1] = $grade_category; $grade_category = new stdClass(); $grade_category->fullname = 'unittestcategory3'; $grade_category->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_category->aggregation = GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN; $grade_category->aggregateonlygraded = 1; $grade_category->keephigh = 0; $grade_category->droplow = 0; $grade_category->parent = $this->grade_categories[0]->id; $grade_category->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_category->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_category->depth = 3; $grade_category->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $grade_category->path = $this->grade_categories[0]->path.$grade_category->id.'/'; $DB->update_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $this->grade_categories[2] = $grade_category; // A category with no parent, but grade_items as children $grade_category = new stdClass(); $grade_category->fullname = 'level1category'; $grade_category->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_category->aggregation = GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN; $grade_category->aggregateonlygraded = 1; $grade_category->keephigh = 0; $grade_category->droplow = 0; $grade_category->parent = $course_category->id; $grade_category->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_category->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_category->depth = 2; $grade_category->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $grade_category->path = '/'.$course_category->id.'/'.$grade_category->id.'/'; $DB->update_record('grade_categories', $grade_category); $this->grade_categories[3] = $grade_category; } /** * Load module entries in modules table */ function load_modules() { global $DB; $module = new stdClass(); $module->name = 'assignment'; $module->id = $DB->insert_record('modules', $module); $this->modules[0] = $module; $module = new stdClass(); $module->name = 'quiz'; $module->id = $DB->insert_record('modules', $module); $this->modules[1] = $module; $module = new stdClass(); $module->name = 'forum'; $module->id = $DB->insert_record('modules', $module); $this->modules[2] = $module; } /** * Load module instance entries in course_modules table */ function load_course_modules() { global $DB; $course_module = new stdClass(); $course_module->course = $this->courseid; $quiz = new stdClass(); $quiz->module = 1; $quiz->instance = 2; $course_module->id = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $course_module); $this->course_module[0] = $course_module; $course_module = new stdClass(); $course_module->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->module = 2; $quiz->instance = 1; $course_module->id = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $course_module); $this->course_module[0] = $course_module; $course_module = new stdClass(); $course_module->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->module = 2; $quiz->instance = 5; $course_module->id = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $course_module); $this->course_module[0] = $course_module; $course_module = new stdClass(); $course_module->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->module = 3; $quiz->instance = 3; $course_module->id = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $course_module); $this->course_module[0] = $course_module; $course_module = new stdClass(); $course_module->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->module = 3; $quiz->instance = 7; $course_module->id = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $course_module); $this->course_module[0] = $course_module; $course_module = new stdClass(); $course_module->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->module = 3; $quiz->instance = 9; $course_module->id = $DB->insert_record('course_modules', $course_module); $this->course_module[0] = $course_module; } /** * Load test quiz data into the database */ function load_quiz_activities() { global $DB; $quiz = new stdClass(); $quiz->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->name = 'test quiz'; $quiz->intro = 'let us quiz you!'; $quiz->questions = '1,2'; $quiz->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz', $quiz); $this->activities[0] = $quiz; $quiz = new stdClass(); $quiz->course = $this->courseid; $quiz->name = 'test quiz 2'; $quiz->intro = 'let us quiz you again!'; $quiz->questions = '1,3'; $quiz->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz', $quiz); $this->activities[1] = $quiz; } /** * Load grade_item data into the database, and adds the corresponding objects to this class' variable. */ function load_grade_items() { global $DB; $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->courseid); // id = 0 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $this->grade_categories[1]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestgradeitem1'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'quiz'; $grade_item->iteminstance = 1; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->grademin = 30; $grade_item->grademax = 110; $grade_item->itemnumber = 1; $grade_item->idnumber = 'item id 0'; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 0 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 3; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[0] = $grade_item; // id = 1 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $this->grade_categories[1]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestgradeitem2'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'import'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'assignment'; $grade_item->calculation = '= ##gi'.$this->grade_items[0]->id.'## + 30 + [[item id 0]] - [[item id 0]]'; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->iteminstance = 2; $grade_item->itemnumber = null; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 1 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 4; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[1] = $grade_item; // id = 2 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $this->grade_categories[2]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestgradeitem3'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'forum'; $grade_item->iteminstance = 3; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE; $grade_item->scaleid = $this->scale[0]->id; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = $this->scalemax[0]; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 2 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 6; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[2] = $grade_item; // Load grade_items associated with the 3 categories // id = 3 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->iteminstance = $this->grade_categories[0]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestgradeitemcategory1'; $grade_item->needsupdate = 0; $grade_item->itemtype = 'category'; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 3 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 1; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[3] = $grade_item; // id = 4 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->iteminstance = $this->grade_categories[1]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestgradeitemcategory2'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'category'; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->needsupdate = 0; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 4 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 2; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[4] = $grade_item; // id = 5 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->iteminstance = $this->grade_categories[2]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestgradeitemcategory3'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'category'; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->needsupdate = true; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 5 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 5; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[5] = $grade_item; // Orphan grade_item // id = 6 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $course_category->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'unittestorphangradeitem1'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'quiz'; $grade_item->iteminstance = 5; $grade_item->itemnumber = 0; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->grademin = 10; $grade_item->grademax = 120; $grade_item->locked = time(); $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Orphan Grade 6 item used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 7; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[6] = $grade_item; // 2 grade items under level1category // id = 7 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $this->grade_categories[3]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'singleparentitem1'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'forum'; $grade_item->iteminstance = 7; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE; $grade_item->scaleid = $this->scale[0]->id; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = $this->scalemax[0]; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 7 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 9; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[7] = $grade_item; // id = 8 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $this->grade_categories[3]->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'singleparentitem2'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'forum'; $grade_item->iteminstance = 9; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Grade item 8 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 10; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[8] = $grade_item; // Grade_item for level1category // id = 9 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->itemname = 'grade_item for level1 category'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'category'; $grade_item->itemmodule = 'quiz'; $grade_item->iteminstance = $this->grade_categories[3]->id; $grade_item->needsupdate = true; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Orphan Grade item 9 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->sortorder = 8; $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[9] = $grade_item; // Manual grade_item // id = 10 $grade_item = new stdClass(); $grade_item->courseid = $this->courseid; $grade_item->categoryid = $course_category->id; $grade_item->itemname = 'manual grade_item'; $grade_item->itemtype = 'manual'; $grade_item->itemnumber = 0; $grade_item->needsupdate = false; $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $grade_item->grademin = 0; $grade_item->grademax = 100; $grade_item->iteminfo = 'Manual grade item 10 used for unit testing'; $grade_item->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_item->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_item->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_items', $grade_item); $this->grade_items[10] = $grade_item; } /** * Load grade_grades data into the database, and adds the corresponding objects to this class' variable. */ function load_grade_grades() { global $DB; //this method is called once for each test method. Avoid adding things to $this->grade_grades multiple times $this->grade_grades = array(); // Grades for grade_item 1 $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[0]->id; $grade->userid = 1; $grade->rawgrade = 15; // too small $grade->finalgrade = 30; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '1 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->informationformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; $grade->feedback = 'Good, but not good enough..'; $grade->feedbackformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[0] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[0]->id; $grade->userid = 2; $grade->rawgrade = 40; $grade->finalgrade = 40; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '2 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[1] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[0]->id; $grade->userid = 3; $grade->rawgrade = 170; // too big $grade->finalgrade = 110; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '3 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[2] = $grade; // No raw grades for grade_item 2 - it is calculated $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[1]->id; $grade->userid = 1; $grade->finalgrade = 72; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '4 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[3] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[1]->id; $grade->userid = 2; $grade->finalgrade = 92; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '5 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[4] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[1]->id; $grade->userid = 3; $grade->finalgrade = 100; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '6 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[5] = $grade; // Grades for grade_item 3 $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[2]->id; $grade->userid = 1; $grade->rawgrade = 2; $grade->finalgrade = 6; $grade->scaleid = $this->scale[3]->id; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '7 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[6] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[2]->id; $grade->userid = 2; $grade->rawgrade = 3; $grade->finalgrade = 2; $grade->scaleid = $this->scale[3]->id; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '8 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[2]->id; $grade->userid = 3; $grade->rawgrade = 1; $grade->finalgrade = 3; $grade->scaleid = $this->scale[3]->id; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '9 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; // Grades for grade_item 7 $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[6]->id; $grade->userid = 1; $grade->rawgrade = 97; $grade->finalgrade = 69; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '10 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[6]->id; $grade->userid = 2; $grade->rawgrade = 49; $grade->finalgrade = 87; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '11 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[6]->id; $grade->userid = 3; $grade->rawgrade = 67; $grade->finalgrade = 94; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '12 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; // Grades for grade_item 8 $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[7]->id; $grade->userid = 2; $grade->rawgrade = 3; $grade->finalgrade = 3; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '13 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[7]->id; $grade->userid = 3; $grade->rawgrade = 6; $grade->finalgrade = 6; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '14 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; // Grades for grade_item 9 $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[8]->id; $grade->userid = 1; $grade->rawgrade = 20; $grade->finalgrade = 20; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '15 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[8]->id; $grade->userid = 2; $grade->rawgrade = 50; $grade->finalgrade = 50; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '16 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->itemid = $this->grade_items[8]->id; $grade->userid = 3; $grade->rawgrade = 100; $grade->finalgrade = 100; $grade->timecreated = mktime(); $grade->timemodified = mktime(); $grade->information = '17 of 17 grade_grades'; $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_grades', $grade); $this->grade_grades[] = $grade; } /** * Load grade_outcome data into the database, and adds the corresponding objects to this class' variable. */ function load_grade_outcomes() { global $DB; //this method is called once for each test method. Avoid adding things to $this->grade_outcomes multiple times $this->grade_outcomes = array(); // Calculation for grade_item 1 $grade_outcome = new stdClass(); $grade_outcome->fullname = 'Team work'; $grade_outcome->shortname = 'Team work'; $grade_outcome->fullname = 'Team work outcome'; $grade_outcome->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_outcome->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_outcome->scaleid = $this->scale[2]->id; $grade_outcome->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_outcomes', $grade_outcome); $this->grade_outcomes[] = $grade_outcome; // Calculation for grade_item 2 $grade_outcome = new stdClass(); $grade_outcome->fullname = 'Complete circuit board'; $grade_outcome->shortname = 'Complete circuit board'; $grade_outcome->fullname = 'Complete circuit board'; $grade_outcome->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_outcome->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_outcome->scaleid = $this->scale[3]->id; $grade_outcome->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_outcomes', $grade_outcome); $this->grade_outcomes[] = $grade_outcome; // Calculation for grade_item 3 $grade_outcome = new stdClass(); $grade_outcome->fullname = 'Debug Java program'; $grade_outcome->shortname = 'Debug Java program'; $grade_outcome->fullname = 'Debug Java program'; $grade_outcome->timecreated = mktime(); $grade_outcome->timemodified = mktime(); $grade_outcome->scaleid = $this->scale[4]->id; $grade_outcome->id = $DB->insert_record('grade_outcomes', $grade_outcome); $this->grade_outcomes[] = $grade_outcome; } /** * No unit tests here */ }