libdir . '/portfoliolib.php'); class portfoliolibaddbutton_test extends UnitTestCaseUsingDatabase { public static $includecoverage = array('lib/portfoliolib.php'); protected $testtables = array( 'lib' => array( 'portfolio_instance', 'portfolio_instance_user')); public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->switch_to_test_db(); // Switch to test DB for all the execution foreach ($this->testtables as $dir => $tables) { $this->create_test_tables($tables, $dir); // Create tables } } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); // In charge of droppng all the test tables } /* * TODO: The portfolio unit tests were obselete and did not work. * They have been commented out so that they do not break the * unit tests in Moodle 2. * * At some point: * 1. These tests should be audited to see which ones were valuable. * 2. The useful ones should be rewritten using the current standards * for writing test cases. * * This might be left until Moodle 2.1 when the test case framework * is due to change. */ /* * A test of setting and getting formats. What is returned in the getter is a combination of what is explicitly set in * the button, and what is set in the static method of the export class. * * In some cases they conflict, in which case the button wins. */ /* function test_set_formats() { $button = new portfolio_add_button(); $button->set_callback_options('assignment_portfolio_caller', array('id' => 6), '/mod/assignment/locallib.php'); $formats = array(PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_FILE, PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_IMAGE); $button->set_formats($formats); // Expecting $formats + assignment_portfolio_caller::base_supported_formats merged to unique values. $formats_combined = array_unique(array_merge($formats, assignment_portfolio_caller::base_supported_formats())); // In this case, neither file or image conflict with leap2a, which is why all three are returned. $this->assertEqual(count($formats_combined), count($button->get_formats())); } */ }