. /** * This file contains a Trivial memory-based store - no support for tokens * * @package lti * @copyright IMS Global Learning Consortium * * @author Charles Severance csev@umich.edu * * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ namespace moodle\mod\lti;//Using a namespace as the basicLTI module imports classes with the same names defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * A Trivial memory-based store - no support for tokens */ class TrivialOAuthDataStore extends OAuthDataStore { private $consumers = array(); function add_consumer($consumer_key, $consumer_secret) { $this->consumers[$consumer_key] = $consumer_secret; } function lookup_consumer($consumer_key) { if ( strpos($consumer_key, "http://" ) === 0 ) { $consumer = new OAuthConsumer($consumer_key, "secret", null); return $consumer; } if ( $this->consumers[$consumer_key] ) { $consumer = new OAuthConsumer($consumer_key, $this->consumers[$consumer_key], null); return $consumer; } return null; } function lookup_token($consumer, $token_type, $token) { return new OAuthToken($consumer, ""); } // Return NULL if the nonce has not been used // Return $nonce if the nonce was previously used function lookup_nonce($consumer, $token, $nonce, $timestamp) { // Should add some clever logic to keep nonces from // being reused - for no we are really trusting // that the timestamp will save us return null; } function new_request_token($consumer) { return null; } function new_access_token($token, $consumer) { return null; } }