. /** * Strings for component 'quiz_overview', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package quiz * @subpackage overview * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['allattempts'] = 'Show all attempts'; $string['allattemptscontributetograde'] = 'All attempts contribute to final grade for user.'; $string['allstudents'] = 'Show all {$a}'; $string['attemptsonly'] = 'Show {$a} with attempts only'; $string['attemptsprepage'] = 'Attempts shown per page'; $string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected attempts'; $string['done'] = 'Done'; $string['err_failedtodeleteregrades'] = 'Failed to delete calculated attempt grades'; $string['err_failedtorecalculateattemptgrades'] = 'Failed to recalculate attempt grades'; $string['highlightinggraded'] = 'The user attempt that contributes to final grade is highlighted.'; $string['needed'] = 'Needed'; $string['noattemptsonly'] = 'Show / download {$a} with no attempts only'; $string['noattemptstoregrade'] = 'No attempts need regrading'; $string['nogradepermission'] = 'You don\'t have permission to grade this quiz.'; $string['onlyoneattemptallowed'] = 'Only one attempt per user allowed on this quiz.'; $string['optallattempts'] = 'all attempts'; $string['optallstudents'] = 'all {$a} who have or have not attempted the quiz'; $string['optattemptsonly'] = '{$a} who have attempted the quiz'; $string['optnoattemptsonly'] = '{$a} who have not attempted the quiz'; $string['optonlygradedattempts'] = 'that are graded for each user ({$a})'; $string['optonlyregradedattempts'] = 'that have been regraded / are marked as needing regrading'; $string['overview'] = 'Grades'; $string['overviewdownload'] = 'Overview download'; $string['overviewfilename'] = 'grades'; $string['overviewreport'] = 'Grades report'; $string['overviewreportgraph'] = 'Overall number of students achieving grade ranges'; $string['overviewreportgraphgroup'] = 'Number of students in group \'{$a}\' achieving grade ranges'; $string['pagesize'] = 'Page size'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Grades'; $string['preferencespage'] = 'Preferences just for this page'; $string['preferencessave'] = 'Show report'; $string['preferencesuser'] = 'Your preferences for this report'; $string['regrade'] = 'Regrade'; $string['regradeall'] = 'Regrade all'; $string['regradealldry'] = 'Dry run a full regrade'; $string['regradealldrydo'] = 'Regrade attempts marked as needing regrading ({$a})'; $string['regradealldrydogroup'] = 'Regrade attempts ({$a->countregradeneeded}) marked as needing regrading in group \'{$a->groupname}\''; $string['regradealldrygroup'] = 'Dry run a full regrade for group \'{$a->groupname}\''; $string['regradeallgroup'] = 'Full regrade for group \'{$a->groupname}\''; $string['regradeheader'] = 'Regrading'; $string['regradeselected'] = 'Regrade selected attempts'; $string['show'] = 'Show / download'; $string['showattempts'] = 'Only show / download attempts'; $string['showdetailedmarks'] = 'Show / download marks for each question'; $string['showinggraded'] = 'Showing only the attempt graded for each user.'; $string['showinggradedandungraded'] = 'Showing graded and ungraded attempts for each user. The one attempt for each user that is graded is highlighted. The grading method for this quiz is {$a}.'; $string['studentingroup'] = '\'{$a->coursestudent}\' in group \'{$a->groupname}\''; $string['studentingrouplong'] = '\'{$a->coursestudent}\' in this group';