. /** * Strings for component 'quiz_statistics', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package quiz * @subpackage statistics * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['actualresponse'] = 'Actual response'; $string['allattempts'] = 'all attempts'; $string['allattemptsavg'] = 'Average grade of all attempts'; $string['allattemptscount'] = 'Total number of complete graded attempts'; $string['analysisofresponses'] = 'Analysis of responses'; $string['analysisofresponsesfor'] = 'Analysis of responses for {$a}.'; $string['attempts'] = 'Attempts'; $string['attemptsall'] = 'all attempts'; $string['attemptsfirst'] = 'first attempt'; $string['backtoquizreport'] = 'Back to main statistics report page.'; $string['calculatefrom'] = 'Calculate statistics from'; $string['cic'] = 'Coefficient of internal consistency (for {$a})'; $string['completestatsfilename'] = 'completestats'; $string['count'] = 'Count'; $string['coursename'] = 'Course name'; $string['detailedanalysis'] = 'More detailed analysis of the responses to this question'; $string['discrimination_index'] = 'Discrimination index'; $string['discriminative_efficiency'] = 'Discriminative efficiency'; $string['downloadeverything'] = 'Download full report as'; $string['duration'] = 'Open for'; $string['effective_weight'] = 'Effective weight'; $string['errordeleting'] = 'Error deleting old {$a} records.'; $string['erroritemappearsmorethanoncewithdifferentweight'] = 'Question ({$a}) appears more than once with different weights in different positions of the test. This is not currently supported by the statistics report and may make the statistics for this question unreliable.'; $string['errormedian'] = 'Error fetching median'; $string['errorpowerquestions'] = 'Error fetching data to calculate variance for question grades'; $string['errorpowers'] = 'Error fetching data to calculate variance for quiz grades'; $string['errorrandom'] = 'Error getting sub item data'; $string['errorratio'] = 'Error ratio (for {$a})'; $string['errorstatisticsquestions'] = 'Error fetching data to calculate statistics for question grades'; $string['facility'] = 'Facility index'; $string['firstattempts'] = 'first attempts'; $string['firstattemptsavg'] = 'Average grade of first attempts'; $string['firstattemptscount'] = 'Number of complete graded first attempts'; $string['frequency'] = 'Frequency'; $string['intended_weight'] = 'Intended weight'; $string['kurtosis'] = 'Score distribution kurtosis (for {$a})'; $string['lastcalculated'] = 'Last calculated {$a->lastcalculated} ago there have been {$a->count} attempts since then.'; $string['median'] = 'Median grade (for {$a})'; $string['modelresponse'] = 'Model response'; $string['negcovar'] = 'Negative covariance of grade with total attempt grade'; $string['negcovar_help'] = 'This question\'s grade for this set of attempts on the quiz varies in an opposite way to the overall attempt grade. This means overall attempt grade tends to be below average when the grade for this question is above average and vice-versa. Our equation for effective question weight cannot be calculated in this case. The calculations for effective question weight for other questions in this quiz are the effective question weight for these questions if the highlighted questions with a negative covariance are given a maximum grade of zero. If you edit a quiz and give these question(s) with negative covariance a max grade of zero then the effective question weight of these questions will be zero and the real effective question weight of other questions will be as calculated now.'; $string['nostudentsingroup'] = 'There are no students in this group yet'; $string['optiongrade'] = 'Partial credit'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Statistics'; $string['position'] = 'Position'; $string['positions'] = 'Position(s)'; $string['questioninformation'] = 'Question information'; $string['questionname'] = 'Question name'; $string['questionnumber'] = 'Q#'; $string['questionstatistics'] = 'Question statistics'; $string['questionstatsfilename'] = 'questionstats'; $string['questiontype'] = 'Question type'; $string['quizinformation'] = 'Quiz information'; $string['quizname'] = 'Quiz name'; $string['quizoverallstatistics'] = 'Quiz overall statistics'; $string['quizstructureanalysis'] = 'Quiz structure analysis'; $string['random_guess_score'] = 'Random guess score'; $string['recalculatenow'] = 'Recalculate now'; $string['response'] = 'Response'; $string['skewness'] = 'Score distribution skewness (for {$a})'; $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard deviation (for {$a})'; $string['standarddeviationq'] = 'Standard deviation'; $string['standarderror'] = 'Standard error (for {$a})'; $string['statistics'] = 'Statistics'; $string['statistics:componentname'] = 'Quiz statistics report'; $string['statisticsreport'] = 'Statistics report'; $string['statisticsreportgraph'] = 'Statistics for question positions'; $string['statistics:view'] = 'View statistics report'; $string['statsfor'] = 'Quiz statistics (for {$a})';