. /** * My Moodle -- a user's personal dashboard * * - each user can currently have their own page (cloned from system and then customised) * - only the user can see their own dashboard * - users can add any blocks they want * - the administrators can define a default site dashboard for users who have * not created their own dashboard * * This script implements the user's view of the dashboard, and allows editing * of the dashboard. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage my * @copyright 2010 Remote-Learner.net * @author Hubert Chathi * @author Olav Jordan * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/my/lib.php'); redirect_if_major_upgrade_required(); // TODO Add sesskey check to edit $edit = optional_param('edit', null, PARAM_BOOL); // Turn editing on and off require_login(); $strmymoodle = get_string('myhome'); if (isguestuser()) { // Force them to see system default, no editing allowed $userid = NULL; $USER->editing = $edit = 0; // Just in case $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $PAGE->set_blocks_editing_capability('moodle/my:configsyspages'); // unlikely :) $header = "$SITE->shortname: $strmymoodle (GUEST)"; } else { // We are trying to view or edit our own My Moodle page $userid = $USER->id; // Owner of the page $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id); $PAGE->set_blocks_editing_capability('moodle/my:manageblocks'); $header = "$SITE->shortname: $strmymoodle"; } // Get the My Moodle page info. Should always return something unless the database is broken. if (!$currentpage = my_get_page($userid, MY_PAGE_PRIVATE)) { print_error('mymoodlesetup'); } if (!$currentpage->userid) { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); // So we even see non-sticky blocks } // Start setting up the page $params = array(); $PAGE->set_context($context); $PAGE->set_url('/my/index.php', $params); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('mydashboard'); $PAGE->set_pagetype('my-index'); $PAGE->blocks->add_region('content'); $PAGE->set_subpage($currentpage->id); $PAGE->set_title($header); $PAGE->set_heading($header); if (!isguestuser()) { // Skip default home page for guests if (get_home_page() != HOMEPAGE_MY) { if (optional_param('setdefaulthome', false, PARAM_BOOL)) { set_user_preference('user_home_page_preference', HOMEPAGE_MY); } else if (!empty($CFG->defaulthomepage) && $CFG->defaulthomepage == HOMEPAGE_USER) { $PAGE->settingsnav->get('usercurrentsettings')->add(get_string('makethismyhome'), new moodle_url('/my/', array('setdefaulthome'=>true)), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING); } } } // Toggle the editing state and switches if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) { if ($edit !== null) { // Editing state was specified $USER->editing = $edit; // Change editing state if (!$currentpage->userid && $edit) { // If we are viewing a system page as ordinary user, and the user turns // editing on, copy the system pages as new user pages, and get the // new page record if (!$currentpage = my_copy_page($USER->id, MY_PAGE_PRIVATE)) { print_error('mymoodlesetup'); } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id); $PAGE->set_context($context); $PAGE->set_subpage($currentpage->id); } } else { // Editing state is in session if ($currentpage->userid) { // It's a page we can edit, so load from session if (!empty($USER->editing)) { $edit = 1; } else { $edit = 0; } } else { // It's a system page and they are not allowed to edit system pages $USER->editing = $edit = 0; // Disable editing completely, just to be safe } } // Add button for editing page $params = array('edit' => !$edit); if (!$currentpage->userid) { // viewing a system page -- let the user customise it $editstring = get_string('updatemymoodleon'); $params['edit'] = 1; } else if (empty($edit)) { $editstring = get_string('updatemymoodleon'); } else { $editstring = get_string('updatemymoodleoff'); } $url = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/my/index.php", $params); $button = $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $editstring); $PAGE->set_button($button); } else { $USER->editing = $edit = 0; } // HACK WARNING! This loads up all this page's blocks in the system context if ($currentpage->userid == 0) { $CFG->blockmanagerclass = 'my_syspage_block_manager'; } echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->blocks_for_region('content'); echo $OUTPUT->footer();