. /** * This file contains helper classes for testing the question engine. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage questionengine * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib.php'); /** * Makes some protected methods of question_attempt public to facilitate testing. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class testable_question_attempt extends question_attempt { public function add_step($step) { parent::add_step($step); } public function set_min_fraction($fraction) { $this->minfraction = $fraction; } public function set_behaviour(question_behaviour $behaviour) { $this->behaviour = $behaviour; } } /** * Base class for question type test helpers. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_test_helper { /** * @return array of example question names that can be passed as the $which * argument of {@link test_question_maker::make_question} when $qtype is * this question type. */ abstract public function get_test_questions(); } /** * This class creates questions of various types, which can then be used when * testing. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class test_question_maker { const STANDARD_OVERALL_CORRECT_FEEDBACK = 'Well done!'; const STANDARD_OVERALL_PARTIALLYCORRECT_FEEDBACK = 'Parts, but only parts, of your response are correct.'; const STANDARD_OVERALL_INCORRECT_FEEDBACK = 'That is not right at all.'; /** @var array qtype => qtype test helper class. */ protected static $testhelpers = array(); /** * Just make a question_attempt at a question. Useful for unit tests that * need to pass a $qa to methods that call format_text. Probably not safe * to use for anything beyond that. * @param question_definition $question a question. * @param number $maxmark the max mark to set. * @return question_attempt the question attempt. */ public function get_a_qa($question, $maxmark = 3) { return new question_attempt($question, 13, null, $maxmark); } /** * Initialise the common fields of a question of any type. */ public static function initialise_a_question($q) { global $USER; $q->id = 0; $q->category = 0; $q->parent = 0; $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->defaultmark = 1; $q->penalty = 0.3333333; $q->length = 1; $q->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); $q->version = make_unique_id_code(); $q->hidden = 0; $q->timecreated = time(); $q->timemodified = time(); $q->createdby = $USER->id; $q->modifiedby = $USER->id; } public static function initialise_question_data($qdata) { global $USER; $qdata->id = 0; $qdata->category = 0; $qdata->contextid = 0; $qdata->parent = 0; $qdata->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $qdata->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $qdata->defaultmark = 1; $qdata->penalty = 0.3333333; $qdata->length = 1; $qdata->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); $qdata->version = make_unique_id_code(); $qdata->hidden = 0; $qdata->timecreated = time(); $qdata->timemodified = time(); $qdata->createdby = $USER->id; $qdata->modifiedby = $USER->id; $qdata->hints = array(); } public static function initialise_question_form_data($qdata) { $formdata = new stdClass(); $formdata->id = 0; $formdata->category = '0,0'; $formdata->usecurrentcat = 1; $formdata->categorymoveto = '0,0'; $formdata->tags = array(); $formdata->penalty = 0.3333333; $formdata->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $formdata->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; } /** * Get the test helper class for a particular question type. * @param $qtype the question type name, e.g. 'multichoice'. * @return question_test_helper the test helper class. */ public static function get_test_helper($qtype) { global $CFG; if (array_key_exists($qtype, self::$testhelpers)) { return self::$testhelpers[$qtype]; } $file = get_plugin_directory('qtype', $qtype) . '/simpletest/helper.php'; if (!is_readable($file)) { throw new coding_exception('Question type ' . $qtype . ' does not have test helper code.'); } include_once($file); $class = 'qtype_' . $qtype . '_test_helper'; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new coding_exception('Class ' . $class . ' is not defined in ' . $file); } self::$testhelpers[$qtype] = new $class(); return self::$testhelpers[$qtype]; } /** * Call a method on a qtype_{$qtype}_test_helper class and return the result. * * @param string $methodtemplate e.g. 'make_{qtype}_question_{which}'; * @param string $qtype the question type to get a test question for. * @param string $which one of the names returned by the get_test_questions * method of the relevant qtype_{$qtype}_test_helper class. * @param unknown_type $which */ protected static function call_question_helper_method($methodtemplate, $qtype, $which = null) { $helper = self::get_test_helper($qtype); $available = $helper->get_test_questions(); if (is_null($which)) { $which = reset($available); } else if (!in_array($which, $available)) { throw new coding_exception('Example question ' . $which . ' of type ' . $qtype . ' does not exist.'); } $method = str_replace(array('{qtype}', '{which}'), array($qtype, $which), $methodtemplate); if (!method_exists($helper, $method)) { throw new coding_exception('Method ' . $method . ' does not exist on the' . $qtype . ' question type test helper class.'); } return $helper->$method(); } /** * Question types can provide a number of test question defintions. * They do this by creating a qtype_{$qtype}_test_helper class that extends * question_test_helper. The get_test_questions method returns the list of * test questions available for this question type. * * @param string $qtype the question type to get a test question for. * @param string $which one of the names returned by the get_test_questions * method of the relevant qtype_{$qtype}_test_helper class. * @return question_definition the requested question object. */ public static function make_question($qtype, $which = null) { return self::call_question_helper_method('make_{qtype}_question_{which}', $qtype, $which); } /** * Like {@link make_question()} but returns the datastructure from * get_question_options instead of the question_definition object. * * @param string $qtype the question type to get a test question for. * @param string $which one of the names returned by the get_test_questions * method of the relevant qtype_{$qtype}_test_helper class. * @return stdClass the requested question object. */ public static function get_question_data($qtype, $which = null) { return self::call_question_helper_method('get_{qtype}_question_data_{which}', $qtype, $which); } /** * Like {@link make_question()} but returns the data what would be saved from * the question editing form instead of the question_definition object. * * @param string $qtype the question type to get a test question for. * @param string $which one of the names returned by the get_test_questions * method of the relevant qtype_{$qtype}_test_helper class. * @return stdClass the requested question object. */ public static function get_question_form_data($qtype, $which = null) { return self::call_question_helper_method('get_{qtype}_question_form_data_{which}', $qtype, $which); } /** * Makes a multichoice question with choices 'A', 'B' and 'C' shuffled. 'A' * is correct, defaultmark 1. * @return qtype_multichoice_single_question */ public static function make_a_multichoice_single_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('multichoice'); $mc = new qtype_multichoice_single_question(); self::initialise_a_question($mc); $mc->name = 'Multi-choice question, single response'; $mc->questiontext = 'The answer is A.'; $mc->generalfeedback = 'You should have selected A.'; $mc->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('multichoice'); $mc->shuffleanswers = 1; $mc->answernumbering = 'abc'; $mc->answers = array( 13 => new question_answer(13, 'A', 1, 'A is right', FORMAT_HTML), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'B', -0.3333333, 'B is wrong', FORMAT_HTML), 15 => new question_answer(15, 'C', -0.3333333, 'C is wrong', FORMAT_HTML), ); return $mc; } /** * Makes a multichoice question with choices 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' shuffled. * 'A' and 'C' is correct, defaultmark 1. * @return qtype_multichoice_multi_question */ public static function make_a_multichoice_multi_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('multichoice'); $mc = new qtype_multichoice_multi_question(); self::initialise_a_question($mc); $mc->name = 'Multi-choice question, multiple response'; $mc->questiontext = 'The answer is A and C.'; $mc->generalfeedback = 'You should have selected A and C.'; $mc->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('multichoice'); $mc->shuffleanswers = 1; $mc->answernumbering = 'abc'; self::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($mc); $mc->answers = array( 13 => new question_answer(13, 'A', 0.5, 'A is part of the right answer', FORMAT_HTML), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'B', -1, 'B is wrong', FORMAT_HTML), 15 => new question_answer(15, 'C', 0.5, 'C is part of the right answer', FORMAT_HTML), 16 => new question_answer(16, 'D', -1, 'D is wrong', FORMAT_HTML), ); return $mc; } /** * Makes a matching question to classify 'Dog', 'Frog', 'Toad' and 'Cat' as * 'Mammal', 'Amphibian' or 'Insect'. * defaultmark 1. Stems are shuffled by default. * @return qtype_match_question */ public static function make_a_matching_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('match'); $match = new qtype_match_question(); self::initialise_a_question($match); $match->name = 'Matching question'; $match->questiontext = 'Classify the animals.'; $match->generalfeedback = 'Frogs and toads are amphibians, the others are mammals.'; $match->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('match'); $match->shufflestems = 1; self::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($match); // Using unset to get 1-based arrays. $match->stems = array('', 'Dog', 'Frog', 'Toad', 'Cat'); $match->stemformat = array('', FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML); $match->choices = array('', 'Mammal', 'Amphibian', 'Insect'); $match->right = array('', 1, 2, 2, 1); unset($match->stems[0]); unset($match->stemformat[0]); unset($match->choices[0]); unset($match->right[0]); return $match; } /** * Makes a truefalse question with correct ansewer true, defaultmark 1. * @return qtype_essay_question */ public static function make_an_essay_question() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('essay'); $essay = new qtype_essay_question(); self::initialise_a_question($essay); $essay->name = 'Essay question'; $essay->questiontext = 'Write an essay.'; $essay->generalfeedback = 'I hope you wrote an interesting essay.'; $essay->penalty = 0; $essay->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('essay'); $essay->responseformat = 'editor'; $essay->responsefieldlines = 15; $essay->attachments = 0; $essay->graderinfo = ''; $essay->graderinfoformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; return $essay; } /** * Add some standard overall feedback to a question. You need to use these * specific feedback strings for the corresponding contains_..._feedback * methods in {@link qbehaviour_walkthrough_test_base} to works. * @param question_definition $q the question to add the feedback to. */ public static function set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($q) { $q->correctfeedback = self::STANDARD_OVERALL_CORRECT_FEEDBACK; $q->correctfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->partiallycorrectfeedback = self::STANDARD_OVERALL_PARTIALLYCORRECT_FEEDBACK; $q->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->shownumcorrect = true; $q->incorrectfeedback = self::STANDARD_OVERALL_INCORRECT_FEEDBACK; $q->incorrectfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; } } /** * Helper for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the database. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class testing_db_record_builder { public static function build_db_records(array $table) { $columns = array_shift($table); $records = array(); foreach ($table as $row) { if (count($row) != count($columns)) { throw new coding_exception("Row contains the wrong number of fields."); } $rec = new stdClass(); foreach ($columns as $i => $name) { $rec->$name = $row[$i]; } $records[] = $rec; } return $records; } } /** * Helper base class for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the * database. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class data_loading_method_test_base extends UnitTestCase { public function build_db_records(array $table) { return testing_db_record_builder::build_db_records($table); } } /** * Helper base class for tests that walk a question through a sequents of * interactions under the control of a particular behaviour. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qbehaviour_walkthrough_test_base extends UnitTestCase { /** @var question_display_options */ protected $displayoptions; /** @var question_usage_by_activity */ protected $quba; /** @var unknown_type integer */ protected $slot; public function setUp() { $this->displayoptions = new question_display_options(); $this->quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('unit_test', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); } public function tearDown() { $this->displayoptions = null; $this->quba = null; } protected function start_attempt_at_question($question, $preferredbehaviour, $maxmark = null, $variant = 1) { $this->quba->set_preferred_behaviour($preferredbehaviour); $this->slot = $this->quba->add_question($question, $maxmark); $this->quba->start_question($this->slot, $variant); } protected function process_submission($data) { $this->quba->process_action($this->slot, $data); } protected function manual_grade($comment, $mark) { $this->quba->manual_grade($this->slot, $comment, $mark); } protected function check_current_state($state) { $this->assertEqual($this->quba->get_question_state($this->slot), $state, 'Questions is in the wrong state: %s.'); } protected function check_current_mark($mark) { if (is_null($mark)) { $this->assertNull($this->quba->get_question_mark($this->slot)); } else { if ($mark == 0) { // PHP will think a null mark and a mark of 0 are equal, // so explicity check not null in this case. $this->assertNotNull($this->quba->get_question_mark($this->slot)); } $this->assertWithinMargin($mark, $this->quba->get_question_mark($this->slot), 0.000001, 'Expected mark and actual mark differ: %s.'); } } /** * @param $condition one or more Expectations. (users varargs). */ protected function check_current_output() { $html = $this->quba->render_question($this->slot, $this->displayoptions); foreach (func_get_args() as $condition) { $this->assert($condition, $html); } } protected function get_question_attempt() { return $this->quba->get_question_attempt($this->slot); } protected function get_step_count() { return $this->get_question_attempt()->get_num_steps(); } protected function check_step_count($expectednumsteps) { $this->assertEqual($expectednumsteps, $this->get_step_count()); } protected function get_step($stepnum) { return $this->get_question_attempt()->get_step($stepnum); } protected function get_contains_question_text_expectation($question) { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote($question->questiontext) . '/'); } protected function get_contains_general_feedback_expectation($question) { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote($question->generalfeedback) . '/'); } protected function get_does_not_contain_correctness_expectation() { return new NoPatternExpectation('/class=\"correctness/'); } protected function get_contains_correct_expectation() { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote(get_string('correct', 'question')) . '/'); } protected function get_contains_partcorrect_expectation() { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote(get_string('partiallycorrect', 'question')) . '/'); } protected function get_contains_incorrect_expectation() { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote(get_string('incorrect', 'question')) . '/'); } protected function get_contains_standard_correct_combined_feedback_expectation() { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote(test_question_maker::STANDARD_OVERALL_CORRECT_FEEDBACK) . '/'); } protected function get_contains_standard_partiallycorrect_combined_feedback_expectation() { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote(test_question_maker::STANDARD_OVERALL_PARTIALLYCORRECT_FEEDBACK) . '/'); } protected function get_contains_standard_incorrect_combined_feedback_expectation() { return new PatternExpectation('/' . preg_quote(test_question_maker::STANDARD_OVERALL_INCORRECT_FEEDBACK) . '/'); } protected function get_does_not_contain_feedback_expectation() { return new NoPatternExpectation('/class="feedback"/'); } protected function get_does_not_contain_num_parts_correct() { return new NoPatternExpectation('/class="numpartscorrect"/'); } protected function get_contains_num_parts_correct($num) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->num = $num; return new PatternExpectation('/