. /** * Label module version info * * @package theme * @subpackage mymobile * @copyright John Stabinger * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['choosereadme'] = '



MyMobile is a mobile theme for Moodle 2.x. More information on modifying themes can be found in the MoodleDocs.

'; $string['colourswatch'] = 'Mobile theme color swatch'; $string['colourswatch_desc'] = 'Toggle the color swatch of the theme between grey and light/blue.'; $string['grey'] = 'Grey'; $string['light'] = 'Light/Blue'; $string['mtoggle'] = 'Toggle 2nd Column'; $string['no'] = 'No'; $string['pluginname'] = 'MyMobile'; $string['region-myblocks'] = 'block region'; $string['showmobileintro'] = 'Mobile Intro Text'; $string['showmobileintro_desc'] = 'Add mobile only text/images to the mobile homepage.'; $string['showsitetopic'] = 'Show site topic:'; $string['showsitetopic_desc'] = 'Show the standard site topic section(s) on the front page for mobile theme users (if available).'; $string['showfullsizeimages'] = 'Show full images on site index and course pages.'; $string['showfullsizeimages_desc'] = 'Show full size images on site index and course pages instead of replaced thumb icon method. Default is to not show full size images.'; $string['usetableview'] = 'Tablet View'; $string['usetableview_desc'] = 'Use the tablet view for larger devices (yes by default).'; $string['yes'] = 'Yes';