. /** * REST web service implementation classes and methods. * * @package webservice * @copyright 2009 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once("$CFG->dirroot/webservice/lib.php"); /** * REST service server implementation. * @author Petr Skoda (skodak) */ class webservice_rest_server extends webservice_base_server { /** @property string $alt return method (XML / JSON) */ protected $restformat; /** * Contructor */ public function __construct($authmethod, $restformat = 'xml') { parent::__construct($authmethod); $this->wsname = 'rest'; $this->restformat = ($restformat != 'xml' && $restformat != 'json')?'xml':$restformat; //sanity check, we accept only xml or json } /** * This method parses the $_POST and $_GET superglobals and looks for * the following information: * 1/ user authentication - username+password or token (wsusername, wspassword and wstoken parameters) * 2/ function name (wsfunction parameter) * 3/ function parameters (all other parameters except those above) * * @return void */ protected function parse_request() { //Get GET and POST paramters $methodvariables = array_merge($_GET,$_POST); if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) { $this->username = isset($methodvariables['wsusername']) ? $methodvariables['wsusername'] : null; unset($methodvariables['wsusername']); $this->password = isset($methodvariables['wspassword']) ? $methodvariables['wspassword'] : null; unset($methodvariables['wspassword']); $this->functionname = isset($methodvariables['wsfunction']) ? $methodvariables['wsfunction'] : null; unset($methodvariables['wsfunction']); $this->parameters = $methodvariables; } else { $this->token = isset($methodvariables['wstoken']) ? $methodvariables['wstoken'] : null; unset($methodvariables['wstoken']); $this->functionname = isset($methodvariables['wsfunction']) ? $methodvariables['wsfunction'] : null; unset($methodvariables['wsfunction']); $this->parameters = $methodvariables; } } /** * Send the result of function call to the WS client * formatted as XML document. * @return void */ protected function send_response() { //Check that the returned values are valid try { if ($this->function->returns_desc != null) { $validatedvalues = external_api::clean_returnvalue($this->function->returns_desc, $this->returns); } else { $validatedvalues = null; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $exception = $ex; } if (!empty($exception)) { $response = $this->generate_error($exception); } else { //We can now convert the response to the requested REST format if ($this->restformat == 'json') { $response = json_encode($validatedvalues); } else { $response = ''."\n"; $response .= ''."\n"; $response .= self::xmlize_result($this->returns, $this->function->returns_desc); $response .= ''."\n"; } } $this->send_headers(); echo $response; } /** * Send the error information to the WS client * formatted as XML document. * Note: the exception is never passed as null, * it only matches the abstract function declaration. * @param exception $ex * @return void */ protected function send_error($ex=null) { $this->send_headers(); echo $this->generate_error($ex); } /** * Build the error information matching the REST returned value format (JSON or XML) * @param exception $ex * @return string the error in the requested REST format */ protected function generate_error($ex) { if ($this->restformat == 'json') { $errorobject = new stdClass; $errorobject->exception = get_class($ex); $errorobject->message = $ex->getMessage(); if (debugging() and isset($ex->debuginfo)) { $errorobject->debuginfo = $ex->debuginfo; } $error = json_encode($errorobject); } else { $error = ''."\n"; $error .= ''."\n"; $error .= ''.htmlspecialchars($ex->getMessage(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').''."\n"; if (debugging() and isset($ex->debuginfo)) { $error .= ''.htmlspecialchars($ex->debuginfo, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').''."\n"; } $error .= ''."\n"; } return $error; } /** * Internal implementation - sending of page headers. * @return void */ protected function send_headers() { if ($this->restformat == 'json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); } else { header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="response.xml"'); } header('Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .' GMT'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Accept-Ranges: none'); } /** * Internal implementation - recursive function producing XML markup. * @param mixed $returns * @param $desc * @return unknown_type */ protected static function xmlize_result($returns, $desc) { if ($desc === null) { return ''; } else if ($desc instanceof external_value) { if (is_bool($returns)) { // we want 1/0 instead of true/false here $returns = (int)$returns; } if (is_null($returns)) { return ''."\n"; } else { return ''.htmlspecialchars($returns, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').''."\n"; } } else if ($desc instanceof external_multiple_structure) { $mult = ''."\n"; if (!empty($returns)) { foreach ($returns as $val) { $mult .= self::xmlize_result($val, $desc->content); } } $mult .= ''."\n"; return $mult; } else if ($desc instanceof external_single_structure) { $single = ''."\n"; foreach ($desc->keys as $key=>$subdesc) { $single .= ''.self::xmlize_result($returns[$key], $subdesc).''."\n"; } $single .= ''."\n"; return $single; } } } /** * REST test client class */ class webservice_rest_test_client implements webservice_test_client_interface { /** * Execute test client WS request * @param string $serverurl * @param string $function * @param array $params * @return mixed */ public function simpletest($serverurl, $function, $params) { return download_file_content($serverurl.'&wsfunction='.$function, null, $params); } }