#!/usr/bin/python # This script is licensed under GPL v3 or higher # # Authors: Angel Berlanas Vicente # # Jose Alfredo Murcia Andres # # # Libraries import sys import subprocess class LtspImage: llx_ltsp_status="available" llx_ltsp_status_msg="" def __init__(self): ''' A simple init method ''' print "[LTSPImage] Setting LTSP Status: Available" #def init def startup(self,options): ''' Startup functions ''' pass #def startup def apt(self): ''' Apt functions ''' pass #def apt(self) def info(self): ''' Show basic info about this plugin. ''' return {'status':True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Info'} #def info def create_desktop(self): ''' Create a Desktop image for LTSP system ''' try: self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_output(["lliurex-ltsp-create-client","desktop"]) return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Desktop is created'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def create_desktop def create_client(self): ''' Create a Client image for LTSP system ''' try: self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_output(["lliurex-ltsp-create-client","client"]) return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Client is created'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def create_desktop def create_infantil(self): ''' Create a Infantile image for LTSP system ''' try: self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_output(["lliurex-ltsp-create-client","infantil"]) return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Infantile is created'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def create_desktop def create_musica(self): ''' Create a Music image for LTSP system ''' try: self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_output(["lliurex-ltsp-create-client","musica"]) return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Music is created'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def create_desktop def create_pime(self): ''' Create a Pime image for LTSP system ''' try: self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_output(["lliurex-ltsp-create-client","pime"]) return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] PIME is created'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def create_desktop def run_Image_Command(self, command, XServerIP, display, XephyPID): ''' runs command in server to work with images ''' #import time import glob import os print "Performing command: "+command print "Status: "+self.llx_ltsp_status try: # Cleaning apt cache from chroot and jdk files command_orig=command.split(" ")[0] command_param=command.split(" ")[1] if (command_orig=="ltsp-update-image"): output=subprocess.check_output(["chroot", command_param, "apt-get", "clean"]) for fl in glob.glob(command_param+"/jdk-*"): os.remove(fl) # Now prepare the appropiate scripts in server xscript="/tmp/image_script.sh" print "Building file: "+xscript f = open(xscript, 'w') f.write("#/bin/bash\n\n") f.write("export HOME=/root\n") f.write("export DISPLAY="+XServerIP+display+"\n") #eval "xterm -geometry 79x27+10+15 -hold -fa 'default' -e 'apt-get update; \ #apt-get install lliurex-ltsp-client; \ #echo;echo;echo;echo Hem finalitzat.Taqueu la finestra per continuar. ;echo;echo;exit 0'" #f.write("dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-terminal -x sh -c \" "+command+"; \ # zenity --info --text 'Operation Finished. Click to close.'; \ # n4d-client -h "+XServerIP+" -c ltspClientXServer -m killXephyr -a "+XephyPID+"\"\n") #f.write("echo 7\n") f.write("dbus-launch --exit-with-session xterm -geometry 79x27+10+15 -hold -fa 'default' -e \" "+command+"; \ zenity --info --text 'Operation Finished. Click to close.'; \ n4d-client -h "+XServerIP+" -c ltspClientXServer -m killXephyr -a "+XephyPID+"\"\n") f.write("exit 0\n ") f.close() while True: subprocess.Popen(["chmod","+x", xscript]) if (os.access(xscript, os.X_OK)==True): break output=subprocess.check_output(["bash", "/tmp/image_script.sh"]) return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] img updated'} except Exception as e: self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} def regenerate_img(self, imgchroot): ''' Regenerates img file for chroot ''' import time print "Regenerating image from "+imgchroot print "Status: "+self.llx_ltsp_status try: dirs=imgchroot.split("/") print "*"+imgchroot+"*" print str(dirs) img_name=dirs[len(dirs)-1] if (img_name==''): img_name=dirs[len(dirs)-2] self.llx_ltsp_status="working" f = open('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log', 'w') # Regenerate image f.write("[llxptspmsg] Regenerating image\n") f.flush() #self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["ls","-l"],stdout=f) # to modify #self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["echoprogress"],stdout=f) # to modify #self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["ls","-l"],stdout=f) # to modify #self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["echoprogress"],stdout=f) # to modify #self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["cat","/tmp/tralari.log"],stdout=f) # to modify self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["ltsp-update-image",img_name],stdout=f) # to modify #f.write(ret) self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] img updated'} except Exception as e: self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def regenerate_img #################### #################### # BEGGINING PARTY #################### def n4d_create_client(self, clientid, imgchroot): ''' Regenerates img file for chroot ''' print ("Create image "+ clientid +" image from "+imgchroot) print ("Status: "+self.llx_ltsp_status) try: self.llx_ltsp_status="working" f = open('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log', 'w') self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["lliurex-ltsp-create-client", clientid],stdout=f) # to modify self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Desktop is created'} except Exception as e: # Close file and set status available self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def regenerate_img def is_enough_space_in_disk(self, imgchroot): import os return {'status':True, 'free':'12300', 'used': '100'} ''' # Calculate chroot size total_size = 0 start_path=imgchroot for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(start_path): for f in filenames: fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if os.path.exists(fp): total_size += os.stat(fp).st_size # Calculate free space... in opt and / stat=os.statvfs("/opt/ltsp") free=stat.f_bsize*stat.f_bavail if(free En Classe ltsp chroot!! # o ho pose aci, o me cree altra instancia de ltspchroot, o va a la # llibreria o directament la utilitze per n4d!!!!!!<--- connection_user=(username, password) print "Updating image "+clientid+" from "+imgchroot print "Status: "+self.llx_ltsp_status try: self.llx_ltsp_status="working" f = open('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log', 'w') f.write("[llxptspmsg] Stage 1 of 2. Updating client\n") f.flush() # Prepare for operate into chroot via n4d server = ServerProxy("") print str(connection_user)+str() print str(imgchroot) server.prepare_chroot_for_run(connection_user,"LtspChroot", imgchroot) # Update chroot self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["chroot",imgchroot,"lliurex-upgrade"],stdout=f) # to modify # Umount chroot server.umount_chroot(connection_user,"LtspChroot", imgchroot) # Regenerate image f.write("[llxptspmsg] Stage 2 of 2. Regenerating image\n") f.flush() self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["ltsp-update-image",clientid],stdout=f) # to modify #f.write(ret) self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] img updated'} except Exception as e: self.llx_ltsp_status="available" f.close() return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def n4d_update_client def n4d_delete_client(self, clientid, imgchroot, img_file, connection_user): ''' Remove an LTSP image and its chroot ''' import os import shutil print ("Delete Client "+clientid+" from "+imgchroot+" and "+img_file) print ("Status: "+self.llx_ltsp_status) try: self.llx_ltsp_status="working" #f = open('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log', 'w') #f.write('tralari') #f.write("Deleting "+img_file+"...\n") #f.flush() if (os.path.isfile(img_file)): os.remove(img_file) # f.write("Deleted "+img_file+"...\n") #else: # f.write(img_file+" did not exists...\n") #f.flush() #f.write("Deleting "+imgchroot+"...\n") #f.flush() if (os.path.isdir(imgchroot)): # umount chroot server = ServerProxy("") # f.write("Umounting devices...\n") server.force_umount_chroot(connection_user,"LtspChroot", imgchroot) #server.umount_chroot(connection_user,"LtspChroot", imgchroot) # Now delete... # f.write("Deleting...\n") shutil.rmtree(imgchroot) # f.write("Deleted "+imgchroot+"...\n") #else: # f.write(imgchroot+" did not exists...\n") #f.write("chroot doens't exists yet...\n") tftpdir='/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/'+imgchroot.split("/")[3] #f.write("Deleting tftpdir:"+tftpdir+"...\n") #f.flush(); if(os.path.isdir(tftpdir)): shutil.rmtree(tftpdir) # f.write("Deleted "+tftpdir+"...\n") #else: # f.write(tftpdir+"did not exists...\n") #f.write("Regenerate menus... \n") #f.flush() self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["/usr/share/lliurex-ltsp/llx-create-pxelinux.sh"],stdout=None) # to modify #f.write("Finished !\n") #f.flush() self.llx_ltsp_status="available" #f.close() return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspImage] img updated'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspImage] Error'+str(e)} #def regenerate_img def n4d_install_xfce(self, clientid, imgchroot, connection_user): ''' Installs XFCE into client ''' print "Installing XFCE for "+clientid+" into "+imgchroot print "Status: "+self.llx_ltsp_status try: self.llx_ltsp_status="working" f = open('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log', 'w') # Prepare for operate into chroot via n4d server = ServerProxy("") server.prepare_chroot_for_run(connection_user,"LtspChroot", imgchroot) # Install XFCE self.llx_ltsp_status_msg=subprocess.check_call(["apt-get","install","lliurex-cdd-xdesktop"],stdout=f) # to modify #f.write(ret) self.llx_ltsp_status="available" # Umount chroot server.umount_chroot(connection_user,"LtspChroot", imgchroot) f.close() return {'status': True, 'msg':'[LtspInstallXFCE] xfce installed'} except Exception as e: return {'status': False, 'msg':'[LtspInstallXFCE] Error'+str(e)} #def n4d_install_xfce #################### #################### # END PARTY #################### # N4D Remote Logging Methods def prepare_log(self): import os if (os.path.isfile('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log')): print 'Deleting File /tmp/n4drlstpimages.log' os.remove('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log') return 'True' # Clean log file return 'False' #[ ! -e /tmp/n4drmirror.log ] || rm -f /tmp/n4drmirror.log # def prepare_log() def exist_log_file(self): if (os.path.isfile('/tmp/n4drlstpimages.log')): return 'True' else: return 'False' #if [ -e /tmp/n4drmirror.log ] ; then # echo "True" #else # echo "False" #fi # def exist_log_file def get_status(self): if (self.llx_ltsp_status=="available"): return "{'status':'available','msg':'Ltsp Images is ready'}" else: return "{'status':'busy','msg':'LTSP Images is busy'}" pass # TODO #class LtspImage: