config = $config; } function get_code_from_name($name){ return substr($name,strrpos($name,"(")+1,(strrpos($name,")")-strrpos($name,"("))-1); } function get_notice_by_meta($name,$filename){ global $pmb_keyword_sep; global $pmb_type_audit; global $webdav_current_user_name,$webdav_current_user_id; create_tableau_mimetype(); $mimetype = trouve_mimetype($filename,extension_fichier($name)); $notice_id = 0; $title = $cplt = $code = $pages = $year = $keywords = $url = $thumbnail_content = ""; //on commence avec la gymnatisque des métas... if($mimetype == "application/epub+zip"){ //pour les ebook, on gère ca directement ici ! $epub = new epubData(realpath($filename)); $title = $epub->metas['title'][0]; $authors = $epub->metas['creator']; $co_authors = $epub->metas['contributor']; if($epub->metas['identifier']['isbn']){ $code = formatISBN($epub->metas['identifier']['isbn'],13); }else if($epub->metas['identifier']['ean']){ $code = EANtoISBN($epub->metas['identifier']['ean']); $code = formatISBN($code,13); } if($epub->metas['identifier']['uri']){ $url = clean_string($epub->metas['identifier']['uri']); } $publisher = $epub->metas['publisher'][0]; $year = $epub->metas['date'][0]['value']; if(strlen($year) && strlen($year) != 4){ $year = formatdate(detectFormatDate($year)); } $lang= $epub->metas['language']; $resume = implode("\n",$epub->metas['description']); $keywords = implode($pmb_keyword_sep,$epub->metas['subject']); //jouons à et si on trouvait a vignette... $img = imagecreatefromstring($epub->getCoverContent()); $file=tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(),"vign"); imagepng($img,$file); $thumbnail_content = file_get_contents($file); unlink($file); }else{ $metas = extract_metas(realpath($filename),$mimetype); if($metas['Title'] && $metas['Author'] && $metas['Subject']){ $title = $metas['Title']; $author = $metas['Author']; $cplt = $metas['Subject']; }else{ // métas non fiable, on regarde avec le titre... $title = $name; } //date de création... if($metas["CreateDate"]){ $year = substr($metas["CreateDate"],0,4); } //pages if($metas['PageCount']){ $pages = $metas['PageCount']; } //keywords if($metas['Keywords']){ foreach($metas['Keywords'] as $keyword){ if($keywords != "") $keywords.= $pmb_keyword_sep; $keywords.=$keyword; } } } $query = "select notice_id from notices where tit1 = '".addslashes($title)."'"; $result= mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ $notice_id = mysql_result($result,0,0); } if(!$notice_id){ //en cas d'une leture moyenne des infos, on s'assure d'avoir au moins un titre.... if(!$title) $title = $name; if($publisher){ $ed_1 = editeur::import(array('name'=>$publisher)); }else $ed_1 = 0; $ind_wew = $title." ".$cplt; $ind_sew = strip_empty_words($ind_wew) ; $query = "insert into notices set tit1 = '".addslashes($title)."',". ($code ? "code='".$code."',":""). "ed1_id = '".$ed_1."',". ($cplt ? "tit4 = '".addslashes($cplt)."'," : ""). ($pages ? "npages = '".addslashes($pages)."'," : ""). ($keywords ? "index_l = '".addslashes($keywords)."'," : "")." year = '".$year."', niveau_biblio='m', niveau_hierar='0', statut = '".$this->config['default_statut']."', index_wew = '".$ind_wew."', index_sew = '".$ind_sew."', n_resume = '".addslashes($resume)."', lien = '".addslashes($url)."', index_n_resume = '".strip_empty_words($resume)."',". ($thumbnail_content ? "thumbnail_url = 'data:image/png;base64,".base64_encode($thumbnail_content)."',":""). "create_date = sysdate(), update_date = sysdate()"; mysql_query($query); $notice_id = mysql_insert_id(); $sign = new notice_doublon(); mysql_query("update notices set signature = '".$sign->gen_signature($notice_id)."' where notice_id = ".$notice_id); //traitement audit if ($pmb_type_audit) { $query = "INSERT INTO audit SET "; $query .= "type_obj='1', "; $query .= "object_id='$notice_id', "; $query .= "user_id='$webdav_current_user_id', "; $query .= "user_name='$webdav_current_user_name', "; $query .= "type_modif=1 "; $result = @mysql_query($query); } if(count($authors)){ $i=0; foreach($authors as $author){ $aut = array(); if($author['file-as']){ $infos = explode(",",$author['file-as']); $aut = array( 'name' => $infos[0], 'rejete' => $infos[1], 'type' => 70 ); } if(!$aut['name']){ $aut = array( 'name' => $author['value'], 'type' => 70 ); } $aut_id = auteur::import($aut); if($aut_id){ $query = "insert into responsability set responsability_author = '".$aut_id."', responsability_notice = '".$notice_id."', responsability_type = '0'"; mysql_query($query); $i++; } } } if(count($co_authors)){ foreach($co_authors as $author){ $aut = array(); if($author['file-as']){ $infos = explode(",",$author['file-as']); $aut = array( 'name' => $infos[0], 'rejete' => $infos[1], 'type' => 70 ); } if(!$aut['name']){ $aut = array( 'name' => $author['value'], 'type' => 70 ); } $aut_id = auteur::import($aut); if($aut_id){ $query = "insert into responsability set responsability_author = '".$aut_id."', responsability_notice = '".$notice_id."', responsability_type = '0', repsonsability_ordre = '".$i."'"; mysql_query($query); $i++; } } } } return $notice_id; } function set_parent($parent){ $this->parent = $parent; } function getChildren(){ global $tdoc; $children = array(); $children_type = ""; if($this->type == "rootNode"){ $children_type = $this->config['tree'][0]; }else{ for($i=0 ; $iconfig['tree']) ; $i++){ if($this->config['tree'][$i] == $this->type){ if($this->config['tree'][$i+1]){ $children_type = $this->config['tree'][$i+1]; } break; } } } switch($children_type){ case "categorie" : $thes = new thesaurus($this->config['used_thesaurus']); $node = new Sabre_PMB_Categorie("(C".$thes->num_noeud_racine.")",$this->config); $children = $node->getChildren(); break; case "typdoc" : if (!sizeof($tdoc)) $tdoc = new marc_list('doctype'); foreach($tdoc->table as $label){ $children[] = new Sabre_PMB_Typdoc($label. " (T)" ,$this->config); } break; case "statut" : $query = "select id_notice_statut from notice_statut"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $children[] = new Sabre_PMB_Statut("(S".$row->id_notice_statut.")",$this->config); } } break; case "indexint" : $query = "select * from indexint where indexint_id not in (select child.indexint_id from indexint join indexint as child on child.indexint_name like concat(indexint.indexint_name,'%') and indexint.indexint_id != child.indexint_id group by child.indexint_id) order by indexint_name"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $children[] = new Sabre_PMB_Indexint("(I".$row->indexint_id.")",$this->config); } } break; default : break; } usort($children,"sortChildren"); if(count($this->getNotices())>0){ $children = array_merge(array(new Sabre_PMB_Notices($this->getNotices())),$children); } return $children; } function getChild($name){ switch($name){ case "[Notices]" : $child = new Sabre_PMB_Notices($this->getNotices()); break; default : $code = $this->get_code_from_name($name); if($code === "T" || substr($code,1)*1 > 0){ switch(substr($code,0,1)){ //notice case "N" : //on vérifie juste pour pas se faire avoir... $child = new Sabre_PMB_Notice("(".$code.")",$this->config); break; //typdoc case "T" : $child = new Sabre_PMB_Typdoc($name,$this->config); break; //categorie case "C" : $child = new Sabre_PMB_Categorie("(".$code.")",$this->config); break; //statut de notice case "S" : $child = new Sabre_PMB_Statut("(".$code.")",$this->config); break; //indexint case "I" : $child = new Sabre_PMB_Indexint("(".$code.")",$this->config); break; //explnum case "E" : $child = new Sabre_PMB_Explnum("(".$code.")"); break; default : break; } }else{ //document numérique d'une notice $query = "select distinct explnum_id,notice_id from explnum join notices on explnum_bulletin = 0 and explnum_notice = notice_id where explnum_nomfichier = '".addslashes($name)."' and explnum_mimetype != 'URL'"; //document numériques d'une notice de bulletin $query.= "union select distinct explnum_id,notice_id from explnum join bulletins on explnum_notice = 0 and explnum_bulletin = bulletin_id join notices on num_notice != 0 and num_notice = notice_id where explnum_nomfichier = '".addslashes($name)."' and explnum_mimetype != 'URL'"; //$query = $this->filterExplnums($query); $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $child = new Sabre_PMB_Explnum("(E".$row->explnum_id.")"); }else{ throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound('File not found: ' . $name); } break; } } return $child; } function childExists($name){ //pour les besoin des tests, on veut passer par la méthode de création... return false; switch($name){ case "[Notices]" : if(count($this->getNotices())>0){ return true; }else return false; break; default : $code = $this->get_code_from_name($name); if($code === "T" || substr($code,1)*1 > 0){ switch(substr($code,0,1)){ //notice case "N" : case "T" : case "C" : case "S" : case "I" : case "E" : return true; break; default : return false; break; } }else{ $query = "select distinct explnum_id from explnum where explnum_nomfichier = '".addslashes($name)."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ return true; }else{ return false; } break; } } } function getName(){ //must be defined } function createFile($name, $data = null) { if($this->check_write_permission()){ global $base_path; global $id_rep; $filename = realpath($base_path."/temp/")."/webdav_".md5($name.time()).".".extension_fichier($name); $fp = fopen($filename, "w"); if(!$fp){ //on a pas le droit d'écriture throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to create file (filename ' . $filename . ')'); } while ($buf = fread($data, 1024)){ fwrite($fp, $buf); } fclose($fp); if(!filesize($filename)){ //Erreur de copie du fichier throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound('Empty file (filename ' . $filename . ')'); } $notice_id = $this->get_notice_by_meta($name,$filename); $this->update_notice($notice_id); $query = "select distinct explnum_id from explnum where explnum_nomfichier = '".addslashes($name)."' and explnum_notice = ".$notice_id; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $explnum = new explnum($row->explnum_id); }else{ $explnum = new explnum(0,$notice_id); } $id_rep = $this->config['upload_rep']; $explnum->get_file_from_temp($filename,$name,$this->config['up_place']); $explnum->update(); unlink($filename); }else{ //on a pas le droit d'écriture throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_Forbidden('Permission denied to create file (filename ' . $name . ')'); } } function update_notice($notice_id){ global $pmb_type_audit; global $webdav_current_user_name,$webdav_current_user_id; global $gestion_acces_active, $gestion_acces_user_notice, $gestion_acces_empr_notice; $obj = $this; $type = $obj->type; $obj->update_notice_infos($notice_id); while ($obj = $obj->parent){ if($obj->type != $type){ $type = $obj->type; $obj->update_notice_infos($notice_id); } } if ($pmb_type_audit) { $query = "INSERT INTO audit SET "; $query .= "type_obj='1', "; $query .= "object_id='$notice_id', "; $query .= "user_id='$webdav_current_user_id', "; $query .= "user_name='$webdav_current_user_name', "; $query .= "type_modif=2 "; $result = @mysql_query($query); } notice::majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice_id); notice::majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($notice_id); //TODO - Calcul des droits sur la notice dans les 2 domaines... $ac = new acces(); //pour la gestion if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_user_notice==1) { $dom_1 = $ac->setDomain(1); $dom_1->applyRessourceRights($notice_id); } //pour l'opac if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $dom_2 = $ac->setDomain(2); $dom_2->applyRessourceRights($notice_id); } } function update_notice_infos($notice_id){ //must be defined } function filterNotices($query){ //on remonte d'abord les parents... $current = $this; $parents = array(); while($current->parent != null && $current->parent->type != "rootNode"){ $parents[] = $current->parent; $current=$current->parent; } $parents = array_reverse($parents); foreach($parents as $parent){ $parent->getNotices(); } global $gestion_acces_active,$gestion_acces_user_notice,$gestion_acces_empr_notice; global $webdav_current_user_id; switch($this->config['authentication']){ case "gestion" : $acces_j=''; //soit les droits d'accès sont activés et il est possible que la notice ne soit pas visible pour certaines personnes //soit c'est la requete de base if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_user_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_1= $ac->setDomain(1); $acces_j = $dom_1->getJoin($webdav_current_user_id,3,'notice_id'); $query = "select notice_id from (".$query.") as uni ".$acces_j; if($this->parent && $this->parent->restricted_notices){ $query.= " where uni.notice_id in (".$this->parent->restricted_notices.")"; } } break; case "opac" : $acces_j=''; //droit d'accès ou statut if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_1= $ac->setDomain(2); $acces_j = $dom_1->getJoin($webdav_current_user_id,16,'notice_id'); $query = "select notice_id from (".$query.") as uni ".$acces_j; if($this->parent && $this->parent->restricted_notices){ $query.= " where uni.notice_id in (".$this->parent->restricted_notices.")"; } }else{ $query = "select uni.notice_id from (".$query.") as uni join notices on notices.notice_id = uni.notice_id join notice_statut on notices.statut= id_notice_statut where ((explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=0)".($webdav_current_user_id ?" or (explnum_visible_opac_abon=1 and explnum_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; if($this->parent && $this->parent->restricted_notices){ $query.= " and uni.notice_id in (".$this->parent->restricted_notices.")"; } } break; case "anonymous" : //droit d'accès ou statut if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_1= $ac->setDomain(2); $acces_j = $dom_1->getJoin(0,16,'notice_id'); $query = "select notice_id from (".$query.") as uni ".$acces_j; if($this->parent && $this->parent->restricted_notices){ $query.= " where uni.notice_id in (".$this->parent->restricted_notices.")"; } }else{ $query = "select uni.notice_id from (".$query.") as uni join notices on notices.notice_id = uni.notice_id join notice_statut on notices.statut= id_notice_statut where explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=0"; if($this->parent && $this->parent->restricted_notices){ $query.= " and uni.notice_id in (".$this->parent->restricted_notices.")"; } } break; } $this->notices =array(); $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $this->notices[] = $row->notice_id; } } $this->restricted_notices = implode(",",$this->notices); } function filterExplnums($query){ global $gestion_acces_active,$gestion_acces_user_notice,$gestion_acces_empr_notice; global $webdav_current_user_id; switch($this->config['authentication']){ case "gestion" : $acces_j=''; //soit les droits d'accès sont activés et il est possible que la notice ne soit pas visible pour certaines personnes //soit c'est la requete de base if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_user_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_1= $ac->setDomain(1); $acces_j = $dom_1->getJoin($webdav_current_user_id,3,'notice_id'); $query = "select distinct explnum_id, notice_id from (".$query.") as uni ".$acces_j; } break; case "opac" : $acces_j=''; //droit d'accès ou statut if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_1= $ac->setDomain(2); $acces_j = $dom_1->getJoin($webdav_current_user_id,16,'notice_id'); $query = "select distinct explnum_id, notice_id from (".$query.") as uni ".$acces_j; }else{ $query = "select distinct explnum_id, uni.notice_id from (".$query.") as uni join notices on notices.notice_id = uni.notice_id join notice_statut on notices.statut= id_notice_statut where ((explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=0)".($webdav_current_user_id ?" or (explnum_visible_opac_abon=1 and explnum_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } break; case "anonymous" : //droit d'accès ou statut if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $ac= new acces(); $dom_1= $ac->setDomain(2); $acces_j = $dom_1->getJoin(0,16,'notice_id'); $query = "select distinct explnum_id, notice_id from (".$query.") as uni ".$acces_j; }else{ $query = "select distinct explnum_id, uni.notice_id from (".$query.") as uni join notices on notices.notice_id = uni.notice_id join notice_statut on notices.statut= id_notice_statut where explnum_visible_opac=1 and explnum_visible_opac_abon=0"; } break; } return $query; } function getNotices(){ return array(); } function check_write_permission(){ global $webdav_current_user_id; if($this->config['write_permission']){ $tab = array(); $query = ""; switch($this->config['authentication']){ case "gestion" : $tab = $this->config['restricted_user_write_permission']; $query = "select grp_num from users where userid = ".$webdav_current_user_id; break; case "opac" : $query = "select empr_categ from empr where id_empr = ".$webdav_current_user_id; case "anonymous" : default : $tab = $this->config['restricted_empr_write_permission']; break; } //pas de restriction, on est bon if(!count($tab)){ return true; }elseif($query != ""){ //on doit s'assurer que la personne connectée est dispose des droits... $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ if(in_array(mysql_result($result,0,0),$tab)){ return true; } } } } //si on est encore dans la fonction, c'est qu'on correspond à aucun critère ! return false; } }