".htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_clean_relations_pan"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."

"; $query = mysql_query("DELETE notices_custom_values FROM notices_custom_values LEFT JOIN notices ON notice_id=notices_custom_origine WHERE notice_id IS NULL "); $affected += mysql_affected_rows(); $query = mysql_query("delete notices from notices left join bulletins on num_notice=notice_id where num_notice is null and niveau_hierar='2' and niveau_biblio='b' "); $affected += mysql_affected_rows(); $query = mysql_query("delete notices_titres_uniformes from notices_titres_uniformes left join notices on ntu_num_notice=notice_id where notice_id is null "); $affected += mysql_affected_rows(); $query = mysql_query("delete notices_categories from notices_categories left join notices on notcateg_notice=notice_id where notice_id is null"); $affected = mysql_affected_rows(); $query = mysql_query("delete responsability from responsability left join notices on responsability_notice=notice_id where notice_id is null"); $affected = mysql_affected_rows(); $query = mysql_query("delete responsability from responsability left join authors on responsability_author=author_id where author_id is null"); $affected = mysql_affected_rows(); $v_state .= "
".htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_relations"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset)." : "; $v_state .= $affected." ".htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_res_suppr_relations_pan"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $opt = mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE notices_categories'); // mise à jour de l'affichage de la jauge print "
"; print "