indexint_name; } // fetch the title and the volume number $requete = "SELECT index_sew, tnvol FROM notices WHERE notice_id= '$id_notice' "; $result = @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $res = mysql_fetch_object($result); $res_title = pmb_strtoupper(pmb_str_replace(" ","",$res->index_sew)); $res_nvol = $res->tnvol; // fetch the first author, but only if his responsability_type is 0 $requete = "SELECT index_author, responsability_type FROM authors, responsability WHERE author_id=responsability_author and responsability_notice = '$id_notice' and responsability_type = '0' LIMIT 1"; $result = @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = mysql_num_rows($result); // build the code using also the author name if ($nbr_lignes) { $res = mysql_fetch_object($result); $res_author = pmb_strtoupper(pmb_substr(pmb_str_replace(" ","",$res->index_author),0,3)); $res_title = pmb_substr($res_title,0,3); $res_cote = $res_dewey." ".$res_author."-".$res_title." ".$res_nvol; } else { // no author at responsability_type 0 so build the code using only the title $res_title = pmb_substr($res_title,0,7); $res_cote = $res_dewey." ".$res_title." ".$res_nvol; } return $value_prefix_cote.$res_cote; } else return $cote ; }