if($serial_id!=0) $acces_m = $dom_1->getRights($PMBuserid,$serial_id,8);
if ($acces_m==0) {
error_message('', htmlentities($dom_1->getComment('mod_noti_error'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), 1, '');
} else {
// nettoyage des valeurs du form
$f_tit1 = clean_string($f_tit1);
$f_tit3 = clean_string($f_tit3);
$f_tit4 = clean_string($f_tit4);
//$f_indexation = clean_string($f_indexation);
$f_lien = clean_string($f_lien);
$f_eformat = clean_string($f_eformat);
//Si control de dédoublonnage activé
if( $pmb_notice_controle_doublons) {
$sign = new notice_doublon();
$signature = $sign->gen_signature();
if ($forcage == 1) {
$tab= unserialize( urldecode($ret_url) );
foreach($tab->GET as $key => $val){
if(!is_array($val)) { $val=addslashes($val);}
$GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
foreach($tab->POST as $key => $val){
if(!is_array($val)) { $val=addslashes($val);}
$GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
$signature = $sign->gen_signature();
} else if( ($pmb_notice_controle_doublons) != 0 && !$serial_id ) {
//Si controle de dedoublonnage active
$signature = $sign->gen_signature();
$requete="select signature, niveau_biblio ,notice_id from notices where signature='$signature' and niveau_biblio='$b_level' limit 1 ";
$result=mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
if (($r=mysql_fetch_object($result))) {
//affichage de l'erreur, en passant tous les param postes (serialise) pour l'eventuel forcage
$tab->POST = $_POST;
$tab->GET = $_GET;
$ret_url= urlencode(serialize($tab));
print "
// on a affaire a un periodique
$nt = new serial_display($r->notice_id,1,'catalog.php?categ=serials&sub=view&serial_id='.$r->notice_id);
echo "
// les valeurs passees sont mises en tableau pour etre passees
// a la methode de mise a jour
$table = array();
$table['typdoc'] = $typdoc;
$table['statut'] = $form_notice_statut;
$table['commentaire_gestion'] = $f_commentaire_gestion ;
$table['thumbnail_url'] = $f_thumbnail_url ;
$table['code'] = $f_cb;
$table['tit1'] = $f_tit1;
$table['tit3'] = $f_tit3;
$table['tit4'] = $f_tit4;
// auteur principal
$f_aut[] = array (
'id' => $f_aut0_id,
'fonction' => $f_f0_code,
'type' => '0',
'ordre' => 0 );
// autres auteurs
for ($i=0; $i<$max_aut1; $i++) {
$var_autid = "f_aut1_id$i" ;
$var_autfonc = "f_f1_code$i" ;
$f_aut[] = array (
'id' => $$var_autid,
'fonction' => $$var_autfonc,
'type' => '1',
'ordre' => $i );
// auteurs secondaires
for ($i=0; $i<$max_aut2 ; $i++) {
$var_autid = "f_aut2_id$i" ;
$var_autfonc = "f_f2_code$i" ;
$f_aut[] = array (
'id' => $$var_autid,
'fonction' => $$var_autfonc,
'type' => '2',
'ordre' => $i );
$table['ed1_id'] = $f_ed1_id;
$table['ed2_id'] = $f_ed2_id;
$table['year'] = $f_year;
$table['n_gen'] = $f_n_gen;
$table['n_contenu'] = $f_n_contenu;
$table['n_resume'] = $f_n_resume;
$date_parution = serial::get_date_parution($f_year);
$table['date_parution'] = $date_parution;
// categories
foreach($categ_order as $old_order){
$var_categid = "f_categ_id$old_order" ;
$f_categ[] = array (
'id' => $$var_categid,
'ordre' => $order );
for ($i=0; $i< $max_categ ; $i++) {
$var_categid = "f_categ_id$i" ;
$f_categ[] = array (
'id' => $$var_categid,
'ordre' => $i );
$table['indexint'] = $f_indexint_id;
$table['index_l'] = clean_tags($f_indexation);
$table['lien'] = $f_lien;
$table['eformat'] = $f_eformat;
$table['niveau_biblio'] = $b_level;
$table['niveau_hierar'] = $h_level;
$table['signature'] = $signature;
if($a2z_opac_show) $val=0; else $val=0x10;
$table['opac_visible_bulletinage']= $opac_visible_bulletinage | $val;
$p_perso=new parametres_perso("notices");
if (!$nberrors) {
$serial = new serial($serial_id);
$update_result = $serial->update($table);
} else {
if ($update_result) {
//traitement des droits d'acces user_notice
if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_user_notice==1) {
if ($serial_id) {
$dom_1->storeUserRights(1, $update_result, $res_prf, $chk_rights, $prf_rad, $r_rad);
} else {
$dom_1->storeUserRights(0, $update_result, $res_prf, $chk_rights, $prf_rad, $r_rad);
//on applique les memes droits d'acces user_notice aux bulletins et depouillements lies
$q = "select num_notice from bulletins where bulletin_notice=$serial_id ";
$q.= "union ";
$q.= "select analysis_notice from analysis join bulletins on analysis_bulletin=bulletin_id where bulletin_notice=$serial_id ";
$r = mysql_query($q,$dbh);
if (mysql_num_rows($r)) {
while(($row=mysql_fetch_object($r))) {
$q = "replace into acces_res_1 select $row->num_notice, res_prf_num,usr_prf_num,res_rights,res_mask from acces_res_1 where res_num=$serial_id ";
//traitement des droits acces empr_notice
if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) {
$dom_2= $ac->setDomain(2);
if ($serial_id) {
$dom_2->storeUserRights(1, $update_result, $res_prf, $chk_rights, $prf_rad, $r_rad);
} else {
$dom_2->storeUserRights(0, $update_result, $res_prf, $chk_rights, $prf_rad, $r_rad);
//Traitement des liens
$requete="delete from notices_relations where num_notice=".$update_result;
for ($i=0; $i<$max_rel; $i++) {
if ($$f_rel_id) {
$requete_rank = "select count(rank) as rank_max from notices_relations where linked_notice='".$$f_rel_id."' and relation_type='".$$f_rel_type."'";
$res = mysql_query($requete_rank);
$rang_max = mysql_result($res,0,0);
else $rang_max = 0;
$requete="insert into notices_relations values($update_result,".$$f_rel_id.",'".$$f_rel_type."',".($rang_max ? $rang_max :$i).")";
} else {
$req_exist = "select 1 from notices_relations where linked_notice='".$$f_rel_id."' and relation_type='".$$f_rel_type."' and rank='".$$f_rel_rank."'";
$res_exist = mysql_query($req_exist);
$requete_rank = "select count(rank) as rank_max from notices_relations where linked_notice='".$$f_rel_id."' and relation_type='".$$f_rel_type."'";
$res = mysql_query($requete_rank);
$rang_max = mysql_result($res,0,0);
else $rang_max = $$f_rel_rank;
} else $rang_max = $$f_rel_rank;
$requete="insert into notices_relations values($update_result,".$$f_rel_id.",'".$$f_rel_type."',".$rang_max.")";
// traitement des auteurs
$rqt_del = "DELETE FROM responsability WHERE responsability_notice='$update_result' ";
$res_del = mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh);
$rqt_ins = "INSERT INTO responsability (responsability_author, responsability_notice, responsability_fonction, responsability_type, responsability_ordre) VALUES ";
while ($i<=count ($f_aut)-1) {
if ($id_aut) {
$type_aut = $f_aut[$i]['type'];
$ordre_aut = $f_aut[$i]['ordre'];
$rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$id_aut','$update_result','$fonc_aut','$type_aut', $ordre_aut)";
$res_ins = @mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
// traitement des categories
$rqt_del = "DELETE FROM notices_categories WHERE notcateg_notice='$update_result' ";
$res_del = mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh);
$rqt_ins = "INSERT INTO notices_categories (notcateg_notice, num_noeud, ordre_categorie) VALUES ";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($f_categ)) {
if ($id_categ) {
$ordre_categ = $val['ordre'];
$rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$update_result','$id_categ', $ordre_categ ) " ;
$res_ins = @mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
// traitement des langues
// langues
$f_lang_form = array();
$f_langorg_form = array() ;
for ($i=0; $i< $max_lang ; $i++) {
$var_langcode = "f_lang_code$i" ;
if ($$var_langcode) $f_lang_form[] = array ('code' => $$var_langcode,'ordre' => $i);
// langues originales
for ($i=0; $i< $max_langorg ; $i++) {
$var_langorgcode = "f_langorg_code$i" ;
if ($$var_langorgcode) $f_langorg_form[] = array ('code' => $$var_langorgcode,'ordre' => $i);
$rqt_del = "delete from notices_langues where num_notice='$update_result' ";
$res_del = mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh);
$rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES ";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($f_lang_form)) {
if ($tmpcode_langue) {
$tmpordre_langue = $val['ordre'];
$rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$update_result',0, '$tmpcode_langue',$tmpordre_langue) " ;
$res_ins = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
// traitement des langues originales
$rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES ";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($f_langorg_form)) {
if ($tmpcode_langue) {
$tmpordre_langue = $val['ordre'];
$rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('$update_result',1, '$tmpcode_langue', $tmpordre_langue) " ;
$res_ins = @mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
//Traitement des champs perso
// Mise à jour de la table notices_global_index
// Mise à jour de la table notices_mots_global_index
print "";
$retour = "./catalog.php?categ=serials&sub=view&serial_id=".$serial->serial_id;
print "
} else {
error_message($msg[4004] , $msg['catalog_serie_impossible'], 1, './catalog.php?categ=serials');