num_noeud = $num_noeud; $this->langue = $langue; $q = "select count(1) from categories where num_noeud = '".$this->num_noeud."' and langue = '".$this->langue."' "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); if (mysql_result($r, 0, 0) != 0) { $this->load(); } else { $q = "insert into categories set num_noeud = '".$this->num_noeud."', langue = '".$langue."', "; $q.= "libelle_categorie = '', note_application = '', comment_public = '', "; $q.= "comment_voir = '', index_categorie = '' "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); } } // charge la catégorie à partir de la base si elle existe. function load(){ global $dbh; $q = "select * from categories where num_noeud = '".$this->num_noeud."' and langue = '".$this->langue."' limit 1"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $obj = mysql_fetch_object($r); $this->libelle_categorie = $obj->libelle_categorie; $this->note_application = $obj->note_application; $this->comment_public = $obj->comment_public; $this->comment_voir = $obj->comment_voir; $this->index_categorie = $obj->index_categorie; } // enregistre la catégorie en base. function save(){ global $dbh; global $msg; global $include_path; $no = new noeuds($this->num_noeud); $num_thesaurus = $no->num_thesaurus; //On teste si la categorie existe à ce niveau //$categ_exist = $this->searchLibelle($this->libelle_categorie,$num_thesaurus,$this->langue,$no->num_parent); //if ($categ_exist != 0) { //require_once("$include_path/"); //warning($msg['create_category'],$msg['create_category_double']); //on supprime les relations dans la base //$this->delete($this->num_noeud,$this->langue); //$no->delete($this->num_noeud); //return FALSE; //} else { $q = "update categories set "; $q.= "num_thesaurus = '".$num_thesaurus."', "; $q.= "libelle_categorie = '".addslashes($this->libelle_categorie)."', "; $q.= "note_application = '".addslashes($this->note_application)."', "; $q.= "comment_public = '".addslashes($this->comment_public)."', "; $q.= "comment_voir = '".addslashes($this->comment_voir)."', "; $q.= "index_categorie = ' ".addslashes(strip_empty_words($this->libelle_categorie,$this->langue))." ' "; $q.= "where num_noeud = '".$this->num_noeud."' and langue = '".$this->langue."' "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); categories::update_index($this->num_noeud); $this->update_index_path_word(); //} } function update_index_path_word(){ global $dbh; global $msg; global $include_path; global $thesaurus_auto_postage_search; global $thesaurus_auto_postage_search_nb_descendant,$thesaurus_auto_postage_search_nb_montant; /* auto_postage_descendant: * Soit categ : Europe:France:Sarthe * et une notice sous la categ Sarthe. * la recherche tous champs de Europe va sortir la notice sous la categ Sarthe */ $no = new noeuds($this->num_noeud); $num_thesaurus = $no->num_thesaurus; $path=$no->path; $liste_num_noeud=explode('/',$path); // pour l'index coté gestion $lib_list=array(); if($thesaurus_auto_postage_search){ $limit=$thesaurus_auto_postage_search_nb_descendant; if($limit){ $liste_num_noeud=explode('/',$path); if($limit != '*') array_splice($liste_num_noeud,0,count($liste_num_noeud)-$limit-1); $select_num_noeud=implode(',',$liste_num_noeud); $q = "select libelle_categorie from categories where num_noeud in( $select_num_noeud ) and langue = '".$this->langue."' and num_thesaurus=$num_thesaurus"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $lib_list[]= $row->libelle_categorie; } } } /* auto_postage_montant: * Soit categ : Europe:France:Sarthe * et une notice sous la categ Europe. * la recherche tous champs de Sarthe va sortir la notice sous la categ Europe */ $liste_fils=""; if($thesaurus_auto_postage_search){ $limit=$thesaurus_auto_postage_search_nb_montant; if($limit){ if( is_numeric($limit)) $liste_fils=" path regexp '^$path(\\/[0-9]*){0,$limit}$' "; elseif($limit == '*') $liste_fils=" (path like '$path/%' or path = '$path') "; if($liste_fils) { $q = "select libelle_categorie from categories,noeuds where id_noeud=num_noeud and $liste_fils and langue = '".$this->langue."' and categories.num_thesaurus=$num_thesaurus and noeuds.num_thesaurus=$num_thesaurus"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $lib_list[]= $row->libelle_categorie; } } } } // Si rien, on ne met que le libelle de la categ if(!count($lib_list))$lib_list[]=$this->libelle_categorie; //$lib_list=array_unique ($lib_list); $index=implode(" ",$lib_list); $clean_index=strip_empty_words($index); $q = "update categories set "; $q.= "path_word_categ = ' ".trim(addslashes($index))." ', "; $q.= "index_path_word_categ = ' ".trim(addslashes($clean_index))." ' "; $q.= "where num_noeud = '".$this->num_noeud."' and langue = '".$this->langue."' and num_thesaurus=$num_thesaurus"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); } //verifie si une categorie existe dans la langue concernée function exists($num_noeud, $langue) { global $dbh; $q = "select count(1) from categories where num_noeud = '".$num_noeud."' and langue = '".$langue."' "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); if (mysql_result($r, 0, 0) == 0) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } //supprime une categorie en base. function delete($num_noeud, $langue) { global $dbh; $q = "delete from categories where num_noeud = '".$num_noeud."' and langue = '".$langue."' "; $r = @mysql_query($q, $dbh); } //Liste les libelles des ancetres d'une categorie dans la langue concernée //a partir de la racine du thesaurus function listAncestorNames($num_noeud=0, $langue) { global $dbh; if(!$num_noeud) { $num_noeud = $this->num_noeud; $langue = $this->langue; } $thes = thesaurus::getByEltId($num_noeud); $id_list = noeuds::listAncestors($num_noeud); $id_list = array_reverse($id_list); $lib_list = ''; foreach($id_list as $dummykey=>$id) { if (categories::exists($id, $langue)) $lg=$langue; else $lg=$thes->langue_defaut; $q = "select libelle_categorie from categories where num_noeud = '".$id."' "; $q.= "and langue = '".$lg."' limit 1"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($r)) { $lib_list.= mysql_result($r, 0, 0); if ($id != $num_noeud) $lib_list.= ':'; } } return $lib_list; } //Retourne un tableau des ancetres d'une categorie dans la langue concernée //a partir de la racine du thesaurus function listAncestors($num_noeud=0, $langue='') { global $dbh; if(!$num_noeud) { $num_noeud = $this->num_noeud; $langue = $this->langue; } $thes = thesaurus::getByEltId($num_noeud); $id_list = noeuds::listAncestors($num_noeud); $id_list = array_reverse($id_list); $anc_list = array(); foreach($id_list as $key=>$id) { if (categories::exists($id, $langue)) $lg=$langue; else $lg=$thes->langue_defaut; $q = "select * from noeuds, categories "; $q.= "where categories.num_noeud = '".$id."' "; $q.= "and categories.langue = '".$lg."' "; $q.= "and categories.num_noeud = noeuds.id_noeud "; $q.= "limit 1"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $anc_list[$id]['num_noeud'] = $row->num_noeud; $anc_list[$id]['num_parent'] = $row->num_parent; $anc_list[$id]['num_renvoi_voir'] = $row->num_renvoi_voir; $anc_list[$id]['visible'] = $row->visible; $anc_list[$id]['num_thesaurus'] = $row->num_thesaurus; $anc_list[$id]['langue'] = $row->langue; $anc_list[$id]['libelle_categorie'] = $row->libelle_categorie; $anc_list[$id]['note_application'] = $row->note_application; $anc_list[$id]['comment_public'] = $row->comment_public; $anc_list[$id]['comment_voir'] = $row->comment_voir; $anc_list[$id]['index_categorie'] = $row->index_categorie; $anc_list[$id]['autorite'] = $row->autorite; } } return $anc_list; } //Retourne un resultset des enfants d'une categorie dans la langue concernée function listChilds($num_noeud=0, $langue, $keep_tilde=1, $ordered=0) { global $dbh; if(!$num_noeud) { $num_noeud = $this->num_noeud; $langue = $this->langue; } $thes = thesaurus::getByEltId($num_noeud); $list = array(); $q = "select "; $q.= "catdef.num_noeud, noeuds.autorite, noeuds.num_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir, noeuds.visible, noeuds.num_thesaurus, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.langue, catlg.langue ) as langue, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.libelle_categorie, catlg.libelle_categorie ) as libelle_categorie, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.note_application, catlg.note_application ) as note_application, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.comment_public, catlg.comment_public ) as comment_public, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.comment_voir, catlg.comment_voir ) as comment_voir, "; $q.= "if (catlg.num_noeud is null, catdef.index_categorie, catlg.index_categorie ) as index_categorie "; $q.= "from noeuds left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud=catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = '".$thes->langue_defaut."' "; $q.= "left join categories as catlg on catdef.num_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$langue."' "; $q.= "where "; $q.= "noeuds.num_parent = '".$num_noeud."' "; if (!$keep_tilde) $q.= "and catdef.libelle_categorie not like '~%' "; if ($ordered !== 0) $q.= "order by ".$ordered." "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); return $r; } //optimization de la table categories function optimize() { global $dbh; $opt = mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE categories', $dbh); return $opt; } //recherche $libelle dans les libellés de la table categories et retourne 0 si non trouvé //sinon retourne identifiant de categorie function searchLibelle($libelle, $id_thesaurus=0, $lg=0, $num_parent=0) { global $dbh; global $lang; global $thesaurus_defaut; if (!$lg) $lg = $lang; if (!$id_thesaurus) $id_thesaurus = $thesaurus_defaut; $q = "select id_noeud from noeuds, categories where 1 "; if ($id_thesaurus != -1) $q.= "and noeuds.num_thesaurus = '".$id_thesaurus."' "; if ($num_parent) $q.= "and noeuds.num_parent = '".$num_parent."' "; if ($lg != -1) $q.= "and categories.langue = '".$lg."' "; $q.= "and categories.libelle_categorie = '".$libelle."' "; $q.= "and noeuds.id_noeud = categories.num_noeud "; $q.= "limit 1"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($r)) return mysql_result($r, 0, 0); else return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // update_index($id) : maj des n-uplets la table notice_global_index // en rapport avec cette actégorie //--------------------------------------------------------------- function update_index($id) { global $dbh; // On cherche tous les n-uplet de la table notice correspondant à cette catégorie. $found = mysql_query("select distinct notcateg_notice from notices_categories where num_noeud='".$id ."' ",$dbh); // Pour chaque n-uplet trouvés on met a jour la table notice_global_index avec l'auteur modifié : $num = mysql_num_rows($found); for($j=0;$j < $num; $j++) { $mesNotices = mysql_fetch_object($found); $notice_id = $mesNotices->notcateg_notice; notice::majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice_id); notice::majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($notice_id,'subject'); } } function getlibelle($num_noeud=0, $langue=""){ global $dbh; $lib=""; if(!$num_noeud) { $num_noeud = $this->num_noeud; $langue = $this->langue; } $thes = thesaurus::getByEltId($num_noeud); if (categories::exists($num_noeud, $langue)) $lg=$langue; else $lg=$thes->langue_defaut; $q = "select libelle_categorie from categories where num_noeud = '".$num_noeud."' "; $q.= "and langue = '".$lg."' limit 1"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($r)) { $lib= mysql_result($r, 0, 0); } return $lib; } function process_categ_index() { global $dbh; $q = "select * from categories "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $thes = new categories($obj->num_noeud,$obj->langue); $thes->update_index_path_word(); } } } ?>