id = $id; $this->getData(); } else { // la notice n'existe pas $this->id = 0; $this->getData(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // getData() : récupération infos collection // --------------------------------------------------------------- function getData() { global $dbh; if(!$this->id) { // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->editeur = ''; $this->editor_isbd = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->collection_web = ''; $this->comment = ''; } else { $requete = "SELECT * FROM collections WHERE collection_id=$this->id LIMIT 1 "; $result = @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = mysql_fetch_object($result); mysql_free_result($result); $this->id = $temp->collection_id; $this->name = $temp->collection_name; $this->parent = $temp->collection_parent; $this->issn = $temp->collection_issn; $this->collection_web = $temp->collection_web; $this->comment = $temp->collection_comment; if($temp->collection_web) $this->collection_web_link = " "; else $this->collection_web_link = "" ; $editeur = new editeur($temp->collection_parent); $this->editor_isbd = $editeur->isbd_entry; $this->issn ? $this->isbd_entry = $this->name.', ISSN '.$this->issn : $this->isbd_entry = $this->name; $this->editeur = $editeur->name; $this->display = $this->name.' ('.$this->editeur.')'; // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche collection si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "".$this->name.""; else $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->name; } else { // pas de collection avec cette clé $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->editeur = ''; $this->editor_isbd = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->collection_web = ''; $this->collection_web_link = "" ; $this->comment = "" ; } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // delete() : suppression de la collection // --------------------------------------------------------------- function delete() { global $dbh; global $msg; if(!$this->id) // impossible d'accéder à cette notice de collection return $msg[406]; // récupération du nombre de notices affectées $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM notices WHERE "; $requete .= "coll_id=$this->id"; $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if(!$nbr_lignes) { // on regarde si la collection a des collections enfants $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sub_collections WHERE "; $requete .= "sub_coll_parent=".$this->id; $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if(!$nbr_lignes) { // effacement dans la table des collections $requete = "DELETE FROM collections WHERE collection_id=".$this->id; $result = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //suppression dans la table de stockage des numéros d'autorités... $query = "select id_authority_source from authorities_sources where num_authority = ".$this->id." and authority_type = 'collection'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ $query = "delete from notices_authorities_sources where num_authority_source = ".mysql_result($result,0,0); mysql_query($query); } $query = "delete from authorities_sources where num_authority = ".$this->id." and authority_type = 'collection'"; mysql_query($query); // liens entre autorités $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS,$this->id); $aut_link->delete(); return false; } else { // Cet collection a des sous-collections, impossible de la supprimer return ''.$this->display."
${msg[408]}"; } } else { // Cette collection est utilisé dans des notices, impossible de la supprimer return ''.$this->display."
${msg[407]}"; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // replace($by) : remplacement de la collection // --------------------------------------------------------------- function replace($by,$link_save=0) { global $msg; global $dbh; if(!$by) { // pas de valeur de remplacement !!! return "serious error occured, please contact admin..."; } if (($this->id == $by) || (!$this->id)) { // impossible de remplacer une collection par elle-même return $msg[226]; } // a) remplacement dans les notices // on obtient les infos de la nouvelle collection $n_collection = new collection($by); if(!$n_collection->parent) { // la nouvelle collection est foireuse return $msg[406]; } $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS,$this->id); // "Conserver les liens entre autorités" est demandé if($link_save) { // liens entre autorités $aut_link->add_link_to(AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS,$by); } $aut_link->delete(); $requete = "UPDATE notices SET ed1_id=".$n_collection->parent.", coll_id=$by WHERE coll_id=".$this->id; $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // b) remplacement dans la table des sous-collections $requete = "UPDATE sub_collections SET sub_coll_parent=$by WHERE sub_coll_parent=".$this->id; $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // c) suppression de la collection $requete = "DELETE FROM collections WHERE collection_id=".$this->id; $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //nettoyage d'autorities_sources $query = "select * from authorities_sources where num_authority = ".$this->id." and authority_type = 'collection'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){ if($row->authority_favorite == 1){ //on suprime les références si l'autorité a été importée... $query = "delete from notices_authorities_sources where num_authority_source = ".$row->id_authority_source; mysql_result($query); $query = "delete from authorities_sources where id_authority_source = ".$row->id_authority_source; mysql_result($query); }else{ //on fait suivre le reste $query = "update authorities_sources set num_authority = ".$by." where num_authority_source = ".$row->id_authority_source; mysql_query($query); } } } collection::update_index($by); return FALSE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // show_form : affichage du formulaire de saisie // --------------------------------------------------------------- function show_form() { global $msg; global $collection_form; global $charset; if($this->id) { $action = "./autorites.php?categ=collections&sub=update&id=$this->id"; $libelle = $msg[168]; $button_remplace = "id\"'>"; $button_voir = "id\"'>"; $button_delete = ""; } else { $action = './autorites.php?categ=collections&sub=update&id='; $libelle = $msg[167]; $button_remplace = ''; $button_delete =''; } $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS,$this->id); $collection_form = str_replace('', $aut_link->get_form('saisie_collection') , $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!libelle!!', $libelle, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!action!!', $action, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!collection_nom!!', htmlentities($this->name,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!ed_libelle!!', htmlentities($this->editeur,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!ed_id!!', $this->parent, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!issn!!', $this->issn, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!delete!!', $button_delete, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!remplace!!', $button_remplace, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!voir_notices!!', $button_voir, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!collection_web!!', htmlentities($this->collection_web,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!comment!!', htmlentities($this->comment,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $collection_form); // pour retour à la bonne page en gestion d'autorités // &user_input=".rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input))."&nbr_lignes=$nbr_lignes&page=$page global $user_input, $nbr_lignes, $page ; $collection_form = str_replace('!!user_input_url!!', rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)), $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!user_input!!', htmlentities($user_input,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!nbr_lignes!!', $nbr_lignes, $collection_form); $collection_form = str_replace('!!page!!', $page, $collection_form); print $collection_form; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // replace_form : affichage du formulaire de remplacement // --------------------------------------------------------------- function replace_form() { global $collection_replace_form; global $msg; global $include_path; if(!$this->id || !$this->name) { require_once("$include_path/"); error_message($msg[161], $msg[162], 1, './autorites.php?categ=collections&sub=&id='); return false; } $collection_replace_form=str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $collection_replace_form); $collection_replace_form=str_replace('!!coll_name!!', $this->name, $collection_replace_form); $collection_replace_form=str_replace('!!coll_editeur!!', $this->editeur, $collection_replace_form); print $collection_replace_form; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // update($value) : mise à jour de la collection // --------------------------------------------------------------- function update($value,$force_creation = false) { global $dbh; global $msg; global $include_path; // nettoyage des valeurs en entrée $value['name'] = clean_string($value['name']); $value['issn'] = clean_string($value['issn']); if(!$value['parent']){ if($value['publisher']){ //on les a, on crée l'éditeur $value['parent'] = editeur::import($value['publisher']); } } if ((!$value['name']) || (!$value['parent'])) return false; // construction de la requête $requete = "SET collection_name='$value[name]', "; $requete .= "collection_parent='$value[parent]', "; $requete .= "collection_issn='$value[issn]', "; $requete .= "collection_web='$value[collection_web]', "; $requete .= "collection_comment='$value[comment]', "; $requete .= "index_coll=' ".strip_empty_words($value[name])." ".strip_empty_words($value["issn"])." '"; if($this->id) { // update $requete = 'UPDATE collections '.$requete; $requete .= ' WHERE collection_id='.$this->id.' ;'; if(mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) { $requete = "update notices set ed1_id='".$value[parent]."' WHERE coll_id='".$this->id."' "; $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh) ; collection::update_index($this->id); // liens entre autorités $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS,$this->id); $aut_link->save_form(); return TRUE; } else { require_once("$include_path/"); warning($msg[167], $msg[169]); return FALSE; } } else { if(!$force_creation){ // création : s'assurer que la collection n'existe pas déjà $dummy = "SELECT * FROM collections WHERE collection_name REGEXP '^${value[name]}$' AND collection_parent='$value[parent]' LIMIT 1 "; $check = mysql_query($dummy, $dbh); if(mysql_num_rows($check)) { require_once("$include_path/"); warning($msg[167], $msg[171]); return FALSE; } } $requete = 'INSERT INTO collections '.$requete.';'; if(mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) { $this->id=mysql_insert_id(); // liens entre autorités $aut_link= new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS,$this->id); $aut_link->save_form(); return TRUE; } else { require_once("$include_path/"); warning($msg[167], $msg[170]); return FALSE; } } if($value['subcollections']){ for ( $i=0 ; $icollection_id) return $collection->collection_id; // id non-récupérée, il faut créer la forme. $query = "INSERT INTO collections SET collection_name='$key0', "; $query .= "collection_parent='$key1', "; $query .= "collection_issn='$key2', "; $query .= "index_coll=' ".strip_empty_words($key0)." ".strip_empty_words($key2)." ', "; $query .= "collection_comment = '".addslashes($data['comment'])."'"; $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh); if(!$result) die("can't INSERT into database"); $id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); if($data['subcollections']){ for ( $i=0 ; $i', "$msg[1312]", $user_query); $user_query = str_replace("!!user_input!!",htmlentities(stripslashes($user_input),ENT_QUOTES, $charset),$user_query); print pmb_bidi($user_query) ; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // update_index($id) : maj des n-uplets la table notice_global_index en rapport avec cet collection //--------------------------------------------------------------- function update_index($id) { global $dbh; // On cherche tous les n-uplet de la table notice correspondant à cet auteur. $found = mysql_query("select distinct notice_id from notices where coll_id='".$id."'",$dbh); // Pour chaque n-uplet trouvés on met a jour la table notice_global_index avec l'auteur modifié : while($mesNotices = mysql_fetch_object($found)) { $notice_id = $mesNotices->notice_id; notice::majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice_id); notice::majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($notice_id,'collection'); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // get_informations_from_unimarc : ressort les infos d'une collection depuis une notice unimarc //--------------------------------------------------------------- function get_informations_from_unimarc($fields,$from_subcollection=false){ $data = array(); if(!$from_subcollection){ $data['name'] = $fields['200'][0]['a'][0]; $data['issn'] = $fields['011'][0]['a'][0]; if($fields['312']){ for($i=0 ; $icollection_id) return $collection->collection_id; return 0; } } # fin de définition de la classe collection } # fin de délaration