expl_id = $item->expl_id;
$this->cb = $item->expl_cb;
$this->id_notice = $item->expl_notice;
$this->id_bulletin = $item->expl_bulletin;
$this->typdoc_id = $item->expl_typdoc;
$this->typdoc = $item->tdoc_libelle;
$this->duree_pret = $item->duree_pret;
$this->cote = $item->expl_cote;
$this->section_id = $item->expl_section;
$this->section = $item->section_libelle;
$this->statut_id = $item->expl_statut;
//$this->statut = $item->statut_libelle;
//$this->pret = $item->pret_flag;
$this->location_id = $item->expl_location;
$this->location = $item->location_libelle;
$this->codestat_id = $item->expl_codestat;
//$this->codestat = $item->codestat_libelle;
$this->date_depot = $item->expl_date_depot ;
$this->date_retour = $item->expl_date_retour ;
$this->note = $item->expl_note;
$this->prix = $item->expl_prix;
$this->owner_id = $item->expl_owner;
$this->lastempr = $item->expl_lastempr;
$this->last_loan_date = $item->last_loan_date;
$this->create_date = $item->create_date;
$this->update_date = $item->update_date;
$this->type_antivol = $item->type_antivol ;
$this->transfert_location_origine = $item->transfert_location_origine;
$this->transfert_statut_origine = $item->transfert_statut_origine;
$this->expl_comment = $item->expl_comment;
$this->nbparts = $item->expl_nbparts;
$this->expl_retloc = $item->expl_retloc;
$sur_loc= sur_location::get_info_surloc_from_location($item->expl_location);
// visibilite des exemplaires
global $explr_invisible, $explr_visible_unmod, $explr_visible_mod, $pmb_droits_explr_localises ;
if ($pmb_droits_explr_localises) {
$as_invis = array_search($this->location_id,$tab_invis);
$as_unmod = array_search($this->location_id,$tab_unmod);
if ($as_invis!== FALSE && $as_invis!== NULL) {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="INVIS" ;
} elseif ($as_unmod!== FALSE && $as_unmod!== NULL) {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="UNMOD" ;
} else {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="MODIF" ;
} else {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="MODIF" ;
} else { // rien trouvé en base
$this->cb = $cb;
$this->id_notice = $id_notice;
$this->id_bulletin = $id_bulletin;
global $explr_invisible, $explr_visible_unmod, $explr_visible_mod, $pmb_droits_explr_localises ;
if ($pmb_droits_explr_localises) {
if ($explr_visible_mod) {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="MODIF" ;
} else {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="UNMOD" ;
} else {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="MODIF" ;
} else { // rien de fourni apparemment
$this->cb = $cb;
$this->id_notice = $id_notice;
$this->id_bulletin = $id_bulletin;
global $explr_invisible, $explr_visible_unmod, $explr_visible_mod, $pmb_droits_explr_localises ;
if ($pmb_droits_explr_localises) {
if ($explr_visible_mod) {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="MODIF" ;
} else {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="UNMOD" ;
} else {
$this->explr_acces_autorise="MODIF" ;
if ($this->id_bulletin) {
$qb="select bulletin_notice from bulletins where bulletin_id='".$this->id_bulletin."' ";
$rb=@mysql_query($qb, $dbh);
if (mysql_num_rows($rb)) {
//sauvegarde en base
function save() {
global $dbh;
if ( (trim($this->cb)!=='')
&& ($this->id_notice || $this->id_bulletin)
&& ($this->typdoc_id)
&& (trim($this->cote)!=='')
&& ($this->location_id)
&& ($this->section_id)
&& ($this->codestat_id)
&& ($this->owner_id)
&& ($this->statut_id) ) {
if ($this->expl_id) {
$q = "update exemplaires set ";
} else {
$q = "insert into exemplaires set ";
$q.= "expl_cb = '".$this->cb."', ";
$q.= "expl_notice = '".$this->id_notice."', ";
if ($this->id_notice) {
$q.= "expl_bulletin = '0', ";
} else {
$q.= "expl_bulletin = '".$this->id_bulletin ."', ";
$q.= "expl_typdoc = '".$this->typdoc_id."', ";
$q.= "expl_cote = '".trim($this->cote)."', ";
$q.= "expl_section = '".$this->section_id."', ";
$q.= "expl_statut = '".$this->statut_id."', ";
$q.= "expl_location = '".$this->location_id."', ";
$q.= "expl_codestat = '".$this->codestat_id."', ";
$q.= "expl_date_depot = '".$this->date_depot."', ";
$q.= "expl_date_retour = '".$this->date_retour."', ";
$q.= "expl_note = '".$this->note."', ";
$q.= "expl_prix = '".$this->prix."', ";
$q.= "expl_owner = '".$this->owner_id."', ";
$q.= "expl_lastempr = '".$this->lastempr."', ";
$q.= "last_loan_date = '".$this->last_loan_date."', ";
$q.= "create_date = '".$this->create_date."', ";
$q.= "type_antivol = '".$this->type_antivol."', ";
$q.= "transfert_location_origine = '".$this->tranfert_location_origine."', ";
$q.= "transfert_statut_origine = '".$this->tranfert_statut_origine."', ";
$q.= "expl_comment = '".$this->expl_comment."', ";
$q.= "expl_nbparts = '".$this->nbparts."', ";
$q.= "expl_retloc = '".$this->expl_retloc."' ";
if ($this->expl_id) {
$q.= "where expl_id='".$this->expl_id."' ";
$r = mysql_query($q, $dbh);
if ($r) {
if(!$this->expl_id) $this->expl_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh);
} else {
} else {
return !$this->error;
function fill_form (&$form, $action) {
global $charset;
global $msg;
global $pmb_antivol;
global $option_num_auto;
global $dbh;
global $pmb_expl_show_dates;
if (isset($option_num_auto)) {
$requete="DELETE from exemplaires_temp where sess not in (select SESSID from sessions)";
//Appel à la fonction de génération automatique de cb
$code_exemplaire =init_gen_code_exemplaire($this->id_notice,$this->id_bulletin);
do {
$code_exemplaire = gen_code_exemplaire($this->id_notice,$this->id_bulletin,$code_exemplaire);
$requete="select expl_cb from exemplaires WHERE expl_cb='$code_exemplaire'";
$res0 = mysql_query($requete,$dbh);
$requete="select cb from exemplaires_temp WHERE cb='$code_exemplaire'";
$res1 = mysql_query($requete,$dbh);
} while((mysql_num_rows($res0)||mysql_num_rows($res1)));
//Memorise dans temps le cb et la session pour le cas de multi utilisateur session
$this->cb = $code_exemplaire;
$requete="INSERT INTO exemplaires_temp (cb ,sess) VALUES ('$this->cb','".SESSid."')";
$form = str_replace('!!action!!', $action, $form);
if ($this->id_notice) {
$form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id_notice, $form);
} else {
$form = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id_bulletin, $form);
$form = str_replace('!!cb!!', htmlentities($this->cb , ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
$form = str_replace('!!nbparts!!', htmlentities($this->nbparts , ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
$form = str_replace('!!note!!', htmlentities($this->note, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
$form = str_replace('!!comment!!', htmlentities($this->expl_comment, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
if ($this->id_notice) {
$form = str_replace('!!cote!!', htmlentities(prefill_cote($this->id_notice,$this->cote), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
} else {
$form = str_replace('!!cote!!', htmlentities(prefill_cote($this->id_bulletin_notice,$this->cote), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
$form = str_replace('!!prix!!', htmlentities($this->prix, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
// select "type document"
$form = str_replace('!!type_doc!!',
do_selector('docs_type', 'f_ex_typdoc', $this->typdoc_id),
// select "section"
$form = str_replace('!!section!!',
// select "statut"
$form = str_replace('!!statut!!',
do_selector('docs_statut', 'f_ex_statut', $this->statut_id),
// select "localisation"
//visibilité des exemplaires
global $explr_visible_mod, $pmb_droits_explr_localises ;
if ($pmb_droits_explr_localises) $where_clause_explr = "idlocation in (".$explr_visible_mod.") and";
$form = str_replace('!!localisation!!',
gen_liste ("select distinct idlocation, location_libelle from docs_location, docsloc_section where $where_clause_explr num_location=idlocation order by 2 ", "idlocation", "location_libelle", 'f_ex_location', "calcule_section(this);", $this->location_id, "", "","","",0),
// select "code statistique"
$form = str_replace('!!codestat!!',
do_selector('docs_codestat', 'f_ex_cstat', $this->codestat_id),
if ($pmb_antivol) {
global $value_deflt_antivol;
if ($this->type_antivol=="") $this->type_antivol=$value_deflt_antivol;
// select "type_antivol"
$selector = "';
} else $selector="";
$form = str_replace('!!type_antivol!!',
// select "owner"
$form = str_replace('!!owner!!',
do_selector('lenders', 'f_ex_owner', $this->owner_id),
//dates creation / modification
if ($this->expl_id && ($pmb_expl_show_dates=='1' || $pmb_expl_show_dates=='3')) {
$form = str_replace('',"",$form);
$form = str_replace('',format_date($this->create_date),$form);
$form = str_replace('',"",$form);
$form = str_replace('',format_date($this->update_date),$form);
//dates dépôt / retour
if ($this->expl_id && ($pmb_expl_show_dates=='2' || $pmb_expl_show_dates=='3')) {
$form = str_replace('',"",$form);
$form = str_replace('',format_date($this->date_depot),$form);
$form = str_replace('',"",$form);
$form = str_replace('',format_date($this->date_retour),$form);
$p_perso=new parametres_perso("expl");
if (!$p_perso->no_special_fields) {
for ($i=0; $i\n";
if ($c==2) {
if ($c==1) $perso.="
} else {
$form = str_replace("!!champs_perso!!",$perso,$form);
//Remplissage ajax de la cote
global $pmb_prefill_cote_ajax, $pmb_antivol;
$expl_ajax_cote=" completion='expl_cote' listfield='".$this->ajax_cote_fields.",f_ex_cb,f_ex_typdoc,f_ex_location,f_ex_owner,f_ex_statut,f_ex_cstat".($pmb_antivol>0 ? ",type_antivol":"")."' ";
else $expl_ajax_cote="";
$form = str_replace("!!expl_ajax_cote!!",$expl_ajax_cote,$form);
function expl_form ($action='', $annuler='') {
global $expl_form;
global $msg, $pmb_type_audit, $select_categ_prop ;
if ($action && $this->id_notice) {
$action .= '&id='.$this->id_notice.'&org_cb='.urlencode($this->cb);
$this->fill_form ($expl_form, $action);
if ($pmb_type_audit && $this->expl_id) $link_audit = "expl_id', 'audit_popup', 700, 500, -2, -2, '$select_categ_prop')\" title='$msg[audit_button]' value='$msg[audit_button]' />";
else $link_audit = "" ;
// action du bouton annuler
if($annuler && $this->id_notice) {
// default : retour à la liste des exemplaires
$annuler = './catalog.php?categ=expl&id='.$this->id_notice;
$expl_form = str_replace('!!annuler_action!!', $annuler, $expl_form);
$expl_form = str_replace('!!link_audit!!', $link_audit, $expl_form);
// affichage
return $expl_form;
function zexpl_form($action) {
global $expl_form;
$this->fill_form ($expl_form, $action);
$expl_form = str_replace('!!supprimer!!', "", $expl_form);
$expl_form = str_replace('!!link_audit!!', "", $expl_form);
// affichage
print "".pmb_bidi($expl_form)."";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fonction do_selector qui génère des combo_box avec tout ce qu'il faut
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function do_selector() {
global $dbh;
global $charset;
global $deflt_docs_section;
global $deflt_docs_location;
if (!$this->section_id) $this->section_id=$deflt_docs_section ;
if (!$this->location_id) $this->location_id=$deflt_docs_location;
$rqtloc = "SELECT idlocation FROM docs_location order by location_libelle";
$resloc = mysql_query($rqtloc, $dbh);
while (($loc=mysql_fetch_object($resloc))) {
$requete = "SELECT idsection, section_libelle FROM docs_section, docsloc_section where idsection=num_section and num_location='$loc->idlocation' order by section_libelle";
$result = mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
$nbr_lignes = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($nbr_lignes) {
if ($loc->idlocation==$this->location_id) $selector .= "idlocation."\" style=\"display:block\">\r\n";
else $selector .= "
idlocation."\" style=\"display:none\">\r\n";
$selector .= "
$this->ajax_cote_fields .= ($this->ajax_cote_fields != '' ? ",f_ex_section".$loc->idlocation : "f_ex_section".$loc->idlocation);
return $selector;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// import() : import d'un exemplaire
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// fonction d'import d'exemplaire (membre de la classe 'exemplaire');
function import($data) {
global $msg;
// cette méthode prend en entrée un tableau constitué des informations exemplaires suivantes :
// $data['cb']
// $data['notice']
// $data['bulletin']
// $data['typdoc']
// $data['cote']
// $data['section']
// $data['statut']
// $data['location']
// $data['codestat']
// $data['creation']
// $data['modif']
// $data['note']
// $data['prix']
// $data['expl_owner']
// $data['cote_mandatory'] cote obligatoire = 1, non obligatoire = 0
// $data['quoi_faire'] que faire de cet exemplaire :
// 0 : supprimer, 1 ou vide : Mettre à jour ou ajouter, 2 : ajouter si possible, sinon rien.
global $dbh;
// check sur le type de la variable passée en paramètre
if(!sizeof($data) || !is_array($data)) {
// si ce n'est pas un tableau ou un tableau vide, on retourne 0
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[544]."') ") ;
return 0;
if ($data['quoi_faire']=="") $data['quoi_faire']="2" ;
if ((string)$data['quoi_faire']=="0") {
$sql_del = "delete from exemplaires where expl_cb='".addslashes($data['cb'])."' " ;
mysql_query($sql_del) ;
return -1 ;
// check sur les éléments du tableau (cb, cote, notice, typdoc, section, statut, location, codestat, owner sont requis).
$long_maxi = mysql_field_len(mysql_query("SELECT expl_cb FROM exemplaires limit 1"),0);
$data['cb'] = rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['cb']))),0,$long_maxi));
$long_maxi = mysql_field_len(mysql_query("SELECT expl_cote FROM exemplaires limit 1"),0);
$data['cote'] = rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['cote']))),0,$long_maxi));
$long_maxi = mysql_field_len(mysql_query("SELECT expl_prix FROM exemplaires limit 1"),0);
$data['prix'] = rtrim(substr(preg_replace('/\[|\]/', '', rtrim(ltrim($data['prix']))),0,$long_maxi));
if ($data['expl_owner']=="") {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', 'No lender given') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['cb']=="") {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[545]."') ") ;
return 0;
if ($data['cote']=="") {
if ($data['cote_mandatory']==1) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[546]."') ") ;
return 0;
} else {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[567]."') ") ;
if($data['notice']==0) {
if ($data['bulletin']==0) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[547]."') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['typdoc']==0) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[548]."') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['section']==0) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[549]."') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['statut']==0) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[550]."') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['location']==0) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[551]."') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['codestat']==0) {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[552]."') ") ;
return 0;
if($data['type_antivol']=="") {
// préparation de la requête
$key0 = addslashes($data['cb']);
$key1 = addslashes($data['cote']);
/* vérification que l'exemplaire existe ou pas */
$query = "SELECT expl_id FROM exemplaires WHERE expl_cb='${key0}' LIMIT 1 ";
$result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if(!$result) die("can't SELECT exemplaires ".$query);
$exe = mysql_fetch_object($result);
if (!$data['date_depot']) $data['date_depot']="sysdate()" ; else $data['date_depot']="'".$data['date_depot']."'" ;
if (!$data['date_retour']) $data['date_retour']="sysdate()" ; else $data['date_retour']="'".$data['date_retour']."'" ;
// l'exemplaire existe et on ne pouvait que l'ajouter, on retourne l'ID
if ($exe->expl_id!="" && $data['quoi_faire']=="2") {
$sql_log = mysql_query("insert into error_log (error_origin, error_text) values ('expl_".addslashes(SESSid).".class', '".$msg[553].$data['cb']."') ") ;
return $exe->expl_id;
// l'exemplaire existe et on doit le mettre à jour
if ($exe->expl_id!="" && $data['quoi_faire']=="1") {
$sql_a_faire = "update exemplaires SET " ;
$sql_a_faire_suite = " where expl_cb='".addslashes($data['cb'])."' " ;
// l'exemplaire n'existe pas : on doit le créer
if ($exe->expl_id=="") {
$sql_a_faire = "insert into exemplaires SET " ;
$sql_a_faire_suite = "" ;
$query = $sql_a_faire ;
$query .= "expl_cb='".$key0."', ";
$query .= "expl_notice='".$data['notice']."', ";
$query .= "expl_bulletin='".$data['bulletin']."', ";
$query .= "expl_typdoc='".$data['typdoc']."', ";
$query .= "expl_cote=trim('".$key1."'), ";
$query .= "expl_section='".$data['section']."', ";
$query .= "expl_statut='".$data['statut']."', ";
$query .= "expl_location='".$data['location']."', ";
$query .= "expl_codestat='".$data['codestat']."', ";
$query .= "expl_note='".addslashes($data['note'])."', ";
$query .= "expl_comment='".addslashes($data['comment'])."', ";
$query .= "expl_prix='".addslashes($data['prix'])."', ";
$query .= "expl_owner='".$data['expl_owner']."', ";
$query .= "expl_date_depot=".$data['date_depot'].", ";
$query .= "expl_date_retour=".$data['date_retour'].", ";
//$query .= "type_antivol=".$data['type_antivol'].", ";
$query .= "create_date='".$data['creation']."'";
$query .= "create_date=sysdate() ";
$query .= $sql_a_faire_suite ;
$result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh);
if(!$result) die("can't INSERT into exemplaires ".$query);
if ($exe->expl_id="") {
return mysql_insert_id($dbh);
} else {
$sql_id = mysql_query("select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_cb='".addslashes($data['cb'])."' ") ;
$exe = mysql_fetch_object($sql_id);
return $exe->expl_id;
} /* fin méthode import */
// Suppression
function del_expl($id=0) {
global $dbh;
$sql_pret = mysql_query("select 1 from pret where pret_idexpl ='$id' ") ;
if (mysql_num_rows($sql_pret)) return 0 ;
$requete = "select idcaddie FROM caddie where type='EXPL' ";
$result = mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
// nettoyage transfert
$requete_suppr = "delete from transferts_demande where num_expl='$id'";
$result_suppr = mysql_query($requete_suppr);
// nettoyage circulation dériodique
$sql_del = mysql_query("delete from exemplaires where expl_id='$id' ") ;
return 1 ;
//sauvegarde un ensemble de notices dans un entrepot agnostique a partir d'un tableau d'ids d'exemplaires
function save_to_agnostic_warehouse($expl_ids=array(),$source_id=0,$keep_expl=1) {
global $base_path,$class_path,$include_path,$dbh;
if (is_array($expl_ids) && count($expl_ids) && $source_id*1) {
'export_only_expl_ids'=> $expl_ids
$q='select expl_notice,expl_bulletin,bulletin_notice from exemplaires left join bulletins on expl_bulletin=bulletin_id and expl_bulletin!=0 where expl_id in ('.implode(',',$expl_ids).')';
if (mysql_num_rows($r)) {
if($row->expl_notice) $notice_ids[]=$row->expl_notice;
if($row->expl_bulletin) $bulletin_ids[]=$row->expl_bulletin;
if($row->bulletin_notice) $perio_ids[]=$row->bulletin_notice;
if (count($notice_ids) || count($bulletin_ids)) {
$conn=new agnostic($base_path.'/admin/connecteurs/in/agnostic');
$source_params = $conn->get_source_params($source_id);
if (count($notice_ids)) {
$e=new export($notice_ids);
$nn = $e->get_next_notice('',array(),array(),$keep_expl,$export_params);
if ($e->notice) $records[] = $e->xml_array;
} while($nn);
if (count($bulletin_ids)) {
$e=new export($perio_ids);
$nn = $e->get_next_bulletin('',array(),array(),$keep_expl,$export_params);
if ($e->notice) $records[] = $e->xml_array;
} while($nn);
} # fin de la classe exemplaire
} # fin de définition