array(),"auteurs" => array()); // les auteurs var $ed1_id = ''; // id editeur 1 var $ed1 =''; // libelle editeur 1 var $coll_id = ''; // id collection var $coll = ''; // libelle collection var $subcoll_id = ''; // id sous collection var $subcoll = ''; // libelle sous collection var $year = ''; // annee de publication var $nocoll = ''; // no. dans la collection var $mention_edition = ''; // mention d'edition (1ere, deuxieme...) var $ed2_id = ''; // id editeur 2 var $ed2 =''; // libelle editeur 2 var $code = ''; // ISBN, code barre commercial ou no. commercial var $npages = ''; // importance materielle (nombre de pages, d'elements...) var $ill = ''; // mention d'illustration var $size = ''; // format var $prix = ''; // prix du document var $accomp = ''; // materiel d'accompagnement var $n_gen = ''; // note generale var $n_contenu = ''; // note de contenu var $n_resume = ''; // resume/extrait var $categories = array();// les categories var $indexint = 0; // indexation interne var $index_l = ''; // indexation libre var $langues = array(); var $languesorg = array(); var $lien = ''; // URL de la ressource electronique associee var $eformat = ''; // format de la ressource electronique associee var $ok = 1; var $type_doc = ''; var $biblio_level = 'm'; // niveau bibliographique var $hierar_level = '0'; // niveau hierarchique var $action = './catalog.php?categ=update&id='; var $link_annul = './catalog.php'; var $statut = 0 ; // statut var $commentaire_gestion = '' ; // commentaire de gestion var $thumbnail_url = '' ; var $notice_mere=array(); var $notice_mere_id=array(); var $relation_type=array(); var $relation_rank=array(); var $date_parution; // methodes // constructeur function notice($id=0, $cb='') { global $dbh; global $msg; global $include_path, $class_path ; if($id) { $fonction = new marc_list('function'); $this->id = $id; $this->libelle_form = $msg[278]; // libelle du form : modification d'une notice $requete = "SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id='$id' LIMIT 1 "; $result = @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if($result) { $notice = mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->type_doc = $notice->typdoc; // type du document $this->tit1 = $notice->tit1; // titre propre $this->tit2 = $notice->tit2; // titre propre 2 $this->tit3 = $notice->tit3; // titre parallele $this->tit4 = $notice->tit4; // complement du titre $this->tparent_id = $notice->tparent_id; // id du titre parent // libelle du titre parent if($this->tparent_id) { $serie = new serie($this->tparent_id); $this->tparent = $serie->name; } else { $this->tparent = ''; } $this->tnvol = $notice->tnvol; // numero de partie $this->responsabilites = get_notice_authors($this->id) ; $this->subcoll_id = $notice->subcoll_id; // id sous collection $this->coll_id = $notice->coll_id; // id collection $this->ed1_id = $notice->ed1_id ; // id editeur 1 require_once("$class_path/editor.class.php"); if($this->subcoll_id) { require_once("$class_path/subcollection.class.php"); require_once("$class_path/collection.class.php"); $collection = new subcollection($this->subcoll_id); $this->subcoll = $collection->name; } if($this->coll_id) { require_once("$class_path/collection.class.php"); $collection = new collection($this->coll_id); $this->coll = $collection->name; } if($this->ed1_id) { $editeur = new editeur($this->ed1_id); $this->ed1 = $editeur->display; } $this->year = $notice->year; // annee de publication $this->nocoll = $notice->nocoll; // no. dans la collection $this->mention_edition = $notice->mention_edition; // mention d'edition (1ere, deuxieme...) $this->ed2_id = $notice->ed2_id; // id editeur 2 if($this->ed2_id) { // libelle editeur 2 $editeur = new editeur($this->ed2_id); $this->ed2 = $editeur->display; } $this->code = $notice->code; // ISBN, code barre commercial ou no. commercial $this->npages = $notice->npages; // importance materielle (nombre de pages, d'elements...) $this->ill = $notice->ill; // mention d'illustration $this->size = $notice->size; // format $this->prix = $notice->prix; // Prix du document $this->accomp = $notice->accomp; // materiel d'accompagnement $this->n_gen = $notice->n_gen; // note generale $this->n_contenu = $notice->n_contenu; // note de contenu $this->n_resume = $notice->n_resume; // resume/extrait $this->categories = get_notice_categories($this->id) ; $this->indexint = $notice->indexint; // indexation interne $this->index_l = $notice->index_l; // indexation libre $this->langues = get_notice_langues($this->id, 0) ; // langues de la publication $this->languesorg = get_notice_langues($this->id, 1) ; // langues originales $this->lien = $notice->lien; // URL de la ressource electronique associee $this->eformat = $notice->eformat; // format de la ressource electronique associee $this->biblio_level = $notice->niveau_biblio; // niveau bibliographique $this->hierar_level = $notice->niveau_hierar; // niveau hierarchique $this->statut = $notice->statut; $this->date_parution = $this->get_date_parution($notice->year); $requete="select linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where num_notice=".$id." order by rank"; $result_rel=mysql_query($requete); if (mysql_num_rows($result_rel)) { while (($r_rel=mysql_fetch_object($result_rel))) { $this->notice_mere[]=$this->get_notice_title($r_rel->linked_notice); $this->notice_mere_id[]=$r_rel->linked_notice; $this->relation_type[]=$r_rel->relation_type; $this->relation_rank[]=$r_rel->rank; } } $this->commentaire_gestion = $notice->commentaire_gestion; $this->thumbnail_url = $notice->thumbnail_url; } else { require_once("$include_path/"); error_message("", $msg[280], 1, "./catalog.php"); $this->ok = 0; } return; } else { // initialisation des valeurs (vides) $this->libelle_form = $msg[270]; // libelle du form : creation d'une notice $this->id = 0; $this->code = $cb; // initialisation avec les parametres du user : global $value_deflt_lang, $value_deflt_relation ; if ($value_deflt_lang) { $lang = new marc_list('lang'); $this->langues[] = array( 'lang_code' => $value_deflt_lang, 'langue' => $lang->table[$value_deflt_lang] ) ; } global $deflt_notice_statut ; if ($deflt_notice_statut) $this->statut = $deflt_notice_statut; else $this->statut = 1; global $xmlta_doctype ; $this->type_doc = $xmlta_doctype ; global $notice_parent; if ($notice_parent) { $this->notice_mere[0]=$this->get_notice_title($notice_parent); $this->notice_mere_id[0]=$notice_parent; //Recherche d'un type plausible $requete="select relation_type from notices_relations where num_notice=$notice_parent order by rank desc limit 1"; $resultat=mysql_query($requete); if (@mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { $this->relation_type[0]=mysql_result($resultat,0,0); } else $this->relation_type[0]=$value_deflt_relation ; } // penser au test d'existence de la notice sur code-barre return; } } // Donne l'id de la notice par son isbn function get_notice_id_from_cb($code) { if(!$code) return 0; $isbn = traite_code_isbn($code); if(isISBN10($isbn)) { $isbn13 = formatISBN($isbn,13); $isbn10 = $isbn; } elseif (isISBN13($isbn)) { $isbn10 = formatISBN($isbn,10); $isbn13 = $isbn; } else { // ce n'est pas un code au format isbn $isbn10=$code; } $requete = "SELECT notice_id FROM notices WHERE ( code='$isbn10' or code='$isbn13') and code !='' LIMIT 1 "; if(($result = mysql_query($requete))) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $notice = mysql_fetch_object($result); return($notice->notice_id); } } return 0; } //Récupération d'un titre de notice function get_notice_title($notice_id) { $requete="select serie_name, tnvol, tit1, code from notices left join series on serie_id=tparent_id where notice_id=".$notice_id; $resultat=mysql_query($requete); if (mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { $r=mysql_fetch_object($resultat); return ($r->serie_name?$r->serie_name." ":"").($r->tnvol?$r->tnvol." ":"").$r->tit1.($r->code?" (".$r->code.")":""); } return ''; } //Récupérer une date au format AAAA-MM-JJ function get_date_parution($annee) { return detectFormatDate($annee); } // affichage du form associe function show_form() { global $msg; global $charset; global $include_path, $class_path; global $current_module ; global $pmb_type_audit,$select_categ_prop, $z3950_accessible ; global $value_deflt_fonction, $value_deflt_relation; global $thesaurus_mode_pmb ; global $PMBuserid, $pmb_form_editables,$thesaurus_classement_mode_pmb; include("$include_path/templates/catal_form.tpl.php"); $fonction = new marc_list('function'); // mise a jour de l'action en fonction de l'id $this->action .= $this->id; // mise a jour de l'en-tete du formulaire if ($this->notice_mere[0]) $this->libelle_form.=" ".$msg["catalog_notice_fille_lib"]." ".substr($this->notice_mere[0],0,100).(count($this->notice_mere)>1?", ...":""); $form_notice = str_replace('!!libelle_form!!', $this->libelle_form, $form_notice); // mise a jour des flags de niveau hierarchique $form_notice = str_replace('!!b_level!!', $this->biblio_level, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!h_level!!', $this->hierar_level, $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 0 $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tit1!!', htmlentities($this->tit1,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[0]); $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tit2!!', htmlentities($this->tit2,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[0]); $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tit3!!', htmlentities($this->tit3,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[0]); $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tit4!!', htmlentities($this->tit4,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[0]); $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tparent_id!!', $this->tparent_id , $ptab[0]); $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tparent!!', htmlentities($this->tparent,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[0]); $ptab[0] = str_replace('!!tnvol!!', htmlentities($this->tnvol,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[0]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab0!!', $ptab[0], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 1 // constitution de la mention de responsabilite //$this->responsabilites $as = array_search ("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]) ; if ($as!== FALSE && $as!== NULL) { $auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as] ; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]); } if ($value_deflt_fonction && $auteur_0["id"]==0) $auteur_0["fonction"] = $value_deflt_fonction ; $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!aut0_id!!', $auteur_0["id"], $ptab[1]); $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!aut0!!', htmlentities($auteur->display,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab[1]); $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!f0_code!!', $auteur_0["fonction"], $ptab[1]); $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!f0!!', $fonction->table[$auteur_0["fonction"]], $ptab[1]); $as = array_keys ($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1" ) ; $max_aut1 = (count($as)) ; if ($max_aut1==0) $max_aut1=1; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $max_aut1 ; $i++) { $indice = $as[$i] ; $auteur_1 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice] ; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_1["id"]); if ($value_deflt_fonction && $auteur_1["id"]==0 && $i==0) $auteur_1["fonction"] = $value_deflt_fonction ; $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!iaut!!', $i, $ptab[11]) ; $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!aut1_id!!', $auteur_1["id"], $ptab_aut_autres); $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!aut1!!', htmlentities($auteur->display,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab_aut_autres); $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!f1_code!!', $auteur_1["fonction"], $ptab_aut_autres); $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!f1!!', $fonction->table[$auteur_1["fonction"]], $ptab_aut_autres); $autres_auteurs .= $ptab_aut_autres ; } $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!max_aut1!!', $max_aut1, $ptab[1]); $as = array_keys ($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "2" ) ; $max_aut2 = (count($as)) ; if ($max_aut2==0) $max_aut2=1; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $max_aut2 ; $i++) { $indice = $as[$i] ; $auteur_2 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice] ; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_2["id"]); if ($value_deflt_fonction && $auteur_2["id"]==0 && $i==0) $auteur_2["fonction"] = $value_deflt_fonction ; $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!iaut!!', $i, $ptab[12]) ; $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!aut2_id!!', $auteur_2["id"], $ptab_aut_autres); $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!aut2!!', htmlentities($auteur->display,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab_aut_autres); $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!f2_code!!', $auteur_2["fonction"], $ptab_aut_autres); $ptab_aut_autres = str_replace('!!f2!!', $fonction->table[$auteur_2["fonction"]], $ptab_aut_autres); $auteurs_secondaires .= $ptab_aut_autres ; } $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!max_aut2!!', $max_aut2, $ptab[1]); $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!autres_auteurs!!', $autres_auteurs, $ptab[1]); $ptab[1] = str_replace('!!auteurs_secondaires!!', $auteurs_secondaires, $ptab[1]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab1!!', $ptab[1], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 2 $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!ed1_id!!', $this->ed1_id , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!ed1!!', htmlentities($this->ed1,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!coll_id!!', $this->coll_id , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!coll!!', htmlentities($this->coll,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!subcoll_id!!', $this->subcoll_id , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!subcoll!!', htmlentities($this->subcoll,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!year!!', $this->year , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!nocoll!!', htmlentities($this->nocoll,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!mention_edition!!', htmlentities($this->mention_edition,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!ed2_id!!', $this->ed2_id , $ptab[2]); $ptab[2] = str_replace('!!ed2!!', htmlentities($this->ed2,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[2]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab2!!', $ptab[2], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 3 $ptab[3] = str_replace('!!cb!!', $this->code , $ptab[3]); $ptab[3] = str_replace('!!notice_id!!', $this->id , $ptab[3]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab3!!', $ptab[3], $form_notice); // Gestion des titres uniformes global $pmb_use_uniform_title; if ($pmb_use_uniform_title) { $tu=new tu_notice($this->id); $ptab[230] = str_replace("!!titres_uniformes!!", $tu->get_form("notice"), $ptab[230]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab230!!', $ptab[230], $form_notice); } // mise a jour de l'onglet 4 $ptab[4] = str_replace('!!npages!!', htmlentities($this->npages ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[4]); $ptab[4] = str_replace('!!ill!!', htmlentities($this->ill ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[4]); $ptab[4] = str_replace('!!size!!', htmlentities($this->size ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[4]); $ptab[4] = str_replace('!!prix!!', htmlentities($this->prix ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[4]); $ptab[4] = str_replace('!!accomp!!', htmlentities($this->accomp ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[4]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab4!!', $ptab[4], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 5 $ptab[5] = str_replace('!!n_gen!!', htmlentities($this->n_gen ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[5]); $ptab[5] = str_replace('!!n_contenu!!', htmlentities($this->n_contenu ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[5]); $ptab[5] = str_replace('!!n_resume!!', htmlentities($this->n_resume ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[5]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab5!!', $ptab[5], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 6 // categories if (sizeof($this->categories)==0) $max_categ = 1 ; else $max_categ = sizeof($this->categories) ; $tab_categ_order=""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $max_categ ; $i++) { $categ_id = $this->categories[$i]["categ_id"] ; $categ = new category($categ_id); if ($i==0) $ptab_categ = str_replace('!!icateg!!', $i, $ptab[60]) ; else $ptab_categ = str_replace('!!icateg!!', $i, $ptab[601]) ; $ptab_categ = str_replace('!!categ_id!!', $categ_id, $ptab_categ); if ( sizeof($this->categories)==0 ) { $ptab_categ = str_replace('!!categ_libelle!!', '', $ptab_categ); } else { if ($thesaurus_mode_pmb) $nom_tesaurus='['.$categ->thes->getLibelle().'] ' ; else $nom_tesaurus='' ; $ptab_categ = str_replace('!!categ_libelle!!', htmlentities($nom_tesaurus.$categ->catalog_form,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab_categ); if($tab_categ_order!="")$tab_categ_order.=","; $tab_categ_order.=$i; } $categ_repetables .= $ptab_categ ; } $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!max_categ!!', $max_categ, $ptab[6]); $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!categories_repetables!!', $categ_repetables, $ptab[6]); $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!tab_categ_order!!', $tab_categ_order, $ptab[6]); // indexation interne $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!indexint_id!!', $this->indexint, $ptab[6]); if ($this->indexint){ $indexint = new indexint($this->indexint); if ($indexint->comment) $disp_indexint= $indexint->name." - ".$indexint->comment ; else $disp_indexint= $indexint->name ; if ($thesaurus_classement_mode_pmb) { // plusieurs classements/indexations decimales autorises en parametrage if ($indexint->name_pclass) $disp_indexint="[".$indexint->name_pclass."] ".$disp_indexint; } $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!indexint!!', htmlentities($disp_indexint,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab[6]); $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!num_pclass!!', $indexint->id_pclass, $ptab[6]); } else { $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!indexint!!', '', $ptab[6]); $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!num_pclass!!', '', $ptab[6]); } // indexation libre $ptab[6] = str_replace('!!f_indexation!!', htmlentities($this->index_l,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab[6]); global $pmb_keyword_sep ; //if (!$pmb_keyword_sep) $pmb_keyword_sep=" "; $sep="'$pmb_keyword_sep'"; if (!$pmb_keyword_sep) $sep="' '"; if(ord($pmb_keyword_sep)==0xa || ord($pmb_keyword_sep)==0xd) $sep=$msg['catalogue_saut_de_ligne']; $ptab[6] = str_replace("!!sep!!",htmlentities($sep,ENT_QUOTES, $charset),$ptab[6]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab6!!', $ptab[6], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 7 : langues // langues repetables if (sizeof($this->langues)==0) $max_lang = 1 ; else $max_lang = sizeof($this->langues) ; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $max_lang ; $i++) { if ($i) $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!ilang!!', $i, $ptab[701]) ; else $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!ilang!!', $i, $ptab[70]) ; if ( sizeof($this->langues)==0 ) { $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!lang_code!!', '', $ptab_lang); $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!lang!!', '', $ptab_lang); } else { $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!lang_code!!', $this->langues[$i]["lang_code"], $ptab_lang); $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!lang!!',htmlentities($this->langues[$i]["langue"],ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab_lang); } $lang_repetables .= $ptab_lang ; } $ptab[7] = str_replace('!!max_lang!!', $max_lang, $ptab[7]); $ptab[7] = str_replace('!!langues_repetables!!', $lang_repetables, $ptab[7]); // langues originales repetables if (sizeof($this->languesorg)==0) $max_langorg = 1 ; else $max_langorg = sizeof($this->languesorg) ; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $max_langorg ; $i++) { if ($i) $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!ilangorg!!', $i, $ptab[711]) ; else $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!ilangorg!!', $i, $ptab[71]) ; if ( sizeof($this->languesorg)==0 ) { $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!langorg_code!!', '', $ptab_lang); $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!langorg!!', '', $ptab_lang); } else { $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!langorg_code!!', $this->languesorg[$i]["lang_code"], $ptab_lang); $ptab_lang = str_replace('!!langorg!!',htmlentities($this->languesorg[$i]["langue"],ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab_lang); } $langorg_repetables .= $ptab_lang ; } $ptab[7] = str_replace('!!max_langorg!!', $max_langorg, $ptab[7]); $ptab[7] = str_replace('!!languesorg_repetables!!', $langorg_repetables, $ptab[7]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab7!!', $ptab[7], $form_notice); // mise a jour de l'onglet 8 $ptab[8] = str_replace('!!lien!!', htmlentities($this->lien ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[8]); $ptab[8] = str_replace('!!eformat!!', htmlentities($this->eformat ,ENT_QUOTES, $charset) , $ptab[8]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab8!!', $ptab[8], $form_notice); //Mise a jour de l'onglet 9 $p_perso=new parametres_perso("notices"); if (!$p_perso->no_special_fields) { // si on duplique, construire le formulaire avec les donnees de la notice d'origine if ($this->duplicate_from_id) $perso_=$p_perso->show_editable_fields($this->duplicate_from_id); else $perso_=$p_perso->show_editable_fields($this->id); $perso=""; for ($i=0; $i
"; } $perso.=$perso_["CHECK_SCRIPTS"]; $ptab[9]=str_replace("!!champs_perso!!",$perso,$ptab[9]); } else $ptab[9]="\n\n"; $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab9!!', $ptab[9], $form_notice); //Liens vers d'autres notices //Recuperation de la notice mere $relations=""; $n_rel=0; for ($ir=0; $irnotice_mere_id); $ir++) { if ($ir==0) $pattern_rel=$ptab[130]; else $pattern_rel=$ptab[131]; $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!notice_relations_id!!",$this->notice_mere_id[$ir],$pattern_rel); $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!notice_relations_libelle!!",htmlentities($this->notice_mere[$ir],ENT_QUOTES,$charset),$pattern_rel); $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!notice_relations_rank!!",$this->relation_rank[$ir],$pattern_rel); $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!n_rel!!",$ir,$pattern_rel); //Recuperation des types de relation $liste_type_relation=new marc_select("relationtypeup","f_rel_type_$ir",$this->relation_type[$ir]); $type_relation=$liste_type_relation->display; $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!f_notice_type_relations!!",$type_relation,$pattern_rel); $relations.=$pattern_rel; $n_rel++; } if (!$n_rel) { $pattern_rel=$ptab[130]; $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!notice_relations_id!!","",$pattern_rel); $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!notice_relations_libelle!!","",$pattern_rel); $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!notice_relations_rank!!","0",$pattern_rel); $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!n_rel!!",$ir,$pattern_rel); //Recuperation des types de relation $liste_type_relation=new marc_select("relationtypeup","f_rel_type_0", $value_deflt_relation); $type_relation=$liste_type_relation->display; $pattern_rel=str_replace("!!f_notice_type_relations!!",$type_relation,$pattern_rel); $relations.=$pattern_rel; $n_rel=1; } //Nombre de relations $ptab[13]=str_replace("!!max_rel!!",$n_rel,$ptab[13]); //Liens multiples $ptab[13]=str_replace("!!notice_relations!!",$relations,$ptab[13]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab11!!', $ptab[13],$form_notice); // champs de gestion $select_statut = gen_liste_multiple ("select id_notice_statut, gestion_libelle from notice_statut order by 2", "id_notice_statut", "gestion_libelle", "id_notice_statut", "form_notice_statut", "", $this->statut, "", "","","",0) ; $ptab[10] = str_replace('!!notice_statut!!', $select_statut, $ptab[10]); $ptab[10] = str_replace('!!commentaire_gestion!!',htmlentities($this->commentaire_gestion,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab[10]); $ptab[10] = str_replace('!!thumbnail_url!!',htmlentities($this->thumbnail_url,ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $ptab[10]); //affichage des formulaires des droits d'acces $rights_form = $this->get_rights_form(); $ptab[10] = str_replace('', $rights_form, $ptab[10]); $form_notice = str_replace('!!tab10!!', $ptab[10], $form_notice); // definition de la page cible du form $form_notice = str_replace('!!action!!', $this->action, $form_notice); // ajout des selecteurs $select_doc = new marc_select('doctype', 'typdoc', $this->type_doc, "get_pos(); expandAll(); ajax_parse_dom(); if (inedit) move_parse_dom(relative); else initIt();"); $form_notice = str_replace('!!doc_type!!', $select_doc->display, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!notice_id_no_replace!!', $this->id, $form_notice); // Ajout des localisations pour edition $select_loc=""; if ($PMBuserid==1) { $req_loc="select idlocation,location_libelle from docs_location"; $res_loc=mysql_query($req_loc); if (mysql_num_rows($res_loc)>1) { $select_loc="\n"; } } $form_notice=str_replace("!!location!!",$select_loc,$form_notice); // affichage du lien pour suppression et du lien d'annulation if ($this->id) { $link_supp = " "; $link_annul = ""; $link_remplace = ""; $link_duplicate = ""; if ($z3950_accessible) $link_z3950 = ""; else $link_z3950=""; if ($pmb_type_audit) $link_audit = "id', 'audit_popup', 700, 500, -2, -2, '$select_categ_prop')\" title='$msg[audit_button]' value='$msg[audit_button]' />"; else $link_audit = "" ; } else { $link_supp = ""; $link_remplace = ""; $link_duplicate = "" ; $link_z3950 = "" ; $link_audit = "" ; if ($this->notice_mere_id || $this->duplicate_from_id) $link_annul = ""; else $link_annul = "link_annul."';\" />"; } $form_notice = str_replace('!!link_supp!!', $link_supp, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!link_annul!!', $link_annul, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!link_remplace!!', $link_remplace, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!link_duplicate!!', $link_duplicate, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!link_z3950!!', $link_z3950, $form_notice); $form_notice = str_replace('!!link_audit!!', $link_audit, $form_notice); return $form_notice; } //creation formulaire droits d'acces pour notices function get_rights_form() { global $dbh,$msg,$charset; global $gestion_acces_active,$gestion_acces_user_notice, $gestion_acces_empr_notice; global $gestion_acces_user_notice_def, $gestion_acces_empr_notice_def; global $PMBuserid; if ($gestion_acces_active!=1) return ''; $ac = new acces(); $form = ''; $c_form = "
"; if($gestion_acces_user_notice==1) { $r_form=$c_form; $dom_1 = $ac->setDomain(1); $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($dom_1->getComment('long_name'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) ,$r_form); if($this->id) { //profil ressource $def_prf=$dom_1->getComment('res_prf_def_lib'); $res_prf=$dom_1->getResourceProfile($this->id); $q=$dom_1->loadUsedResourceProfiles(); //recuperation droits utilisateur $user_rights = $dom_1->getRights($PMBuserid,$this->id,3); if($user_rights & 2) { $p_sel = gen_liste($q,'prf_id','prf_name', 'res_prf[1]', '', $res_prf, '0', $def_prf , '0', $def_prf); $p_rad = ""; $r_form = str_replace('', $p_rad, $r_form); } else { $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($dom_1->getResourceProfileName($res_prf), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $r_form); } //droits/profils utilisateurs if($user_rights & 1) { $r_rad = ""; $r_form = str_replace('', $r_rad, $r_form); } //recuperation profils utilisateurs $t_u=array(); $t_u[0]= $dom_1->getComment('user_prf_def_lib'); //niveau par defaut $qu=$dom_1->loadUsedUserProfiles(); $ru=mysql_query($qu, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($ru)) { while(($row=mysql_fetch_object($ru))) { $t_u[$row->prf_id]= $row->prf_name; } } //recuperation des controles dependants de l'utilisateur $t_ctl=$dom_1->getControls(0); //recuperation des droits $t_rights = $dom_1->getResourceRights($this->id); if (count($t_u)) { $h_tab = "
"; foreach($t_u as $k=>$v) { $h_tab.= ""; } $h_tab.="
".htmlentities($v, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."
"; $c_tab = ''; foreach($t_u as $k=>$v) { $c_tab.= "
"; $t_rows = ""; foreach($t_ctl as $k2=>$v2) { $t_rows.=" "; } $c_tab = str_replace('', $t_rows, $c_tab); } $c_tab.= ""; } $h_tab = str_replace('', $c_tab, $h_tab); $r_form=str_replace('', $h_tab, $r_form); } else { $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($msg['dom_prf_unknown'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $r_form); $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($msg['dom_rights_unknown'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $r_form); } $form.= $r_form; } if($gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { $r_form=$c_form; $dom_2 = $ac->setDomain(2); $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($dom_2->getComment('long_name'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) ,$r_form); if($this->id) { //profil ressource $def_prf=$dom_2->getComment('res_prf_def_lib'); $res_prf=$dom_2->getResourceProfile($this->id); $q=$dom_2->loadUsedResourceProfiles(); //Recuperation droits generiques utilisateur $user_rights = $dom_2->getDomainRights(0,$res_prf); if($user_rights & 2) { $p_sel = gen_liste($q,'prf_id','prf_name', 'res_prf[2]', '', $res_prf, '0', $def_prf , '0', $def_prf); $p_rad = ""; $r_form = str_replace('', $p_rad, $r_form); } else { $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($dom_2->getResourceProfileName($res_prf), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $r_form); } //droits/profils utilisateurs if($user_rights & 1) { $r_rad = ""; $r_form = str_replace('', $r_rad, $r_form); } //recuperation profils utilisateurs $t_u=array(); $t_u[0]= $dom_2->getComment('user_prf_def_lib'); //niveau par defaut $qu=$dom_2->loadUsedUserProfiles(); $ru=mysql_query($qu, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($ru)) { while(($row=mysql_fetch_object($ru))) { $t_u[$row->prf_id]= $row->prf_name; } } //recuperation des controles dependants de l'utilisateur $t_ctl=$dom_2->getControls(0); //recuperation des droits $t_rights = $dom_2->getResourceRights($this->id); if (count($t_u)) { $h_tab = "
"; foreach($t_u as $k=>$v) { $h_tab.= ""; } $h_tab.="
".htmlentities($v, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."
"; $c_tab = ''; foreach($t_u as $k=>$v) { $c_tab.= "
"; $t_rows = ""; foreach($t_ctl as $k2=>$v2) { $t_rows.=" "; } $c_tab = str_replace('', $t_rows, $c_tab); } $c_tab.= ""; } $h_tab = str_replace('', $c_tab, $h_tab);; $r_form=str_replace('', $h_tab, $r_form); } else { $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($msg['dom_prf_unknown'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $r_form); $r_form = str_replace('', htmlentities($msg['dom_rights_unknown'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $r_form); } $form.= $r_form; } return $form; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // replace_form : affichage du formulaire de remplacement // --------------------------------------------------------------- function replace_form() { global $notice_replace; global $msg; global $include_path; // a completer if(!$this->id) { require_once("$include_path/"); error_message($msg[161], $msg[162], 1, './catalog.php'); return false; } $notice_replace=str_replace('!!old_notice_libelle!!', $this->tit1." - ".$this->code, $notice_replace); $notice_replace=str_replace('!!id!!', $this->id, $notice_replace); print $notice_replace; return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // replace($by) : remplacement de la notice // --------------------------------------------------------------- function replace($by,$supp_notice=true) { global $msg; global $dbh; if($this->id == $by) { return $msg[223]; } if (($this->id == $by) || (!$this->id)) { return $msg[223]; } $by_notice= new notice($by); if ($this->biblio_level != $by_notice->biblio_level || $this->hierar_level != $by_notice->hierar_level) { return $msg[catal_rep_not_err1]; } // remplacement dans les exemplaires numériques $requete = "UPDATE explnum SET explnum_notice='$by' WHERE explnum_notice='$this->id' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // remplacement dans les exemplaires $requete = "UPDATE exemplaires SET expl_notice='$by' WHERE expl_notice='$this->id' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // remplacement dans les depouillements $requete = "UPDATE analysis SET analysis_notice='$by' WHERE analysis_notice='$this->id' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // remplacement dans les bulletins $requete = "UPDATE bulletins SET bulletin_notice='$by' WHERE bulletin_notice='$this->id' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // remplacement dans les notices filles /*$requete = "UPDATE notices_relations SET num_notice='$by' WHERE num_notice='$this->id' "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "UPDATE notices_relations SET linked_notice='$by' WHERE linked_notice='$this->id' "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh);*/ // remplacement dans les resas $requete = "UPDATE resa SET resa_idnotice='$by' WHERE resa_idnotice='$this->id' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //Suppression de la notice if($supp_notice){ notice::del_notice($this->id); } return FALSE; } function del_notice ($id) { global $dbh; $p_perso=new parametres_perso("notices"); $p_perso->delete_values($id); $requete = "DELETE FROM notices_categories WHERE notcateg_notice='$id'" ; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "DELETE FROM notices_langues WHERE num_notice='$id'" ; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "DELETE FROM notices WHERE notice_id='$id'" ; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); audit::delete_audit (AUDIT_NOTICE, $id) ; // Effacement de l'occurence de la notice ds la table notices_global_index : $requete = "DELETE FROM notices_global_index WHERE num_notice=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // Effacement des occurences de la notice ds la table notices_mots_global_index : $requete = "DELETE FROM notices_mots_global_index WHERE id_notice=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // Effacement des occurences de la notice ds la table notices_fields_global_index : $requete = "DELETE FROM notices_fields_global_index WHERE id_notice=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "delete from notices_relations where num_notice='$id' OR linked_notice='$id' "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // elimination des docs numeriques $req_explNum = "select explnum_id from explnum where explnum_notice=".$id." "; $result_explNum = @mysql_query($req_explNum, $dbh); while(($explNum = mysql_fetch_object($result_explNum))) { $myExplNum = new explnum($explNum->explnum_id); $myExplNum->delete(); } $requete = "DELETE FROM responsability WHERE responsability_notice='$id'" ; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "DELETE FROM bannette_contenu WHERE num_notice='$id'" ; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "delete from caddie_content using caddie, caddie_content where caddie_id=idcaddie and type='NOTI' and object_id='".$id."' "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "delete from analysis where analysis_notice='".$id."' "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "update bulletins set num_notice=0 where num_notice='".$id."' "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //Suppression de la reference a la notice dans la table suggestions $requete = "UPDATE suggestions set num_notice = 0 where num_notice=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //Suppression de la reference a la notice dans la table lignes_actes $requete = "UPDATE lignes_actes set num_produit=0, type_ligne=0 where num_produit='".$id."' and type_ligne in ('1','5') "; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //suppression des droits d'acces user_notice $requete = "delete from acces_res_1 where res_num=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // suppression des tags $rqt_del = "delete from tags where num_notice=".$id; @mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh); //suppression des avis $requete = "delete from avis where num_notice=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //suppression des droits d'acces empr_notice $requete = "delete from acces_res_2 where res_num=".$id; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); // Supression des liens avec les titres uniformes $requete = "DELETE FROM notices_titres_uniformes WHERE ntu_num_notice='$id'" ; @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); //Suppression dans les listes de lecture partagées $requete = "SELECT id_liste, notices_associees from opac_liste_lecture" ; $res=mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $id_tab=array(); while(($notices=mysql_fetch_object($res))){ $id_tab = explode(',',$notices->notices_associees); for($i=0;$i1, 'notice_mere' =>1, 'notice_fille' =>1, 'mere' =>0, 'fille' =>0, 'bull_link' =>1, 'perio_link' =>1, 'art_link' =>0, 'bulletinage' =>0, 'notice_perio' =>0, 'notice_art' =>0 ); require_once($base_path.'/admin/convert/export.class.php'); require_once($base_path."/admin/connecteurs/in/agnostic/agnostic.class.php"); $conn=new agnostic($base_path.'/admin/connecteurs/in/agnostic'); $source_params = $conn->get_source_params($source_id); $export_params['docnum']=1; $export_params['docnum_rep']=$source_params['REP_UPLOAD']; $notice_ids=array_unique($notice_ids); $e=new export($notice_ids); $records=array(); do{ $nn = $e->get_next_notice('',array(),array(),$keep_expl,$export_params); if ($e->notice) $records[] = $e->xml_array; } while($nn); $conn->rec_records_from_xml_array($records,$source_id); } } // Donne les id des notices liés a une notice function get_list_child($notice_id,$liste=array()){ $tab=array(); $liste[]=$notice_id; $requete="select num_notice as notice_id from notices_relations where linked_notice=".$notice_id." order by rank"; $res_child=@mysql_query($requete); if(mysql_num_rows($res_child)) { while (($child=mysql_fetch_object($res_child))) { if(!in_array($child->notice_id,$liste)) { $liste[]=$child->notice_id; $tab_tmp=notice::get_list_child($child->notice_id,$liste); $tab=array_merge($tab,$tab_tmp); }else { // cas de rebouclage d'une fille sur une mère: donc on sort. $tab[]=$notice_id; return $tab; } } mysql_free_result($res_child); } $tab[]=$notice_id; return $tab; } function majNotices_clean_tags($notice=0) { global $dbh; $requete = "select index_l ,notice_id from notices where index_l is not null and index_l!='' "; if($notice) { $requete.= " and notice_id = $notice "; } $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while (($r = mysql_fetch_object($res))) { $requete = "update notices set index_l='".addslashes(clean_tags($r->index_l))."' where notice_id=".$r->notice_id; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } } // Fonction statique pour la creation / maj d'un n-uplet dans la table "notices_global_index" lors de la creation ou mise a jour d'une notice. function majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice, $NoIndex = 1) { global $dbh; mysql_query("delete from notices_global_index where num_notice = ".$notice." AND no_index = ".$NoIndex,$dbh); $titres = mysql_query("select index_serie, tnvol, index_wew, index_sew, index_l, index_matieres, n_gen, n_contenu, n_resume, index_n_gen, index_n_contenu, index_n_resume, eformat, niveau_biblio from notices where notice_id = ".$notice, $dbh); $mesNotices = mysql_fetch_assoc($titres); $tit = $mesNotices['index_wew']; $indTit = $mesNotices['index_sew']; $indMat = $mesNotices['index_matieres']; $indL = $mesNotices['index_l']; $indResume = $mesNotices['index_n_resume']; $indGen = $mesNotices['index_n_gen']; $indContenu = $mesNotices['index_n_contenu']; $resume = $mesNotices['n_resume']; $gen = $mesNotices['n_gen']; $contenu = $mesNotices['n_contenu']; $indSerie = $mesNotices['index_serie']; $tvol = $mesNotices['tnvol']; $eformatlien = $mesNotices['eformat']; $infos_global=' '.$tvol.' '.$tit.' '.$resume.' '.$gen.' '.$contenu.' '.$indL.' '; $infos_global_index=' '.$indSerie.' '.$indTit.' '.$indResume.' '.$indGen.' '.$indContenu.' '.$indMat.' '; // Authors : $auteurs = mysql_query("select author_type, author_name, author_rejete, author_date, author_lieu,author_ville,author_pays,author_numero,author_subdivision, index_author from authors, responsability WHERE responsability_author = author_id AND responsability_notice = $notice", $dbh); $numA = mysql_num_rows($auteurs); for($j=0;$j < $numA; $j++) { $mesAuteurs = mysql_fetch_assoc($auteurs); $infos_global.= $mesAuteurs['author_name'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_rejete'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_lieu'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_ville'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_pays'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_numero'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_subdivision'].' '; if($mesAuteurs['author_type'] == "72") $infos_global.= ' '.$mesAuteurs['author_date'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_chars( $mesAuteurs['author_name'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_rejete'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_lieu'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_ville'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_pays'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_numero'].' '. $mesAuteurs['author_subdivision']).' '; if($mesAuteurs['author_type'] == "72") $infos_global_index.= strip_empty_chars($mesAuteurs['author_date']." "); } mysql_free_result($auteurs); // Nom du periodique //cas d'un article if($mesNotices['niveau_biblio'] == 'a'){ $temp = mysql_query("select bulletin_notice, bulletin_titre, index_titre, index_wew, index_sew from analysis, bulletins, notices WHERE analysis_notice=".$notice." and analysis_bulletin = bulletin_id and bulletin_notice=notice_id", $dbh); $numP = mysql_num_rows($temp); if ($numP) { // La notice appartient a un periodique, on selectionne le titre de periodique : $mesTemp = mysql_fetch_assoc($temp); $infos_global.= $mesTemp['index_wew'].' '.$mesTemp['bulletin_titre'].' '.$mesTemp['index_titre'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mesTemp['index_wew'].' '.$mesTemp['bulletin_titre'].' '.$mesTemp['index_titre']).' '; } mysql_free_result($temp); //cas d'un bulletin }else if ($mesNotices['niveau_biblio'] == 'b'){ $temp = mysql_query("select serial.index_wew from notices join bulletins on bulletins.num_notice = notices.notice_id join notices as serial on serial.notice_id = bulletins.bulletin_notice where notices.notice_id = ".$notice); $numP = mysql_num_rows($temp); if ($numP) { // La notice appartient a un periodique, on selectionne le titre de periodique : $mesTemp = mysql_fetch_assoc($temp); $infos_global.= $mesTemp['index_wew'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mesTemp['index_wew']); } mysql_free_result($temp); } // Categories : $noeud = mysql_query("select libelle_categorie from notices_categories,categories where notcateg_notice = ".$notice." and notices_categories.num_noeud=categories.num_noeud order by ordre_categorie", $dbh); $numNoeuds = mysql_num_rows($noeud); // Pour chaque noeud trouve on cherche les noeuds parents et les noeuds fils : for($j=0;$j < $numNoeuds; $j++) { // On met a jour la table notices_global_index avec le noeud trouve: $mesNoeuds = mysql_fetch_assoc($noeud); $infos_global.= $mesNoeuds['libelle_categorie'].' '; $infos_global_index.= strip_empty_words($mesNoeuds['libelle_categorie']).' '; } // Sous-collection : $subColls = mysql_query("select sub_coll_name, index_sub_coll from notices, sub_collections WHERE subcoll_id = sub_coll_id AND notice_id = ".$notice, $dbh); $numSC = mysql_num_rows($subColls); for($j=0;$j < $numSC; $j++) { $mesSubColl = mysql_fetch_assoc($subColls); $infos_global.=$mesSubColl['index_sub_coll'].' '.$mesSubColl['sub_coll_name'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mesSubColl['index_sub_coll'].' '.$mesSubColl['sub_coll_name']).' '; } mysql_free_result($subColls); // Indexation numerique : $indexNums = mysql_query("select indexint_name, indexint_comment from notices, indexint WHERE indexint = indexint_id AND notice_id = ".$notice, $dbh); $numIN = mysql_num_rows($indexNums); for($j=0;$j < $numIN; $j++) { $mesindexNums = mysql_fetch_assoc($indexNums); $infos_global.=$mesindexNums['indexint_name'].' '.$mesindexNums['indexint_comment'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mesindexNums['indexint_name'].' '.$mesindexNums['indexint_comment']).' '; } mysql_free_result($indexNums); // Collection : $Colls = mysql_query("select collection_name ,collection_issn from notices, collections WHERE coll_id = collection_id AND notice_id = ".$notice, $dbh); $numCo = mysql_num_rows($Colls); for($j=0;$j < $numCo; $j++) { $mesColl = mysql_fetch_assoc($Colls); $infos_global.= $mesColl['collection_name'].' '.$mesColl['collection_issn'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mesColl['collection_name']).' '.strip_empty_words($mesColl['collection_issn']).' '; } mysql_free_result($Colls); // Editeurs : $editeurs = mysql_query("select ed_name from notices, publishers WHERE (ed1_id = ed_id OR ed2_id = ed_id) AND notice_id = ".$notice, $dbh); $numE = mysql_num_rows($editeurs); for($j=0;$j < $numE; $j++) { $mesEditeurs = mysql_fetch_assoc($editeurs); $infos_global.= $mesEditeurs['ed_name'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_chars($mesEditeurs['ed_name']).' '; } mysql_free_result($editeurs); mysql_free_result($titres); // Titres Uniformes : $tu = mysql_query("select ntu_titre, tu_name, tu_tonalite from notices_titres_uniformes,titres_uniformes WHERE tu_id=ntu_num_tu and ntu_num_notice=".$notice, $dbh); $numtu = mysql_num_rows($tu); for($j=0;$j < $numtu; $j++) { $mesTu = mysql_fetch_assoc($tu); $infos_global.=$mesTu['ntu_titre'].' '.$mesTu['tu_name'].' '.$mesTu['tu_tonalite'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mesTu['ntu_titre'].' '.$mesTu['tu_name'].' '.$mesTu['tu_tonalite']).' '; } mysql_free_result($tu); // indexer les cotes des etat des collections : $p_perso=new parametres_perso("collstate"); $coll = mysql_query("select collstate_id, collstate_cote from collections_state WHERE id_serial=".$notice, $dbh); $numcoll = mysql_num_rows($coll); for($j=0;$j < $numcoll; $j++) { $mescoll = mysql_fetch_assoc($coll); $infos_global.=$mescoll['collstate_cote'].' '; $infos_global_index.=strip_empty_words($mescoll['collstate_cote']).' '; // champ perso cherchable $mots_perso=$p_perso->get_fields_recherche($mescoll['collstate_id']); if($mots_perso) { $infos_global.= $mots_perso.' '; $infos_global_index.= strip_empty_words($mots_perso).' '; } } mysql_free_result($coll); // champ perso cherchable $p_perso=new parametres_perso("notices"); $mots_perso=$p_perso->get_fields_recherche($notice); if($mots_perso) { $infos_global.= $mots_perso.' '; $infos_global_index.= strip_empty_words($mots_perso).' '; } // flux RSS éventuellement $eformat=array(); $eformat = explode(' ', $eformatlien) ; if ($eformat[0]=='RSS' && $eformat[3]=='1') { $flux=strip_tags(affiche_rss($notice)) ; $infos_global_index.= strip_empty_words($flux).' '; } mysql_query("insert into notices_global_index SET num_notice=".$notice.",no_index =".$NoIndex.", infos_global='".addslashes($infos_global)."', index_infos_global='".addslashes($infos_global_index)."'" , $dbh); } // Fonction statique pour la creation / maj d'un n-uplet dans la table "notices_mots_global_index" lors de la creation ou mise a jour d'une notice. function majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($notice, $datatype='all') { global $include_path; global $dbh, $champ_base; global $lang; //recuperation du fichier xml de configuration if(!count($champ_base)) { $file = $include_path."/indexation/notices/champs_base_subst.xml"; if(!file_exists($file)){ $file = $include_path."/indexation/notices/champs_base.xml"; } $fp=fopen($file,"r"); if ($fp) { $xml=fread($fp,filesize($file)); } fclose($fp); $champ_base=_parser_text_no_function_($xml,"INDEXATION"); } $tableau=$champ_base; //analyse des donnees des tables $temp_not=array(); $temp_not['t'][0][0]=$tableau['REFERENCE'][0][value] ; $temp_ext=array(); $temp_marc=array(); $champ_trouve=false; $tab_code_champ = array(); $tab_languages=array(); $tab_keep_empty = array(); $tab_pp=array(); for ($i=0;$i $tableau['FIELD'][$i]['ID'], 'ss_champ' => 0, 'pond' => $tableau['FIELD'][$i]['POND'], 'no_words' => ($tableau['FIELD'][$i]['DATATYPE'] == "marclist" ? true : false) ); if($tableau['FIELD'][$i]['TABLE'][0]['TABLEFIELD'][0]['value']['marctype']){ $tab_code_champ[0][$tableau['FIELD'][$i]['TABLE'][0]['TABLEFIELD'][0]['value']]['marctype']=$tableau['FIELD'][$i]['TABLE'][0]['TABLEFIELD'][0]['MARCTYPE']; } } $champ_trouve=true; } } if ($champ_trouve) { $tab_req=array(); //Recherche des champs directs if($datatype=='all') { $tab_req[0]["rqt"]= "select ".implode(',',$temp_not['f'][0])." from ".$temp_not['t'][0][0]; $tab_req[0]["rqt"].=" where ".$tableau['REFERENCEKEY'][0][value]."='".$notice."'"; $tab_req[0]["table"]=$temp_not['t'][0][0]; } foreach($temp_ext as $k=>$v) { //Construction de la requete //Champs pour le select $select=array(); //on harmonise les fichiers XML décrivant des requetes... for ($i = 0; $i $v['ID'], 'ss_champ' => $table['TABLEFIELD'][$j]["ID"], 'pond' => $table['TABLEFIELD'][$j]['POND'], 'no_words' => ($v['DATATYPE'] == "marclist" ? true : false) ); if($table['TABLEFIELD'][$j]['MARCTYPE']){ $tab_code_champ[$v['ID']][$table['TABLEFIELD'][$j]["value"]]['marctype']=$table['TABLEFIELD'][$j]['MARCTYPE']; } } $query="select ".implode(",",$select)." from notices"; $jointure=""; for( $j=0 ; $j$v) { $r=mysql_query($v["rqt"],$dbh); $tab_mots=array(); $tab_fields=array(); if (mysql_num_rows($r)) { while(($tab_row=mysql_fetch_array($r,MYSQL_ASSOC))) { if(isset($tab_row[$tab_languages[$k]])){ $langage = $tab_row[$tab_languages[$k]]; unset($tab_row[$tab_languages[$k]]); }else{ $langage=""; } foreach($tab_row as $nom_champ => $liste_mots) { if($tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['marctype']){ //on veut toutes les langues, pas seulement celle de l'interface... $saved_lang = $lang; $code = $liste_mots; $dir = opendir($include_path."/marc_tables"); while($dir_lang = readdir($dir)){ if($dir_lang!= "." && $dir_lang!=".." && $dir_lang!="CVS" && is_dir($include_path."/marc_tables/".$dir_lang)){ $lang = $dir_lang; $marclist = new marc_list($tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['marctype']); $liste_mots = $marclist->table[$code]; $tab_fields[$nom_champ][] = array( 'value' =>trim($liste_mots), 'lang' => $lang ); } } $lang = $saved_lang; $liste_mots = ""; } if($liste_mots!='') { $tab_tmp=array(); if(!in_array($k,$tab_keep_empty)){ $tab_tmp=explode(' ',strip_empty_words($liste_mots)); }else{ $tab_tmp=explode(' ',strip_empty_chars(clean_string($liste_mots))); } // if($lang!="") $tab_tmp[]=$lang; //la table pour les recherche exacte if(!$tab_fields[$nom_champ]) $tab_fields[$nom_champ]=array(); $tab_fields[$nom_champ][] = array( 'value' =>trim($liste_mots), 'lang' => $langage ); if(!$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['no_words']){ foreach($tab_tmp as $mot) { if(trim($mot)){ $tab_mots[$nom_champ][$mot]=$langage; } } } } } } } foreach ($tab_mots as $nom_champ=>$tab) { $pos=1; foreach ( $tab as $mot => $langage ) { //on cherche le mot dans la table de mot... $query = "select id_word from words where word = '".$mot."' and lang = '".$langage."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ $num_word = mysql_result($result,0,0); }else{ $dmeta = new DoubleMetaPhone($mot); $stemming = new stemming($mot); $element_to_update = ""; if($dmeta->primary || $dmeta->secondary){ $element_to_update.=" double_metaphone = '".$dmeta->primary." ".$dmeta->secondary."'"; } if($element_to_update) $element_to_update.=","; $element_to_update.="stem = '".$stemming->stem."'"; $query = "insert into words set word = '".$mot."', lang = '".$langage."'".($element_to_update ? ", ".$element_to_update : ""); mysql_query($query); $num_word = mysql_insert_id(); } $tab_insert[]="(".$notice.",".$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['champ'].",".$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['ss_champ'].",".$num_word.",".$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['pond'].",$pos)"; $pos++; } } //la table pour les recherche exacte foreach ($tab_fields as $nom_champ=>$tab) { foreach($tab as $order => $values){ //$tab_field_insert[]="(".$notice.",".$tab_code_champ[$v["table"]][$nom_champ][0].",".$tab_code_champ[$v["table"]][$nom_champ][1].",".$order.",'".addslashes($values['value'])."','".addslashes($values['lang'])."',".$tab_code_champ[$v["table"]][$nom_champ][2].")"; $tab_field_insert[]="(".$notice.",".$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['champ'].",".$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['ss_champ'].",".$order.",'".addslashes($values['value'])."','".addslashes($values['lang'])."',".$tab_code_champ[$k][$nom_champ]['pond'].")"; } } } //Les champs perso if(count($tab_pp)){ foreach ( $tab_pp as $code_champ => $table ) { $p_perso=new parametres_perso($table); //on doit retrouver l'id des eléments... switch($table){ case "expl" : $rqt = "select expl_id from notices join exemplaires on expl_notice = notice_id and expl_notice!=0 where notice_id = $notice union select expl_id from notices join bulletins on num_notice = notice_id join exemplaires on expl_bulletin = bulletin_id and expl_bulletin != 0 where notice_id = $notice"; $res = mysql_query($rqt); if(mysql_num_rows($res)) { $ids = array(); while($row= mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $ids[] =$row->expl_id; } } break; case "collstate" : break; default : $ids = array($notice); } if(count($ids)){ for($i=0 ; $iget_fields_recherche_mot_array($ids[$i]); $j=0; foreach ( $data as $code_ss_champ => $value ) { $tab_mots=array(); foreach($value as $val) { $tab_tmp=explode(' ',strip_empty_words($val)); //la table pour les recherche exacte $tab_field_insert[]="(".$notice.",".$code_champ.",".$code_ss_champ.",".$j.",'".addslashes(trim($val))."','',".$p_perso->get_pond($code_ss_champ).")"; $j++; foreach($tab_tmp as $mot) { if(trim($mot)){ $tab_mots[$mot]= ""; } } } $pos=1; foreach ( $tab_mots as $mot => $langage ) { //on cherche le mot dans la table de mot... $query = "select id_word from words where word = '".$mot."' and lang = '".$langage."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ $num_word = mysql_result($result,0,0); }else{ $dmeta = new DoubleMetaPhone($mot); $stemming = new stemming($mot); $element_to_update = ""; if($dmeta->primary || $dmeta->secondary){ $element_to_update.=" double_metaphone = '".$dmeta->primary." ".$dmeta->secondary."'"; } if($element_to_update) $element_to_update.=","; $element_to_update.="stem = '".$stemming->stem."'"; $query = "insert into words set word = '".$mot."', lang = '".$langage."'".($element_to_update ? ", ".$element_to_update : ""); mysql_query($query); $num_word = mysql_insert_id(); } $tab_insert[]="(".$notice.",".$code_champ.",".$code_ss_champ.",".$num_word.",".$p_perso->get_pond($code_ss_champ).",$pos)"; $pos++; } } } } } } $req_insert="insert into notices_mots_global_index(id_notice,code_champ,code_ss_champ,num_word,pond,position) values ".implode(',',$tab_insert); mysql_query($req_insert,$dbh); //la table pour les recherche exacte $req_insert="insert into notices_fields_global_index(id_notice,code_champ,code_ss_champ,ordre,value,lang,pond) values ".implode(',',$tab_field_insert); mysql_query($req_insert,$dbh); } } //Fonction statique pour la maj des champs index de la notice function majNotices($notice){ global $pmb_keyword_sep; if($notice){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT notice_id,tparent_id,tit1,tit2,tit3,tit4,index_l, n_gen, n_contenu, n_resume, tnvol FROM notices WHERE notice_id='".$notice."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)) { //Nettoyage des mots clès notice::majNotices_clean_tags($notice); $row = mysql_fetch_object($query); // titre de série if ($row->tparent_id) { $tserie = new serie($row->tparent_id); $ind_serie = ' '.strip_empty_words($tserie->name).' '; } else { $ind_serie = ''; } $ind_wew = $ind_serie." ".$row->tnvol." ".$row->tit1." ".$row->tit2." ".$row->tit3." ".$row->tit4 ; $ind_sew = strip_empty_words($ind_wew) ; $row->index_l ? $ind_matieres = ' '.strip_empty_words(str_replace($pmb_keyword_sep," ",$row->index_l)).' ' : $ind_matieres = ''; $row->n_gen ? $ind_n_gen = ' '.strip_empty_words($row->n_gen).' ' : $ind_n_gen = ''; $row->n_contenu ? $ind_n_contenu = ' '.strip_empty_words($row->n_contenu).' ' : $ind_n_contenu = ''; $row->n_resume ? $ind_n_resume = ' '.strip_empty_words($row->n_resume).' ' : $ind_n_resume = ''; $req_update = "UPDATE notices"; $req_update .= " SET index_wew='".addslashes($ind_wew)."'"; $req_update .= ", index_sew=' ".addslashes($ind_sew)." '"; $req_update .= ", index_serie='".addslashes($ind_serie)."'"; $req_update .= ", index_n_gen='".addslashes($ind_n_gen)."'"; $req_update .= ", index_n_contenu='".addslashes($ind_n_contenu)."'"; $req_update .= ", index_n_resume='".addslashes($ind_n_resume)."'"; $req_update .= ", index_matieres='".addslashes($ind_matieres)."'"; $req_update .= " WHERE notice_id=$row->notice_id "; $update = mysql_query($req_update); mysql_free_result($query); } } } //Met à jour toutes les informations liées une notice function majNoticesTotal($notice){ notice::majNotices($notice); notice::majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice); notice::majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($notice); } } } # fin de declaration