if (!count($langue_doc)) {
$langue_doc = new marc_list('lang');
$langue_doc = $langue_doc->table;
if (!count($icon_doc)) {
$icon_doc = new marc_list('icondoc');
$icon_doc = $icon_doc->table;
if(!count($biblio_doc)) {
$biblio_doc = new marc_list('nivbiblio');
$biblio_doc = $biblio_doc->table;
class notice_info {
var $notice;
function notice_info($id,$environement=array()) {
if(!$this->environement["short"]) $this->environement["short"] = 6;
if(!$this->environement["ex"]) $this->environement["ex"] = 0;
if(!$this->environement["exnum"]) $this->environement["exnum"] = 1;
if(!$this->environement["link"]) $this->environement["link"] = "./catalog.php?categ=isbd&id=!!id!!" ;
if(!$this->environement["link_analysis"]) $this->environement["link_analysis"] = "./catalog.php?categ=serials&sub=bulletinage&action=view&bul_id=!!bul_id!!&art_to_show=!!id!!" ;
if(!$this->environement["link_explnum"]) $this->environement["link_explnum"] = "./catalog.php?categ=serials&sub=analysis&action=explnum_form&bul_id=!!bul_id!!&analysis_id=!!analysis_id!!&explnum_id=!!explnum_id!!" ;
if(!$this->environement["link_bulletin"]) $this->environement["link_bulletin"] = "./catalog.php?categ=serials&sub=bulletinage&action=view&bul_id=!!id!!" ;
function fetch_analysis_info() {
if (($this->niveau_biblio=="a")&&($this->niveau_hierar==2)) {
$requete="select tit1,bulletin_numero,date_date,mention_date from analysis join bulletins on (analysis_bulletin=bulletin_id) join notices on (bulletin_notice=notice_id) where " .
if (mysql_num_rows($resultat)) {
function fetch_data() {
global $charset;
global $opac_show_book_pics ;
global $opac_book_pics_url ;
global $opac_book_pics_msg;
global $opac_url_base ;
global $opac_sur_location_activate;
global $fonction_auteur,$msg;
global $tdoc;
//Recuperation des infos de la notice
$requete = "select * from notices where notice_id=".$this->notice_id;
$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
$res = mysql_fetch_object($resultat);
$this->memo_isbn = $this->notice->code ;
//Recherche des infos du périodique
//Recherche des etats de collection
//Titre de serie et composition du titre
if($res->tparent_id) {
$requete = "select * from series where serie_id=".$res->tparent_id;
$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
if (($serie = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) {
$this->isbd = $this->serie_name;
if($this->notice->tnvol) {
$this->memo_titre.= ', '.$res->tnvol;
$this->memo_titre_serie.= ', '.$res->tnvol;
$this->isbd .= ', '.$this->tnvol;
} elseif($this->notice->tnvol){
$this->memo_titre.= $res->tnvol;
$this->memo_titre ? $this->memo_titre .= '. '.$res->tit1 : $this->memo_titre = $res->tit1;
$this->isbd ? $this->isbd .= '. '.$this->notice->tit1 : $this->isbd = $this->notice->tit1;
$tit2 = $this->notice->tit2;
$tit3 = $this->notice->tit3;
$tit4 = $this->notice->tit4;
if($tit3) $this->isbd .= " = $tit3";
if($tit4) $this->isbd .= " : $tit4";
if($tit2) $this->isbd .= " ; $tit2";
$this->isbd .= ' ['.$tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc].']';
$this->memo_notice_bulletin=new stdClass();
$this->memo_bulletin=new stdClass();
if ($res->niveau_biblio=='b') {
$rqt="select tit1, date_format(date_date, '".$msg["format_date"]."') as aff_date_date, bulletin_numero as num_bull,bulletin_notice from bulletins,notices where bulletins.num_notice='".$this->notice_id."' and notices.notice_id=bulletins.bulletin_notice";
$this->memo_titre.=" ".(!$row->aff_date_date?sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"],$row->tit1):sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"],$row->tit1.", ".$row->num_bull." [".$row->aff_date_date."]"));
// recherche editeur de la notice de perio
$rqt_perio="select * from notices where notice_id=".$row->bulletin_notice;
if (!$this->notice->ed1_id) {
}elseif ($res->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $res->niveau_hierar == 2) {
$requete = "SELECT b.* ";
$requete .= "from analysis a, notices b, bulletins c";
$requete .= " WHERE a.analysis_notice=".$this->notice_id;
$requete .= " AND c.bulletin_id=a.analysis_bulletin";
$requete .= " AND c.bulletin_notice=b.notice_id";
$requete .= " LIMIT 1";
$myQuery = mysql_query($requete);
if (mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) {
$row_perio = mysql_fetch_object($myQuery);
if (!$this->notice->ed1_id) {
// info du bulletin de ce dépouillement
$req_bulletin = "SELECT c.* from analysis a, bulletins c WHERE c.bulletin_id=a.analysis_bulletin AND analysis_notice=".$res->notice_id;
$result_bull = mysql_query($req_bulletin);
$this->memo_notice = $res;
//mention d'édition
//Titre du pério pour les notices de bulletin
if($res->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $res->niveau_hierar == '2'){
$req_bulletin = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1 as titre from bulletins, notices WHERE bulletin_notice=notice_id AND num_notice=".$res->notice_id;
$result_bull = mysql_query($req_bulletin);
$this->bulletin_id = $bull->bulletin_id;
$this->memo_lang = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 0) ; // langues de la publication
$this->memo_lang_or = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 1) ; // langues originales
$this->authors = array();
//Recherche des auteurs;
$this->responsabilites = get_notice_authors($this->notice_id);
$mention_resp = $mention_resp_1 = $mention_resp_2 = array() ;
$isbd_entry_1 = $isbd_entry_2 = array() ;
$as = array_search ("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]) ;
if ($as!== FALSE && $as!== NULL) {
$auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as] ;
$auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]);
$auteur->fonction = $fonction_auteur[$auteur_0["fonction"]];
if ($this->print_mode) $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry;
else $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry_lien_gestion;
if (!$this->print_mode) $mention_resp_lib .= $auteur->author_web_link ;
if ($auteur_0["fonction"]) $mention_resp_lib .= ", ".$fonction_auteur[$auteur_0["fonction"]];
$mention_resp[] = $mention_resp_lib;
$as = array_keys ($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1" ) ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($as) ; $i++) {
$indice = $as[$i] ;
$auteur_1 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice] ;
$auteur = new auteur($auteur_1["id"]);
$auteur->fonction = $fonction_auteur[$auteur_1["fonction"]];
if ($this->print_mode) $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry;
else $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry_lien_gestion;
if (!$this->print_mode) $mention_resp_lib .= $auteur->author_web_link ;
if ($auteur_1["fonction"]) $mention_resp_lib .= ", ".$fonction_auteur[$auteur_1["fonction"]];
$mention_resp[] = $mention_resp_lib;
$mention_resp_1[] = $mention_resp_lib;
$isbd_entry_1[]= $auteur->isbd_entry;
$this->memo_mention_resp_1 = implode ("; ",$mention_resp_1);
$this->memo_auteur_autre_tab = $isbd_entry_1;
$this->memo_auteur_autre = implode ("; ",$isbd_entry_1);
$as = array_keys ($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "2" ) ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($as) ; $i++) {
$indice = $as[$i] ;
$auteur_2 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice] ;
$auteur = new auteur($auteur_2["id"]);
$auteur->fonction = $fonction_auteur[$auteur_2["fonction"]];
if ($this->print_mode) $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry;
else $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry_lien_gestion;
if (!$this->print_mode) $mention_resp_lib .= $auteur->author_web_link ;
if ($auteur_2["fonction"]) $mention_resp_lib .= ", ".$fonction_auteur[$auteur_2["fonction"]];
$mention_resp[] = $mention_resp_lib;
$mention_resp_2[]= $mention_resp_lib;
$isbd_entry_2[]= $auteur->isbd_entry;
$this->memo_mention_resp_2 = implode ("; ",$mention_resp_2);
$this->memo_auteur_secondaire_tab = $isbd_entry_2;
$this->memo_auteur_secondaire = implode ("; ",$isbd_entry_2);
$this->memo_libelle_mention_resp = implode ("; ",$mention_resp);
if($this->memo_libelle_mention_resp) $this->isbd .= " / $this->memo_libelle_mention_resp" ;
// on récupère la collection au passage, si besoin est
if($this->notice->subcoll_id) {
$collection = new subcollection($this->notice->subcoll_id);
} elseif ($this->notice->coll_id) {
$collection = new collection($this->notice->coll_id);
} elseif ($this->notice->ed1_id) {
if($this->notice->ed2_id) {
$editeurs ? $editeurs .= ' ; '.$info["isbd_entry"] : $editeurs = $info["isbd_entry"];
if($this->notice->year) {
$editeurs ? $editeurs .= ', '.$this->notice->year : $editeurs = $this->notice->year;
} elseif ($this->notice->niveau_biblio!='b') $editeurs ? $editeurs .= ', [s.d.]' : $editeurs = "[s.d.]";
if ($editeurs) $this->isbd .= ". - $editeurs";
// zone de la collation (ne concerne que a2)
$collation = $this->notice->npages;
$collation .= ': '.$this->notice->ill;
$collation .= '; '.$this->notice->size;
$collation .= '+ '.$this->notice->accomp;
$this->isbd .= ". - $collation";
//Recherche du code dewey
$requete = "select * from indexint where indexint_id=".$res -> indexint;
$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
if (($code_dewey=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) {
if($collections=$this->memo_collection) {
if($this->notice->nocoll) $collections .= '; '.$this->notice->nocoll;
$this->isbd .= ". - ($collections)".' ';
if(substr(trim($this->isbd), -1) != "."){
$this->isbd .= '.';
//Traitement des exemplaires
$requete = "select expl_id, expl_cb, expl_cote, expl_statut,statut_libelle, expl_typdoc, tdoc_libelle, expl_note, expl_comment, expl_section, section_libelle, ";
$requete.= "expl_owner, lender_libelle, expl_codestat, codestat_libelle, expl_date_retour, expl_date_depot, expl_note, pret_flag, expl_location, location_libelle ";
if($opac_sur_location_activate) {
$requete.= ", ifnull(surloc_id,0) as surloc_id, ifnull(surloc_libelle,'') as surloc_libelle ";
$requete.= "from exemplaires, docs_statut, docs_type, docs_section, docs_codestat, lenders, docs_location ";
if($opac_sur_location_activate) {
$requete.= "left join sur_location on surloc_num=surloc_id ";
$requete.= "where expl_notice=".$res -> notice_id." and expl_statut=idstatut and expl_typdoc=idtyp_doc and expl_section=idsection and expl_owner=idlender and expl_codestat=idcode ";
$requete.= "and expl_location=idlocation";
$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
while (($ex = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) {
//Champs perso d'exemplaires
$mes_pp=new parametres_perso("expl");
if (!$mes_pp->no_special_fields) {
$values = $mes_pp->values;
foreach ( $values as $field_id => $vals ) {
foreach ( $vals as $value ) {
$requete="SELECT libelle_categorie FROM categories, notices_categories WHERE notcateg_notice=".$res->notice_id." and categories.num_noeud = notices_categories.num_noeud ORDER BY ordre_categorie";
while (($cat = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) {
//Champs perso de notice traite par la table notice_custom
$mes_pp= new parametres_perso("notices");
$values = $mes_pp->values;
foreach ( $values as $field_id => $vals ) {
foreach ( $vals as $value ) {
//Notices liées, relations entre notices
//les notices mères
$requete="SELECT num_notice, linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where num_notice=".$res->notice_id." order by num_notice, rank asc";
while(($notice_fille=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) {
// les notices filles
$requete="SELECT num_notice, linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where linked_notice=".$res->notice_id." order by num_notice, rank asc";
while(($notice_mere=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) {
// liens vers les périodiques pour les notices d'article
$req_perio_link = "SELECT notice_id, tit1, code from bulletins,analysis,notices WHERE bulletin_notice=notice_id and bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin and analysis_notice=".$res->notice_id;
// bulletinage pour les notices de pério
$req_bulletinage = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins, notices WHERE bulletin_notice = notice_id AND notice_id=".$res->notice_id;
// liens vers les bulletins pour les notices d'article
$req_bull_link = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins, analysis WHERE bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin and analysis_notice=".$res->notice_id;
$this->memo_explnum_assoc=show_explnum_per_notice($res->notice_id, 0,"",$paramaff);
if ($this->notice->code || $this->notice->thumbnail_url) {
if ($opac_show_book_pics=='1' && ($opac_book_pics_url || $this->notice->thumbnail_url)) {
$code_chiffre = pmb_preg_replace('/-|\.| /', '', $this->notice->code);
$url_image = $opac_book_pics_url ;
$url_image = $opac_url_base."getimage.php?url_image=".urlencode($url_image)."¬icecode=!!noticecode!!&vigurl=".urlencode($this->notice->thumbnail_url) ;
if ($this->notice->thumbnail_url) {
} else {
$url_image_ok = str_replace("!!noticecode!!", $code_chiffre, $url_image) ;
$title_image_ok = htmlentities($opac_book_pics_msg, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
$this->memo_image = "";
} else{
$this->memo_image="" ;
//calcul du permalink...
if($this->notice->niveau_biblio != "b"){
$this->permalink = $opac_url_base."index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=".$this->notice_id;
}else {
$this->permalink = $opac_url_base."index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=".$this->bulletin_id;
return true;
function get_info_editeur($id) {
$requete = "SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE ed_id=$id LIMIT 1 ";
$result = @mysql_query($requete);
if(mysql_num_rows($result)) {
$temp = mysql_fetch_object($result);
$id = $temp->ed_id;
$name = $temp->ed_name;
$adr1 = $temp->ed_adr1;
$adr2 = $temp->ed_adr2;
$cp = $temp->ed_cp;
$ville = $temp->ed_ville;
$pays = $temp->ed_pays;
$web = $temp->ed_web;
$ed_comment= $temp->ed_comment ;
// Determine le lieu de publication
$l = '';
if ($adr1) $l = $adr1;
if ($adr2) $l = ($l=='') ? $adr2 : $l.', '.$adr2;
if ($cp) $l = ($l=='') ? $cp : $l.', '.$cp;
if ($pays) $l = ($l=='') ? $pays : $l.', '.$pays;
if ($ville) $l = ($l=='') ? $ville : $ville.' ('.$l.')';
if ($l=='') $l = '[S.l.]';
// Determine le nom de l'editeur
if ($name) $n = $name; else $n = '[S.n.]';
// Constitue l'ISBD pour le coupe lieu/editeur
if ($l == '[S.l.]' AND $n == '[S.n.]') $isbd_entry = '[S.l. : s.n.]';
else $isbd_entry = $l.' : '.$n;
$info['name'] = $name;
$info['place'] = $l;
function fetch_notices_parents(){
$this->notices_parents = array();
for($i=0 ; $imemo_notice_mere) ; $i++){
$this->notices_parents[] = new notice_info($this->memo_notice_mere[$i]);
function fetch_notices_childs(){
$this->notices_childs = array();
for($i=0 ; $imemo_notice_fille) ; $i++){
$this->notices_childs[] = new notice_info($this->memo_notice_fille[$i]);
function fetch_collstate() {
if (($this->niveau_biblio=='s')&&($this->niveau_hierar==1)) {
global $dbh;
global $opac_sur_location_activate;
//Traitement des exemplaires
$q = "select collstate_id, id_serial, state_collections, collstate_origine, collstate_cote, collstate_archive, collstate_lacune, collstate_note, ";
$q.= "idlocation, location_libelle, ";
$q.= "archempla_id, archempla_libelle, ";
$q.= "archtype_id, archtype_libelle, ";
$q.= "archstatut_id, archstatut_opac_libelle ";
if($opac_sur_location_activate) {
$q.= ", ifnull(surloc_id,0) as surloc_id, ifnull(surloc_libelle,'') as surloc_libelle ";
$q.= "from collections_state ";
$q.= "join docs_location on location_id=idlocation ";
if($opac_sur_location_activate) {
$q.= "left join sur_location on surloc_num=surloc_id ";
$q.= "join arch_emplacement on collstate_emplacement=archempla_id ";
$q.= "join arch_type on collstate_type=archtype_id ";
$q.= "join arch_statut on collstate_statut=archstatut_id ";
$q.= "where id_serial = '".$this->notice_id."' ";
//pour l'opac
//$q.= "and ((archstatut_visible_opac=1 and archstatut_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (archstatut_visible_opac_abon=1 and archstatut_visible_opac=1)":"").")";
$r = mysql_query($q, $dbh);
if ($r) {
while (($cs = mysql_fetch_object($r))) {
//Champs perso d'etats de collection
$pp=new parametres_perso("collstate");
if (!$pp->no_special_fields) {
$values = $pp->values;
foreach ( $values as $field_id => $vals ) {
foreach ( $vals as $value ) {