" . ''. ""; break; case "TABLEAUCSV": // header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset); header("Content-Type: application/download\n"); header("Content-Disposition: atachement; filename=\"tableau.csv\""); break; case "EXPORT_NOTI": // header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset); header("Content-Type: application/download\n"); header("Content-Disposition: atachement; filename=\"notices.doc\""); break; default: header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset); print $std_header.""; print "
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".$msg["1150"]." : ".$msg["1154"]."

"; include("./edit/serials_manq.inc.php"); break; */ case "collect" : default : $sub = "collect" ; echo "

".$msg["1150"]." : ".$msg["1151"]."

"; include("./edit/serials_coll.inc.php"); break; } break; // EDITIONS DES STATISTIQUES case "procs": switch($dest) { case "TABLEAUCSV": default: include_once("./edit/procs.inc.php"); break; } break; // CODES A BARRES case "cbgen": switch($sub) { default : case "libre" : $sub = "libre" ; echo "

".$msg["1140"]." : ".$msg["1141"]."

"; include("./edit/cbgenlibre.inc.php"); break; } break; //LES TRANSFERTS case "transferts" : require_once ("./edit/transferts.inc.php"); break; //STATISTIQUES DE L'OPAC case "stat_opac" : echo "

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"; include("./edit/notice_tpl.inc.php"); break; } break; case "state" : include($base_path."/edit/editions_state/main.inc.php"); break; // EDITIONS LIEES AUX EXEMPLAIRES default: case "expl": $categ = "expl" ; switch($sub) { case "ppargroupe" : $critere_requete=" order by libelle_groupe, empr_nom, empr_prenom, pret_retour "; include("./edit/expl_groupe.inc.php"); break; case "rpargroupe" : $critere_requete=" and pret_retour < curdate() order by libelle_groupe, empr_nom, empr_prenom, pret_retour "; include("./edit/expl_groupe.inc.php"); break; case "retard" : $titre_page = $msg[1110]." : ".$msg[1112]; $critere_requete=" and pret_retour < curdate() order by empr_nom, empr_prenom "; include("./edit/expl.inc.php"); break; case "retard_par_date" : $titre_page = $msg[1110]." : ".$msg['edit_expl_retard_par_date']; $critere_requete=" and pret_retour < curdate() order by pret_retour, empr_nom, empr_prenom "; include("./edit/expl.inc.php"); break; case "owner" : $critere_requete=" order by idlender, expl_cote, expl_cb "; include("./edit/expl_owner.inc.php"); break; case "relance" : include("./edit/relance.inc.php"); break; case 'short_loans' : $titre_page = $msg['short_loans']; $critere_requete=" and short_loan_flag='1' order by pret_retour "; include("./edit/expl.inc.php"); break; case 'unreturned_short_loans' : $titre_page = $msg['short_loans']; $critere_requete=" and short_loan_flag='1' and pret_date < curdate() and pret_retour >= curdate() order by pret_retour "; include("./edit/expl.inc.php"); break; case 'overdue_short_loans' : $titre_page = $msg['short_loans']; $critere_requete=" and short_loan_flag='1' and pret_retour < curdate() order by pret_retour "; include("./edit/expl.inc.php"); break; default : case "encours" : $sub = "encours" ; $titre_page = $msg[1110]." : ".$msg[1111]; $critere_requete=" order by pret_retour "; include("./edit/expl.inc.php"); break; } break; } switch($dest) { case "TABLEAU": case "TABLEAUCSV": case "EXPORT_NOTI": break; case "TABLEAUHTML": print $footer; break; default: print $edit_layout_end; print $footer; print "" ; break; } mysql_close($dbh);