getThesaurusList(); $results = array(); global $opac_thesaurus, $opac_thesaurus_defaut; foreach ($thesauri as $id => $caption) { if ($OPACUserId != -1 && $opac_thesaurus == 0 && $opac_thesaurus_defaut != $id) continue; $athesaurus = new thesaurus($id); $results[] = array( 'thesaurus_id' => $id, 'thesaurus_caption' => utf8_normalize($caption), 'thesaurus_num_root_node' => $athesaurus->num_noeud_racine, 'thesaurus_num_unclassed_node' => $athesaurus->num_noeud_nonclasses, 'thesaurus_num_orphans_node' => $athesaurus->num_noeud_orphelins, ); } return $results; } function fetch_node_notice_ids($node_id, $OPACUserId=-1) { $node_id += 0; if (!$node_id) return FALSE; global $opac_auto_postage_nb_descendant, $opac_auto_postage_nb_montant; $nb_level_descendant=$opac_auto_postage_nb_descendant; $nb_level_montant=$opac_auto_postage_nb_montant; $_SESSION["nb_level_enfants"]= $nb_level_descendant; $_SESSION["nb_level_parents"]= $nb_level_montant; global $dbh; $q = "select path from noeuds where id_noeud = '".$node_id."' "; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $path=mysql_result($r, 0, 0); $nb_pere=substr_count($path,'/'); if ($OPACUserId != -1) { global $class_path; $acces_j=''; if ($gestion_acces_active==1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice==1) { require_once("$class_path/acces.class.php"); $ac= new acces(); $dom_2= $ac->setDomain(2); $acces_j = $dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'],4,'notcateg_notice'); } } if($acces_j) { $statut_j=''; $statut_r=''; } else { $statut_j=',notice_statut'; $statut_r="and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($OPACUserId?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"").")"; } // Si un path est renseigné et le paramètrage activé global $opac_auto_postage_descendant, $opac_auto_postage_montant, $auto_postage_etendre_recherche; if ($path && ($opac_auto_postage_descendant || $opac_auto_postage_montant) && ($nb_level_montant || $nb_level_descendant)){ //Recherche des fils if(($opac_auto_postage_descendant)&& $nb_level_descendant) { if($nb_level_descendant != '*' && is_numeric($nb_level_descendant)) $liste_fils=" path regexp '^$path(\\/[0-9]*){0,$nb_level_descendant}$' "; else $liste_fils=" path regexp '^$path(\\/[0-9]*)*' "; } else { $liste_fils=" id_noeud='".$node_id."' "; } // recherche des pères if(($opac_auto_postage_montant) && $nb_level_montant ) { $id_list_pere=explode('/',$path); $stop_pere=0; if($nb_level_montant != '*' && is_numeric($nb_level_montant)) $stop_pere=$nb_pere-$nb_level_montant; if($stop_pere<0) $stop_pere=0; for($i=$nb_pere;$i>=$stop_pere; $i--) { $liste_pere.= " or id_noeud='".$id_list_pere[$i]."' "; } } // requete permettant de remonter les notices associées à la liste des catégories trouvées; //$suite_req = " FROM noeuds inner join notices_categories on id_noeud=num_noeud inner join notices on notcateg_notice=notice_id, notice_statut // WHERE ($liste_fils $liste_pere) and (notices.statut = notice_statut.id_notice_statut // and ((notice_statut.notice_visible_opac = 1 and notice_statut.notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_statut.notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_statut.notice_visible_opac = 1)":"").")) "; $suite_req = " FROM noeuds join notices_categories on id_noeud=num_noeud join notices on notcateg_notice=notice_id !!opac_phototeque!! $acces_j $statut_j "; $suite_req.= "WHERE ($liste_fils $liste_pere) $statut_r "; } else { // cas normal d'avant //$suite_req=" FROM notices_categories, notices, notice_statut WHERE (notices_categories.num_noeud = '".$id."' and notices_categories.notcateg_notice = notices.notice_id) and (notices.statut = notice_statut.id_notice_statut and ((notice_statut.notice_visible_opac = 1 and notice_statut.notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_statut.notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_statut.notice_visible_opac = 1)":"").")) "; $suite_req = " FROM notices_categories join notices on notcateg_notice=notice_id !!opac_phototeque!! $acces_j $statut_j "; $suite_req.= "WHERE num_noeud=".$node_id." $statut_r "; } $requete = "SELECT distinct notice_id ".str_replace("!!opac_phototeque!!","",$suite_req); $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $results = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $results[] = $row[0]; } return $results; } function fetch_node_full($node_id, $OPACUserId=-1) { return array( 'node' => $this->proxy_parent->pmbesThesauri_fetch_node($node_id, $OPACUserId), 'notice_ids' => $this->proxy_parent->pmbesThesauri_fetch_node_notice_ids($node_id, $OPACUserId) ); } function fetch_node($node_id, $OPACUserId=-1) { $node_id += 0; if (!$node_id) return FALSE; $node = new noeuds($node_id); $result = array( 'node_id' => $node->id_noeud, 'node_thesaurus' => $node->num_thesaurus, 'node_target_id' => 0, 'node_target_categories' => array() ); global $dbh; if ($node->num_renvoi_voir) { $result['node_target_id'] = $node->num_renvoi_voir; $q = "select * from categories where num_noeud = '".$node->num_renvoi_voir."'"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $result['node_target_categories'] = array(); while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $categ = array(); $categ['node_id'] = $node_id; $categ['category_caption'] = utf8_normalize($obj->libelle_categorie); $categ['category_lang'] = utf8_normalize($obj->langue); $result['node_target_categories'][] = $categ; } } $q = "select * from categories where num_noeud = '".$node_id."'"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $result['node_categories'] = array(); while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $categ = array(); $categ['node_id'] = $node_id; $categ['category_caption'] = utf8_normalize($obj->libelle_categorie); $categ['category_lang'] = utf8_normalize($obj->langue); $result['node_categories'][] = $categ; } $path_ids = $node->listAncestors($node_id); $result['node_path'] = array(); if ($path_ids) { $q = "select * from categories where num_noeud IN(".implode(',', $path_ids).") order by num_noeud"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $result['node_path'] = array(); $current_node_id = 0; $categs = array(); while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { if (!$current_node_id) $current_node_id = $obj->num_noeud; if ($current_node_id != $obj->num_noeud) { $result['node_path'][] = array( 'node_id' => $current_node_id, 'categories' => $categs, ); $categs = array(); $current_node_id = $obj->num_noeud; } $categ = array(); $categ['node_id'] = $current_node_id; $categ['category_caption'] = utf8_normalize($obj->libelle_categorie); $categ['category_lang'] = utf8_normalize($obj->langue); $categs[] = $categ; } if ($current_node_id) $result['node_path'][] = array( 'node_id' => $current_node_id, 'categories' => $categs, ); } $children = array(); $children_res = $node->listChilds($node_id, 1); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($children_res)) { $children[] = $row['id_noeud']; } $result['node_children'] = array(); if ($children) { $q = "select noeuds.id_noeud, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir, categories.* from categories left join noeuds on (noeuds.id_noeud = categories.num_noeud) where noeuds.id_noeud IN(".implode(',', $children).") order by num_noeud, libelle_categorie"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $result['node_children'] = array(); $current_node_id = 0; $current_islink = false; $categs = array(); while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { if (!$current_node_id) $current_node_id = $obj->num_noeud; if ($current_node_id != $obj->num_noeud) { $result['node_children'][] = array( 'node_id' => $current_node_id, 'categories' => $categs, 'is_link' => $current_islink, ); $categs = array(); $current_node_id = $obj->num_noeud; $current_islink = $obj->num_renvoi_voir > 0 ? true : false; } $categ = array(); $categ['node_id'] = $current_node_id; $categ['category_caption'] = utf8_normalize($obj->libelle_categorie); $categ['category_lang'] = utf8_normalize($obj->langue); $categs[] = $categ; } if ($current_node_id) $result['node_children'][] = array( 'node_id' => $current_node_id, 'categories' => $categs, 'is_link' => $current_islink, ); } $result['node_seealso'] = array(); $q = "select voir_aussi.num_noeud_dest, categories.* from voir_aussi left join categories on (voir_aussi.num_noeud_dest = categories.num_noeud) where num_noeud_orig = ".$node_id." order by voir_aussi.num_noeud_dest"; $r = mysql_query($q, $dbh); $current_node_id = 0; $categs = array(); while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { if (!$current_node_id) $current_node_id = $obj->num_noeud; if ($current_node_id != $obj->num_noeud) { $result['node_seealso'][] = array( 'node_id' => $current_node_id, 'categories' => $categs, ); $categs = array(); $current_node_id = $obj->num_noeud; } $categ = array(); $categ['node_id'] = $current_node_id; $categ['category_caption'] = utf8_normalize($obj->libelle_categorie); $categ['category_lang'] = utf8_normalize($obj->langue); $categs[] = $categ; } if ($current_node_id) $result['node_seealso'][] = array( 'node_id' => $current_node_id, 'categories' => $categs, ); return $result; } } ?>