config = $config; if ( isset($this->config['cache_type']) ) { $this->type = $this->config['cache_type']; } else { $this->type = 'sqlite'; } $this->check_if_enabled(); if ( $this->enabled == true ) { if ( $this->type == 'sqlite' ) { require_once 'sqlite.php'; $this->db = new lastfmApiDatabase($this->config['path'].'phplastfmapi'); } else { if ( isset($this->config['database']['host']) && isset($this->config['database']['username']) && isset($this->config['database']['password']) && isset($this->config['database']['name']) ) { require_once 'mysql.php'; $this->db = new lastfmApiDatabase($this->config['database']['host'], $this->config['database']['username'], $this->config['database']['password'], $this->config['database']['name']); } else { $this->error = 'Not all mysql database variables were supplied'; return false; } } if ( !empty($this->db->error) ) { $this->error = $this->db->error; return false; } else { $this->check_table_exists(); } //$this->show_all(); } } /** * Internal method to chack if caching is enabled * @access private * @return void */ private function check_if_enabled() { if ( $this->config['enabled'] == true && function_exists('sqlite_open') ) { $this->enabled = true; } else { $this->enabled = false; } } /** * Internal method to check if the table exists * @access private * @return void */ private function check_table_exists() { if ( $this->type == 'sqlite' ) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='cache'"; $result = $this->db->query($query); $numbers = $result->fetchAll(); if ( $numbers[0]['count(*)'] > 0 ) { // Ok } else { $this->create_table(); } } else { $query = "show tables like 'cache'"; $result = $this->db->query($query); if ( $result->size() > 0 ) { // Ok } else { $this->create_table(); } } } /** * Internal method to create the table if it doesn't exist * @access private * @return void */ private function create_table() { if ( $this->type == 'sqlite' ) { $auto_increase = ''; } else { $auto_increase = ' AUTO_INCREMENT'; } $query = "CREATE TABLE cache (cache_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY".$auto_increase.", unique_vars TEXT, expires INT, body TEXT)"; if ( $this->db->query($query) ) { // Ok } else { // TODO: Handle error echo $this->db->error; } } /** * Searches the database for the cahce date. Returns an array if it exists or false if it doesn't * @access public * @param array $unique_vars Array of variables that are unique to this piece of cached data * @return string */ public function get($unique_vars) { if ( $this->enabled == true ) { $query = "SELECT expires, body FROM cache WHERE unique_vars='".htmlentities(serialize($unique_vars))."' LIMIT 1"; if ( $result = $this->db->query($query) ) { if ( $result->size() > 0 ) { $row = $result->fetch(); if ( $row['expires'] < time() ) { $this->del($unique_vars); return false; } else { //print_r(unserialize(html_entity_decode($row['body']))); return unserialize(html_entity_decode($row['body'])); } } else { return false; } } else { // TODO: Handle error return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Adds new cache data to the database * @access public * @param array $unique_vars Array of variables that are unique to this piece of cached data * @param string $body The contents of the cache to put into the database * @return boolean */ public function set($unique_vars, $body) { if ( $this->enabled == true ) { $expire = time() + $this->config['cache_length']; $query = "INSERT INTO cache (unique_vars, expires, body) VALUES ('".htmlentities(serialize($unique_vars))."', '".$expire."', \"".htmlentities(serialize($body))."\")"; if ( $this->db->query($query) ) { return true; } else { // TODO: Handle error return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Internal method to delete unneeded cache data * @access private * @param array $unique_vars Array of variables that are unique to this piece of cached data * @return boolean */ private function del($unique_vars) { $query = "DELETE FROM cache WHERE unique_vars='".htmlentities(serialize($unique_vars))."'"; if ( $this->db->query($query) ) { return true; } else { // TODO: Handle error return false; } } /** * Internal method to show all cached data (used for debugging) * @access private * @return boolean */ private function show_all() { $query = "SELECT expires, body FROM cache"; if ( $result = $this->db->query($query) ) { if ( $result->size() > 0 ) { $results = $result->fetchAll(); echo '


				echo '
'; } else { return false; } } else { // TODO: Handle error return false; } } } ?>