notice_exporte = $noti_exporte; $this->bulletins_exporte = $bull_exporte; if (is_array($l_idnotices)) { $this -> notice_list = $l_idnotices; } else { if ($l_idnotices != "") { $this -> notice_list[] = $l_idnotices; } else { $requete = "select distinct notice_id from notices"; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); while (($res = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $this -> notice_list[] = $res -> notice_id; } } } } //Conversion au format XML du tableau de donnees function toxml() { $this -> notice = "\n"; //Record descriptor $desc=array("rs","dt","bl","hl","el","ru"); for ($i=0; $inotice.=" <".$desc[$i].">"; if ($this->xml_array[$desc[$i]]["value"]=="") $this->xml_array[$desc[$i]]["value"]="*"; $this->notice.=$this->xml_array[$desc[$i]]["value"]."\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this -> xml_array["f"]); $i ++) { $this -> notice.= " xml_array["f"][$i] as $key => $value ) { //Pour chaque attribut if((!is_array($value)) && ($key!="ind") && ($key!="value")){ // Si c'est un attr et pas l'indicateur "ind" $this -> notice.= " ".$key."=\"".htmlspecialchars($value)."\""; //On construit le champ f avec nom de l'attribut = sa valeur } } if ($this -> xml_array["f"][$i]["value"] == "") { $this -> notice.= " ind=\"".$this -> xml_array["f"][$i]["ind"]."\""; } $this -> notice.= ">"; if ($this -> xml_array["f"][$i]["value"] == "") { $this->notice.="\n"; for ($j = 0; $j < count($this -> xml_array["f"][$i]["s"]); $j ++) { $this -> notice.= " xml_array["f"][$i]["s"][$j]["c"]."\">".htmlspecialchars($this -> xml_array["f"][$i]["s"][$j]["value"])."\n"; } $this->notice.=" "; } else { $this -> notice.=htmlspecialchars($this -> xml_array["f"][$i]["value"]); } $this -> notice.= "\n"; } $this -> notice.= "\n"; } function tojson() { $this->notice = json_encode($this->xml_array); } function toserialized() { $this->notice = serialize($this->xml_array); } function to_raw_array() { $this->notice = $this->xml_array; } //Ajout d'un champ dans le tableau de donnees function add_field($field_code, $field_ind, $sub_fields, $value = "",$attrs= "") { $f_ = array(); $f_["c"] = $field_code; if ($field_ind) $f_["ind"] = $field_ind; if($attrs != "" && is_array($attrs)){ //Si on a un tableau d'attribut foreach ( $attrs as $key1 => $value1 ) {//Pour chaque couple (nom,valeur) de chaque attribut $f_[$key1] = $value1; } } if ($value == "" && is_array($sub_fields)) { $flag_s = 0; while (list ($key, $val) = each($sub_fields)) { if(is_array($val)){ foreach($val as $valeur){ $s = array(); $s["c"] = $key; $s["value"] = $valeur; $f_["s"][] = $s; $flag_s = 1; } } elseif ($val) { $s = array(); $s["c"] = $key; $s["value"] = $val; $f_["s"][] = $s; $flag_s = 1; } } } else { $f_["value"] = $value; $flag_s = 1; } if ($flag_s) $this -> xml_array["f"][] = $f_; } //Generation XML de la prochaine notice (renvoi true si prochaine notice, false si plus de notices disponibles) function get_next_notice($lender = "", $td = array(), $sd = array(), $keep_expl = false, $params=array(), $force_diffusion=false) { global $include_path, $lang; unset($this->xml_array); $this -> xml_array = array(); $this -> notice = ""; if($force_diffusion == false){ // Exclure de l'export (opac, panier) les fiches interdites de diffusion dans administration, Notices > Origines des notices NG72 $sql_exclu="select orinot_diffusion from origine_notice,notices where notice_id = '".$this -> notice_list[$this -> current_notice]."' and origine_catalogage = orinot_id"; $result_exclu=mysql_query($sql_exclu); $diffusable=mysql_result($result_exclu,0,0); }else{ $diffusable=true; } if (($this->current_notice!=-1) && ( (array_search($this->notice_list[$this -> current_notice],$this->notice_exporte)!==false) || !$diffusable)) { $this -> current_notice++; if ($this -> current_notice >= count($this -> notice_list)) $this -> current_notice = -1; return true; } if ($this -> current_notice != -1) { //Recuperation des infos de la notice $requete = "select * from notices where notice_id=".$this -> notice_list[$this -> current_notice]; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); $res = mysql_fetch_object($resultat); //Remplissage des champs immediats //Numero unique de la base $this -> add_field("001", "", "", $res -> notice_id); //Champ de traitement $c100=substr($res -> create_date, 0, 4).substr($res -> create_date, 5, 2).substr($res -> create_date, 8, 2)."u u u0frey0103 ba"; $this-> add_field("100"," ",array("a"=>$c100),""); //Titre $titre[c] = "200"; $titre[ind] = "1 "; $labels = array("a", "c", "d", "e"); $subfields = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i ++) { eval("\$v=\$res->tit$i;"); $subfields[$labels[$i -1]] = $v; } //Titres Uniformes $rqt_tu = "select tu_name from notices_titres_uniformes,titres_uniformes where tu_id =ntu_num_tu and ntu_num_notice = '".$this->notice_list[$this->current_notice]."' order by ntu_ordre"; $result_tu = mysql_query($rqt_tu); if(mysql_num_rows($result_tu)){ while($row_tu = mysql_fetch_object($result_tu)){ $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"] = $row_tu->tu_name; $this->add_field("500", "10", $subfields); } } if($res->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $res->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_bulletin = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins WHERE num_notice=".$res->notice_id; $result_bull = mysql_query($req_bulletin); while(($bull=mysql_fetch_object($result_bull))){ $subfields["h"] = $bull -> bulletin_numero; $subfields["i"] = $bull -> bulletin_titre; } } $this -> add_field("200", "1 ", $subfields); //Titre du pério pour les notices de bulletin $subfields=array(); if($res->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $res->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_bulletin = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1 as titre from bulletins, notices WHERE bulletin_notice=notice_id AND num_notice=".$res->notice_id; $result_bull = mysql_query($req_bulletin); while(($bull=mysql_fetch_object($result_bull))){ $subfields["a"] = $bull->titre; } } $this -> add_field("530", " ", $subfields); //Date en 210 pour les notices de bulletin $subfields=array(); if($res->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $res->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_bulletin = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins WHERE num_notice=".$res->notice_id; $result_bull = mysql_query($req_bulletin); while(($bull=mysql_fetch_object($result_bull))){ $subfields["h"] = $bull->date_date; $subfields["d"] = $bull->mention_date; } } $this -> add_field("210", " ", $subfields); //isbn $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"] = $res -> code; $subfields["d"] = $res -> prix; $this -> add_field("010", " ", $subfields); // URL $subfields = array(); $subfields["u"] = $res -> lien; $subfields["q"] = $res -> eformat; $this -> add_field("856", " ", $subfields); //Langage $rqttmp_lang = "select type_langue,code_langue from notices_langues where num_notice='$res->notice_id' order by ordre_langue "; $restmp_lang = mysql_query($rqttmp_lang); $ind="0 "; $subfields_101 = array(); while (($tmp_lang = mysql_fetch_object($restmp_lang))) { if($tmp_lang->type_langue){ $ind="1 "; $subfields_101['c'][]=$tmp_lang->code_langue; } else { $subfields_101['a'][]=$tmp_lang->code_langue; } } $this->add_field('101',$ind,$subfields_101); //Mention d'edition $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"] = $res -> mention_edition; $this -> add_field("205", " ", $subfields); //Collation $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"] = $res -> npages; $subfields["c"] = $res -> ill; $subfields["d"] = $res -> size; $subfields["e"] = $res -> accomp; $this -> add_field("215", " ", $subfields); //Notes $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"] = $res -> n_gen; $this -> add_field("300", " ", $subfields); $subfields["a"] = $res -> n_contenu; $this -> add_field("327", " ", $subfields); $subfields["a"] = $res -> n_resume; $this -> add_field("330", " ", $subfields); //Auteurs //Recherche des auteurs; $requete = "select author_id, author_type, author_name, author_rejete, author_date, responsability_fonction, responsability_type ,author_subdivision, author_lieu,author_ville, author_pays,author_numero,author_web from authors, responsability where responsability_notice=".$res->notice_id." and responsability_author=author_id order by responsability_ordre asc"; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); while (($auth=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { //Si c'est un 70 (individuel) alors on l'exporte $subfields = array(); $attrs = array(); if ($params["include_authorite_ids"]) $attrs["id"] = $auth->author_id; if ($auth->author_type == "70") { // Personne physique //Champ = author_type + responsability_type (70 + 0 pour auteur principal = 700 !) $auth_code = $auth->author_type.$auth->responsability_type; $subfields["a"] = $auth->author_name; $subfields["b"] = $auth->author_rejete; //Fonction $subfields["4"] = $auth->responsability_fonction; //Dates if ($auth->author_date!="") { $subfields["f"] = $auth->author_date ; } $subfields["N"] = $auth->author_web; $this->add_field($auth_code," 1", $subfields, "", $attrs); } elseif (($auth->author_type == "71") || ($auth->author_type == "72")) { //Collectivité $auth_code = $auth->author_type.$auth->responsability_type; $subfields["a"] = $auth->author_name; $subfields["b"] = $auth->author_subdivision; $subfields["g"] = $auth->author_rejete; $subfields["d"] = $auth->author_numero; //Fonction $subfields["4"] = $auth->responsability_fonction; //Dates if ($auth->author_date!="") { $subfields["f"] = $auth->author_date ; } $lieu=$auth->author_lieu; if($auth->author_ville) { if($lieu) $lieu.="; "; $lieu.=$auth->author_ville; } if($auth->author_pays) { if($lieu) $lieu.="; "; $lieu.=$auth->author_pays; } $subfields["e"] = $lieu; $subfields["K"] = $auth->author_lieu; $subfields["L"] = $auth->author_ville; $subfields["M"] = $auth->author_pays; $subfields["N"] = $auth->author_web; if ($auth->author_type == "71") { $auth_code = $auth->author_type.$auth->responsability_type; $this->add_field($auth_code,"02", $subfields, "", $attrs); } elseif ($auth->author_type == "72") { $auth_code = "71".$auth->responsability_type; $this->add_field($auth_code,"12", $subfields, "", $attrs); } } } //Editeurs et date de la notice $requete = "select * from publishers where ed_id =".$res -> ed1_id; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); $subfields = array(); $attrs = array(); if ($params["include_authorite_ids"]) $attrs["id"] = $res->ed1_id; if (($ed1 = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields["c"] = $ed1 -> ed_name; $subfields["a"] = $ed1 -> ed_ville; $subfields["d"] = $res -> year; }elseif($res -> year){ $subfields["d"] = $res -> year; } $this -> add_field("210", " ", $subfields, "", $attrs); $requete = "select * from publishers where ed_id =".$res -> ed2_id; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); $subfields = array(); $attrs = array(); if ($params["include_authorite_ids"]) $attrs["id"] = $res->ed2_id; if (($ed1 = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields["c"] = $ed1 -> ed_name; $subfields["a"] = $ed1 -> ed_ville; $subfields["d"] = $res -> year; } $this->add_field("210", " ", $subfields, "", $attrs); //Collections $requete = "select * from collections where collection_id=".$res -> coll_id; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); $subfields = array(); $subfields_410 = array(); $subfields_411 = array(); $subfields_s = array(); $attrs = array(); if ($params["include_authorite_ids"]) $attrs["id"] = $res->coll_id; if (($col = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields["a"] = $col -> collection_name; $subfields_410["t"] = $col -> collection_name; $subfields["v"] = $res -> nocoll; $subfields["x"] = $col -> collection_issn; } //Recherche des sous collections $requete = "select * from sub_collections where sub_coll_id=".$res -> subcoll_id; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); if (($subcol = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields_s["i"] = $subcol -> sub_coll_name; $subfields_411["t"] = $subcol -> sub_coll_name; $subfields_s["x"] = $subcol -> sub_coll_issn; } $attrs2 = array(); if ($params["include_authorite_ids"]) $attrs2["id"] = $res -> subcoll_id; $this -> add_field("225", "2 ", $subfields, "", $attrs); $this -> add_field("410", " 0", $subfields_410, "", $attrs); $this -> add_field("225", "2 ", $subfields_s, "", $attrs2); $this -> add_field("411", " 0", $subfields_411, "", $attrs2); $requete = "select * from series where serie_id=".$res -> tparent_id; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); $subfields = array(); $attrs = array(); if (($serie = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields["t"] = $serie -> serie_name; $subfields["v"] = $res -> tnvol; if ($params["include_authorite_ids"]){ $attrs["id"] = $serie -> serie_id; } } $this -> add_field("461", " 0", $subfields, '', $attrs); //dewey $subfields = array(); //Recher du code dewey $requete = "select * from indexint where indexint_id=".$res -> indexint; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); if (($code_dewey=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields["a"] = $code_dewey -> indexint_name; $this -> add_field("676", " ", $subfields); } if ($keep_expl) { //Traitement des exemplaires $requete = "select expl_id, create_date, expl_cb,expl_cote,expl_statut,statut_libelle, statusdoc_codage_import, expl_typdoc, tdoc_libelle, tdoc_codage_import, expl_note, expl_comment, expl_section, section_libelle, sdoc_codage_import, expl_owner, lender_libelle, codestat_libelle, statisdoc_codage_import, expl_date_retour, expl_date_depot, expl_note, pret_flag from exemplaires, docs_statut, docs_type, docs_section, docs_codestat, lenders where expl_notice=".$res -> notice_id." and expl_statut=idstatut and expl_typdoc=idtyp_doc and expl_section=idsection and expl_owner=idlender and expl_codestat=idcode"; if (($lender != "x")&&($lender!="")) $requete.= " and expl_owner=".$lender; if (count($td) != 0) $requete.= " and expl_typdoc in (".implode(",", $td).")"; if (count($sd) != 0) $requete.= " and expl_statut in (".implode(",", $sd).")"; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); while (($ex = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields = array(); global $export996 ; $export996 = array() ; $subfields = export_traite_exemplaires ($ex); $this -> add_field("995", " ", $subfields); if (count($export996) != 0) $this -> add_field("996", " ", $export996); } } //Mots cles $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"] = $res -> index_l; $this -> add_field("610", "0 ", $subfields); //Descripteurs $requete="SELECT libelle_categorie FROM categories, notices_categories WHERE notcateg_notice=".$res->notice_id." and categories.num_noeud = notices_categories.num_noeud ORDER BY ordre_categorie"; $resultat=mysql_query($requete); if (mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { for ($i=0; $i add_field("606"," 1",$subfields); } } //Champs perso de notice traite par la table notice_custom $mes_pp= new parametres_perso("notices"); $mes_pp->get_values($res->notice_id); $values = $mes_pp->values; foreach ( $values as $field_id => $vals ) { //si on peut on exporte les infos du résolveur (DOI / PMID) if($mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]['TYPE'] == "resolve"){ //les ids sont fixé en dur, on c'est traité : DOI = 2 , PMID = 1 foreach ( $vals as $value ) { $id_infos = explode('|',$value); switch($id_infos[1]){ case "1" : $resolver = "PMID"; break; case "2" : $resolver = "DOI"; break; default : $resolver = ""; } if($resolver != ""){ $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"]= $id_infos[0]; $subfields["b"]=$resolver; $this->add_field("014"," ",$subfields); } } } if($mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["EXPORT"] && $mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["OPAC_SHOW"]) { //champ exportable foreach ( $vals as $value ) { $subfields = array(); $subfields["a"]=$mes_pp->get_formatted_output(array($value),$field_id);//Valeur $subfields["l"]=$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["TITRE"];//Libelle du champ $subfields["n"]=$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"];//Nom du champ $this->add_field("900"," ",$subfields); } } } //Notices liées, relations entre notices if($params["exp_generer_liens"]){ //On choisit d'exporter les notices mères if($params["exp_export_mere"]){ $requete="SELECT num_notice, linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where num_notice=".$res->notice_id." order by num_notice, rank asc"; $resultat=mysql_query($requete); while(($notice_fille=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $requete_mere="SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id=".$notice_fille->linked_notice; $resultat_mere=mysql_query($requete_mere); while(($notice_mere=mysql_fetch_object($resultat_mere))) { // Exclure de l'export (opac, panier) les fiches interdites de diffusion dans administration, Notices > Origines des notices NG72 $sql_exclu="select orinot_diffusion from origine_notice,notices where notice_id = '".$notice_mere->notice_id."' and origine_catalogage = orinot_id "; $result_exclu=mysql_query($sql_exclu); $diffusable=mysql_result($result_exclu,0,0); $subfields = array(); $list_titre = array(); $list_options = array(); //auteur $rqt_aut = "select author_name, author_rejete from responsability join authors on author_id = responsability_author and responsability_notice=".$notice_mere->notice_id." where responsability_type != 2 order by responsability_type,responsability_ordre"; $res_aut=mysql_query($rqt_aut); $mere_aut = array(); while(($mere_aut=mysql_fetch_object($res_aut))) { $list_auteurs[] = $mere_aut->author_name.($mere_aut->author_rejete ? ", ".$mere_aut->author_rejete : ""); } //On recopie les informations de la notice fille if($params["exp_export_notice_mere_link"] && $diffusable) $subfields["0"] = $notice_mere->notice_id; $list_titre[] = ($notice_mere->tit1) ? $notice_mere->tit1 : " "; $list_options[] = "bl:".$notice_mere->niveau_biblio.$notice_mere->niveau_hierar; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_mere->notice_id; if($notice_fille->rank) $list_options[] = "rank:".$notice_fille->rank; if($notice_fille->relation_type) $list_options[] = "type_lnk:".$notice_fille->relation_type; $list_options[] = 'lnk:parent'; $subfields["9"] = $list_options; //Relation avec mono = ISBN if($notice_mere->niveau_biblio == 'm' && $notice_mere->niveau_hierar == '0'){ if($notice_mere->code) $subfields["y"] = $notice_mere->code; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; $subfields["a"] = $list_auteurs; } //Relation avec pério = ISSN if($notice_mere->niveau_biblio == 's' && $notice_mere->niveau_hierar == '1'){ if($notice_mere->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_mere->code; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; } //Relation avec articles if($notice_mere->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $notice_mere->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_art = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1, code from analysis join bulletins on bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin join notices on bulletin_notice=notice_id where analysis_notice=".$notice_mere->notice_id; $result_art=mysql_query($req_art); while(($notice_art=mysql_fetch_object($result_art))){ $subfields["d"] = $notice_art->date_date; $subfields["e"] = $notice_art->mention_date; $subfields["v"] = $notice_art->bulletin_numero; if($notice_art->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_art->code; $list_titre[] = ($notice_art->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_art->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_titre[] = ($notice_art->tit1) ? $notice_art->tit1 : " "; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_art->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_art->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_art->bulletin_id; } } } //Relation avec bulletins if($notice_mere->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $notice_mere->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_bull = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1, code from bulletins join notices on bulletin_notice=notice_id WHERE num_notice=".$notice_mere->notice_id; $result_bull=mysql_query($req_bull); while(($notice_bull=mysql_fetch_object($result_bull))){ $subfields["d"] = $notice_bull->date_date; $subfields["e"] = $notice_bull->mention_date; $subfields["v"] = $notice_bull->bulletin_numero; if($notice_bull->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_bull->code; $list_titre[] = ($notice_bull->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_bull->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_titre[] = ($notice_bull->tit1) ? $notice_bull->tit1 : " "; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_bull->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_bull->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_bull->bulletin_id; } } } $list_attribut = new XMLlist("$include_path/marc_tables/$lang/relationtypeup_unimarc.xml"); $list_attribut->analyser(); $table_attribut = $list_attribut->table; //On teste si la relation est spéciale, de type contient dans une boite if($notice_fille->relation_type=='d') $indicateur="d0"; else $indicateur=" "; $this->add_field($table_attribut[$notice_fille->relation_type],$indicateur,$subfields); //On exporte les notices mères liées if($params["exp_export_notice_mere_link"] && (array_search($notice_mere->notice_id,$this->notice_exporte)===false) && $diffusable){ $this->notice_list[]=$notice_mere->notice_id; } } } } //On choisit d'exporter les notices filles if($params["exp_export_fille"]){ $requete="SELECT num_notice, linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where linked_notice=".$res->notice_id." order by num_notice, rank asc"; $resultat=mysql_query($requete); while(($notice_mere=mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $requete_fille="SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id=".$notice_mere->num_notice; $resultat_fille=mysql_query($requete_fille); while(($notice_fille=mysql_fetch_object($resultat_fille))) { // Exclure de l'export (opac, panier) les fiches interdites de diffusion dans administration, Notices > Origines des notices NG72 $sql_exclu="select orinot_diffusion from origine_notice,notices where notice_id = '".$notice_fille->notice_id."' and origine_catalogage = orinot_id "; $result_exclu=mysql_query($sql_exclu); $diffusable=mysql_result($result_exclu,0,0); $subfields = array(); $list_titre = array(); $list_options = array(); //On recopie les informations de la notice fille if($params["exp_export_notice_fille_link"] && $diffusable) $subfields["0"] = $notice_fille->notice_id; $list_titre[] = ($notice_fille->tit1) ? $notice_fille->tit1 : " "; $list_options[] = "bl:".$notice_fille->niveau_biblio.$notice_fille->niveau_hierar; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_fille->notice_id; if($notice_mere->rank) $list_options[] = "rank:".$notice_mere->rank; if($notice_mere->relation_type) $list_options[] = "type_lnk:".$notice_mere->relation_type; $list_options[] = 'lnk:child'; $subfields["9"] = $list_options; //Relation avec mono = ISBN if($notice_fille->niveau_biblio == 'm' && $notice_fille->niveau_hierar == '0'){ if($notice_fille->code) $subfields["y"] = $notice_fille->code; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; } //Relation avec pério = ISSN if($notice_fille->niveau_biblio == 's' && $notice_fille->niveau_hierar == '1'){ if($notice_fille->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_fille->code; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; } //Relation avec articles if($notice_fille->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $notice_fille->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_art = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1, code from analysis join bulletins on bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin join notices on bulletin_notice=notice_id where analysis_notice=".$notice_fille->notice_id; $result_art=mysql_query($req_art); while(($notice_art=mysql_fetch_object($result_art))){ $subfields["d"] = $notice_art->date_date; $subfields["e"] = $notice_art->mention_date; $subfields["v"] = $notice_art->bulletin_numero; if($notice_art->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_art->code; $list_titre[] = ($notice_art->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_art->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_titre[] = ($notice_art->tit1) ? $notice_art->tit1 : " "; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_art->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_art->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_art->bulletin_id; } } } //Relation avec bulletins if($notice_fille->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $notice_fille->niveau_hierar == '2'){ $req_bull = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1, code from bulletins join notices on bulletin_notice=notice_id WHERE num_notice=".$notice_fille->notice_id; $result_bull=mysql_query($req_bull); while(($notice_bull=mysql_fetch_object($result_bull))){ $subfields["d"] = $notice_bull->date_date; $subfields["e"] = $notice_bull->mention_date; $subfields["v"] = $notice_bull->bulletin_numero; if($notice_bull->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_bull->code; $list_titre[] = ($notice_bull->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_bull->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_titre[] = ($notice_bull->tit1) ? $notice_bull->tit1 : " "; $subfields["t"] = $list_titre; if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_bull->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_bull->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_bull->bulletin_id; } } } $list_attribut = new XMLlist("$include_path/marc_tables/$lang/relationtypedown_unimarc.xml"); $list_attribut->analyser(); $table_attribut = $list_attribut->table; //On teste si la relation est spéciale, de type contient dans une boite if($notice_fille->relation_type=='d') $indicateur="d0"; else $indicateur=" "; $this->add_field($table_attribut[$notice_mere->relation_type],$indicateur,$subfields); //On exporte les notices filles liées if($params["exp_export_notice_fille_link"] && (array_search($notice_fille->notice_id,$this->notice_exporte)===false) && $diffusable){ $this->notice_list[]=$notice_fille->notice_id; } } } } //On choisit d'exporter les liens vers les périodiques pour les notices d'article if($params["exp_export_perio_link"]){ $req_perio_link = "SELECT notice_id, tit1, code from bulletins,analysis,notices WHERE bulletin_notice=notice_id and bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin and analysis_notice=".$res->notice_id; $result_perio_link=mysql_query($req_perio_link); while(($notice_perio_link=mysql_fetch_object($result_perio_link))){ // Exclure de l'export (opac, panier) les fiches interdites de diffusion dans administration, Notices > Origines des notices NG72 $sql_exclu="select orinot_diffusion from origine_notice,notices where notice_id = '".$notice_perio_link->notice_id."' and origine_catalogage = orinot_id "; $result_exclu=mysql_query($sql_exclu); $diffusable=mysql_result($result_exclu,0,0); $subfields_461=array(); $list_options=array(); if($params["exp_export_notice_perio_link"] && $diffusable) $subfields_461["0"] = $notice_perio_link->notice_id; $subfields_461["t"] = ($notice_perio_link->tit1) ? $notice_perio_link->tit1 : " "; if($notice_perio_link->code) $subfields_461["x"] = $notice_perio_link->code; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_perio_link->notice_id; $list_options[] = 'lnk:perio'; $subfields_461["9"] = $list_options; $this->add_field("461"," ",$subfields_461); //On exporte les notices de pério liées if($params["exp_export_notice_perio_link"] && (array_search($notice_perio_link->notice_id,$this->notice_exporte)===false) && $diffusable){ $this->notice_list[]=$notice_perio_link->notice_id; } } } //On génère le bulletinage pour les notices de pério if($params["exp_export_bulletinage"]){ $req_bulletinage = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins, notices WHERE bulletin_notice = notice_id AND notice_id=".$res->notice_id; $result_bulletinage=mysql_query($req_bulletinage); while(($notice_bulletinage=mysql_fetch_object($result_bulletinage))){ $subfields_462=array(); $list_options=array(); $subfields_462["d"] = $notice_bulletinage->date_date; $subfields_462["e"] = $notice_bulletinage->mention_date; $subfields_462["v"] = $notice_bulletinage->bulletin_numero; $subfields_462["t"] = ($notice_bulletinage->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_bulletinage->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_bulletinage->bulletin_id; $list_options[] = 'lnk:bull'; $subfields_462["9"] = $list_options; $this->add_field("462"," ",$subfields_462); if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_bulletinage->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_bulletinage->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_bulletinage->bulletin_id; } } } //On choisit d'exporter les liens vers les bulletins pour les notices d'article if($params["exp_export_bull_link"]){ $req_bull_link = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins, analysis WHERE bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin and analysis_notice=".$res->notice_id; $result_bull_link=mysql_query($req_bull_link); while(($notice_bull_link=mysql_fetch_object($result_bull_link))){ $subfields_463 = array(); $list_options = array(); $subfields_463["d"] = $notice_bull_link->date_date; $subfields_463["e"] = $notice_bull_link->mention_date; $subfields_463["v"] = $notice_bull_link->bulletin_numero; $subfields_463["t"] = ($notice_bull_link->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_bull_link->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_bull_link->bulletin_id; $list_options[] = 'lnk:bull'; $subfields_463["9"] = $list_options; $this->add_field("463"," ",$subfields_463); if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_bull_link->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_bull_link->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_bull_link->bulletin_id; } } } //On choisit d'exporter les liens vers les articles pour les notices de pério if($params["exp_export_art_link"]){ $req_art_link = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, analysis_notice, a.tit1 as titre, a.npages as page from notices p left join bulletins on bulletin_notice=p.notice_id left join analysis on analysis_bulletin=bulletin_id join notices a on a.notice_id=analysis_notice WHERE p.notice_id=".$res->notice_id; $result_art_link=mysql_query($req_art_link); while(($notice_art_link=mysql_fetch_object($result_art_link))){ // Exclure de l'export (opac, panier) les fiches interdites de diffusion dans administration, Notices > Origines des notices NG72 $sql_exclu="select orinot_diffusion from origine_notice,notices where notice_id = '".$notice_art_link->analysis_notice."' and origine_catalogage = orinot_id "; $result_exclu=mysql_query($sql_exclu); $diffusable=mysql_result($result_exclu,0,0); $subfields_464=array(); $tab_titre=array(); $list_options=array(); $tab_titre[]= ($notice_art_link->titre) ? $notice_art_link->titre : " "; $tab_titre[]= ($notice_art_link->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_art_link->bulletin_titre : " "; if($params["exp_export_notice_art"] && $diffusable) $subfields_464["0"] = $notice_art_link->analysis_notice; $subfields_464["t"] = $tab_titre; $subfields_464["d"] = $notice_art_link->date_date; $subfields_464["e"] = $notice_art_link->mention_date; $subfields_464["v"] = $notice_art_link->bulletin_numero; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_art_link->analysis_notice; $list_options[] = "page:".$notice_art_link->page; $list_options[] = 'lnk:art'; $subfields_464["9"] = $list_options; $this->add_field("464"," ",$subfields_464); if($keep_expl && (array_search($notice_art_link->bulletin_id,$this->bulletins_exporte)===false) && (array_search($notice_art_link->bulletin_id,$this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)===false)){ //Si on exporte les exemplaires on garde l'ID du bulletin pour exporter ses exemplaires $this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter[]=$notice_art_link->bulletin_id; } //On exporte les notices d'articles liées if($params["exp_export_notice_art_link"] && (array_search($notice_art_link->analysis_notice,$this->notice_exporte)===false) && $diffusable){ $this->notice_list[]=$notice_art_link->analysis_notice; } } } } //Record field $biblio = $res->niveau_biblio ; $hierar = $res->niveau_hierar ; if(($biblio=='b')&&($hierar=='2')){ //si on a un bulletin on modifie b2 en s2 $biblio='s'; $hierar='2'; } $this->xml_array['rs']['value']="n"; $this->xml_array['dt']['value']=$res->typdoc; $this->xml_array['bl']['value']=$biblio; $this->xml_array['hl']['value']=$hierar; $this->xml_array['el']['value']=1; $this->xml_array['ru']['value']="i"; if (array_search($res->notice_id,$this->notice_exporte)===false) { $this->notice_exporte[]=$res->notice_id; } $this -> toxml(); $this -> current_notice++; if ($this -> current_notice >= count($this -> notice_list)) $this -> current_notice = -1; return true; } else { return false; } } function get_next_bulletin($lender = "", $td = array(), $sd = array(), $keep_expl = false, $params=array()){ global $is_expl_caddie; unset($this->xml_array); $this -> xml_array = array(); $this -> notice = ""; //On regarde si on a encore des exemplaires a exporter //echo "Je passe ici : ".count($this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)."
"; if(count($this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)){ //Si mon tableau n'est pas vide $id_bulletin=array_shift($this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter); $this->bulletins_exporte[]=$id_bulletin; }else{ return false; } //On regarde si on a des exemplaires pour ce bulletin $requete="select expl_id from exemplaires where expl_bulletin='".$id_bulletin."'"; $res=mysql_query($requete); if(mysql_num_rows($res)){ //Si le bulletin a des exemplaires on créer une notice d'article bidon pour créer les exemplaires if (!$is_expl_caddie) { $requete_panier="select count(*) from expl_cart_id"; $res_panier=@mysql_query($requete_panier); if ($res_panier) $is_expl_caddie=2; else $is_expl_caddie=1; } //Numero unique de la base $this -> add_field("001", "", "", $id_bulletin."-bull"); //Champ de traitement $c100=date("Ymd")."u u u0freyb103 ba"; $this-> add_field("100"," ",array("a"=>$c100),""); $this->xml_array['rs']['value']="n"; $this->xml_array['dt']['value']="a"; $this->xml_array['bl']['value']="a"; $this->xml_array['hl']['value']="2"; $this->xml_array['el']['value']="1"; $this->xml_array['ru']['value']="i"; //Lien vers le bulletin et le perio pour recreer l'exemplaire $req_art = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1, code, notice_id from bulletins join notices on bulletin_notice=notice_id where bulletin_id=".$id_bulletin; $result_art=mysql_query($req_art); while(($notice_art=mysql_fetch_object($result_art))){ //Pour le cas ou l'article est récupéré en temps que monographie $subfields=array(); $subfields["a"] = $notice_art->bulletin_titre ? $notice_art->bulletin_titre.", ".$notice_art->mention_date : $notice_art->mention_date; if(!$subfields["a"]) $subfields["a"] = "Notice de bulletin"; $subfields["d"] = "Article_expl_bulletin"; $subfields["h"] = $notice_art->tit1; $subfields["i"] = $notice_art->bulletin_numero; $this -> add_field("200", "1 ", $subfields); $subfields=array(); $date=explode("-",$notice_art->date_date); $subfields["d"] = $date[0]; $this -> add_field("210", " ", $subfields); $subfields_463 = array(); $list_options = array(); $list_titre = array(); if($params["exp_export_notice_perio_link"]) $subfields_463["0"] = $notice_art->notice_id; $subfields_463["d"] = $notice_art->date_date; $subfields_463["e"] = $notice_art->mention_date; $subfields_463["v"] = $notice_art->bulletin_numero; if($notice_art->code) $subfields["x"] = $notice_art->code; $list_titre[] = ($notice_art->bulletin_titre) ? $notice_art->bulletin_titre : " "; $list_titre[] = ($notice_art->tit1) ? $notice_art->tit1 : " "; $subfields_463["t"] = $list_titre; $list_options[] = "id:".$notice_art->bulletin_id; $list_options[] = 'lnk:bull_expl'; $subfields_463["9"] = $list_options; $this->add_field("463"," ",$subfields_463); } //Traitement des exemplaires $requete = "select expl_id, create_date, expl_cb,expl_cote,expl_statut,statut_libelle, statusdoc_codage_import, expl_typdoc, tdoc_libelle, tdoc_codage_import, expl_note, expl_comment, expl_section, section_libelle, sdoc_codage_import, expl_owner, lender_libelle, codestat_libelle, statisdoc_codage_import, expl_date_retour, expl_date_depot, expl_note, pret_flag, location_libelle, locdoc_codage_import from exemplaires, docs_statut, docs_type, docs_section, docs_codestat, lenders, docs_location".($is_expl_caddie==2?",expl_cart_id":"")." where expl_bulletin='".$id_bulletin."' and expl_statut=idstatut and expl_typdoc=idtyp_doc and expl_section=idsection and expl_owner=idlender and expl_codestat=idcode and expl_location=idlocation".($is_expl_caddie==2?" and expl_id=id":""); if (($lender != "x")&&($lender!="")) $requete.= " and expl_owner=".$lender; if (count($td) != 0) $requete.= " and expl_typdoc in (".implode(",", $td).")"; if (count($sd) != 0) $requete.= " and expl_statut in (".implode(",", $sd).")"; $resultat = mysql_query($requete); while (($ex = mysql_fetch_object($resultat))) { $subfields = array(); global $export996 ; $export996 = array() ; $subfields = export_traite_exemplaires ($ex); $this -> add_field("995", " ", $subfields); if (count($export996) != 0) $this -> add_field("996", " ", $export996); } $this -> toxml(); } if(!count($this->expl_bulletin_a_exporter)){ //On vien de traiter le dernier return false; }else{ return true; } } } ?>