# Pyromaths # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Pyromaths # Un programme en Python qui permet de créer des fiches d'exercices types de # mathématiques niveau collège ainsi que leur corrigé en LaTeX. # Copyright (C) 2006 -- Jérôme Ortais (jerome.ortais@pyromaths.org) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if notPopen, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import random from ..outils.Affichage import decimaux, decimaux_quiz def noms_sommets(nb): """Renvoie nb noms de sommets""" (listenb, listepts) = ([], []) for i in range(26): listenb.append(i + 65) for i in range(nb): listepts.append(str(chr(listenb.pop(random.randrange(26 - i))))) listepts.sort() return tuple(listepts) def angle(coordo): """Angle pour placer le nom du point en fonction du quadrant""" l=[] for coord in coordo: if coord[0]>=0 and coord[1]>=0: ang='45' if coord[0]>=0 and coord[1]<0: ang='-45' if coord[0]<0 and coord[1]<0: ang='-135' if coord[0]<0 and coord[1]>=0: ang='135' l.append(ang) return l def place_points(coordo,points): """coordo: liste de coordonnées ; points : noms des points associés génère le code latex pour placer tous les points""" l= angle(coordo) text="\\pstGeonode[PointSymbol=x,PosAngle={" for ang in l : text=text+ang+',' text=text+"},PointNameSep=0.4]" i=0 while i=0 and coord[1]*c[1]>=0: rep=False break return rep def coordo_pts(nb): """Génère une liste de nb coordonnées. Je m'arrange pour avoir des points sur les 4 quadrants et sur les deux axes""" j=0 k=0 l=[] i=0 while i<4 and i=4: a=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 while not valide((0,a),l): a=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 rg=random.randrange(0,len(l)-1) l[rg:rg]=[(0,a)] i=i+1 if nb>=5: b=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 while not valide((b,0),l): b=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 rg=random.randrange(0,len(l)-1) l[rg:rg]=[(b,0)] i=i+1 while i>=6 and i=11 and len(l)==10: a=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 while not valide((0,a),l): a=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 rg=random.randrange(6,len(l)-1) l[rg:rg]=[(0,a)] i=i+1 if nb>=11 and len(l)==11: b=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 while not valide((b,0),l): b=float(random.randrange(-9,10))/2 rg=random.randrange(6,len(l)-1) l[rg:rg]=[(b,0)] i=i+1 while i>=12 and i")%(noms_pts[i],affiche_coord_quiz(liste_pts[i]))) # Fin quiz_quadrant += "}$$" quiz_table = ("
" % (quiz_quadrant, quiz_cor)) return quiz_table def main(): nbpts = 13 noms_pts=(noms_sommets(nbpts)) coord_pts=coordo_pts(nbpts) voc=[_(u'abscisse'),_(u'ordonnée')] rg1=random.randrange(0,2) rg2=abs(rg1-1) while len(coord_pts)}(-5,0)(5,0)", "\\psline[linewidth=1.2pt]{->}(0,-5)(0,5)", place_points(coord_pts[0:6],noms_pts[0:6]), "\\end{pspicture}}"] cor=["\\exercice*", "\\parbox{0.4\\linewidth}{", "\\psset{unit=0.8cm}", "\\begin{pspicture}(-5,-5)(5,5)", "\\psgrid[subgriddiv=2, subgridcolor=lightgray, gridlabels=8pt](0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5)", "\\psline[linewidth=1.2pt]{->}(-5,0)(5,0)", "\\psline[linewidth=1.2pt]{->}(0,-5)(0,5)", place_points(coord_pts[0:13],noms_pts[0:13]), "\\end{pspicture}}\\hfill", "\\parbox{0.5\\linewidth}{", "\\begin{enumerate}", _(u"\\item Donner les coordonnées des points %s, %s, %s, %s, %s et %s.") % tuple(noms_pts[0:6])] quiz=["cloze"] i=0 pts_quiz = [] while i<6: cor.append(_(u"Les coordonnées du point %s sont %s \n")%(noms_pts[i],affiche_coord(coord_pts[i]))) i=i+1 cor[len(cor):len(cor)]=[_(u"\\item Placer dans le repère les points %s, %s, %s, %s, %s et %s") %noms_pts[6:12] +_(u" de coordonnées respectives %s, %s, %s, %s, %s et %s. ") %tuple(tex_liste_co(coord_pts[6:12])), _(u"\\item Placer dans le repère le point %s d'%s %s et d'%s %s") %(noms_pts[12],voc[rg1],decimaux(str(coord_pts[12][rg1])),voc[rg2],decimaux(str(coord_pts[12][rg2]))), "\\end{enumerate}"] cor.append("}") quiz_nom = _(u"Coordonnées de points") quiz_exo_cor = (_(u"Trouve les coordonnées des points $$%s$$, $$%s$$, $$%s$$, $$%s$$, $$%s\\,$$ et $$\\,%s$$
\n") %tuple(noms_pts[0:6])) quiz_exo_cor += coord_quiz(coord_pts[0:6], noms_pts[0:6]) quiz.append([quiz_nom, quiz_exo_cor, ""]) return(exo,cor,quiz)