#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Pyromaths # Un programme en Python qui permet de créer des fiches d'exercices types de # mathématiques niveau collège ainsi que leur corrigé en LaTeX. # Copyright (C) 2006 -- Jérôme Ortais (jerome.ortais@pyromaths.org) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pyromaths : Poser des opérations #---------------------------------------------------------------------- from ..outils import Arithmetique from ..outils.Affichage import tex_coef, TeX_quiz import random def choix_trou(nb1, nb2, tot, operateur, exo, cor): nbaleatoire = random.randrange(4) if nbaleatoire > 1: exo.append(_("\\item $%s %s %s = \\ldots\\ldots$") % (nb1, operateur, nb2)) cor.append(_("\\item $%s %s %s = \\mathbf{%s}$") % (nb1, operateur, nb2, tot)) quiz_txt = ("%s %s %s = $$ {1:NUMERICAL:=%s}
\n" % (nb1, operateur, nb2, TeX_quiz(tot,1))) elif nbaleatoire > 0: exo.append(_("\\item $%s %s \\ldots\\ldots = %s$") % (nb1, operateur, tot)) cor.append(_("\\item $%s %s \\mathbf{%s} = %s$") % (nb1, operateur, nb2, tot)) quiz_txt = ("%s %s $$ {1:NUMERICAL:=%s} $$ = %s $$
\n" % (nb1, operateur, TeX_quiz(nb2.replace("\\left( ","").replace(",",".").replace("\\right)",""),1), tot)) else: exo.append(_("\\item $\\ldots\\ldots %s %s = %s$") % (operateur, nb2, tot)) cor.append(_("\\item $\\mathbf{%s} %s %s = %s$") % (nb1, operateur, nb2, tot)) quiz_txt = ("$${1:NUMERICAL:=%s} $$%s %s = %s$$
\n" % (TeX_quiz(nb1,1), operateur, nb2, tot)) return quiz_txt def plus(pyromax): (a, b) = (Arithmetique.valeur_alea(-pyromax, pyromax), Arithmetique.valeur_alea(-pyromax, pyromax)) return (a, b) def moins(pyromax): (a, b) = (Arithmetique.valeur_alea(-pyromax, pyromax), Arithmetique.valeur_alea(-pyromax, pyromax)) return (a + b, a) def div(pyromax): (a, b) = (Arithmetique.valeur_alea(-pyromax, pyromax), Arithmetique.valeur_alea(-pyromax, pyromax)) return (a * b, a) def main(): exo = ["\\exercice", _(u"Effectuer sans calculatrice :"), "\\begin{multicols}{3}\\noindent", " \\begin{enumerate}"] cor = ["\\exercice*", _(u"Effectuer sans calculatrice :"), "\\begin{multicols}{3}\\noindent", " \\begin{enumerate}"] quiz = [u"cloze"] quiz_nom = _(u"Calcul mental - Quatrième") quiz_exo_cor = _(u"Effectuer sans calculatrice :
\n") quiz_exo_cor += u'\n' quiz_exo_cor += u'
\n' modules = (plus, moins, plus, div) calculs = [i for i in range(20)] for i in range(20): j = random.randrange(0, len(calculs)) (a, b) = modules[calculs[j] // 5](10) if calculs[j] // 5 == 0: quiz_exo_cor += (u"$$%s) \\; "%(i+1) + choix_trou(a, tex_coef(b, '', bpn=1), a + b, '+', exo, cor)) if calculs[j] // 5 == 1: quiz_exo_cor += (u"$$%s) \\; "%(i+1) + choix_trou(a, tex_coef(b, '', bpn=1), a - b, '-', exo, cor)) if calculs[j] // 5 == 2: quiz_exo_cor += (u"$$%s) \\; "%(i+1) + choix_trou(a, tex_coef(b, '', bpn=1), a * b, '\\, \\cdot \\,', exo, cor)) if calculs[j] // 5 == 3: quiz_exo_cor += (u"$$%s) \\; "%(i+1) + choix_trou(a, tex_coef(b, '', bpn=1), a // b, '\\, : \\,', exo, cor)) calculs.pop(j) if i+1 == 7 or i+1 == 14: quiz_exo_cor += u"\n" exo.extend([" \\end{enumerate}", "\\end{multicols}"]) cor.extend([" \\end{enumerate}", "\\end{multicols}"]) quiz_exo_cor += u"
" quiz.append([quiz_nom, quiz_exo_cor, ""]) return (exo, cor, quiz)