#!/usr/bin/python # Builds on python2.X and python3 # $Id: setup.py,v 1.2 2002/01/08 07:13:21 jgg Exp $ import glob import os import sys from distutils.core import setup, Extension cmdclass = {} try: from DistUtilsExtra.command import build_extra, build_i18n from DistUtilsExtra.auto import clean_build_tree cmdclass['build'] = build_extra.build_extra cmdclass['build_i18n'] = build_i18n.build_i18n cmdclass['clean'] = clean_build_tree except ImportError: print('W: [python%s] DistUtilsExtra import error.' % sys.version[:3]) try: from sphinx.setup_command import BuildDoc cmdclass['build_sphinx'] = BuildDoc except ImportError: print('W: [python%s] Sphinx import error.' % sys.version[:3]) if sys.version_info[0] == 3: from distutils.command.build_py import build_py_2to3 cmdclass['build_py'] = build_py_2to3 # The apt_pkg module. files = ['apt_pkgmodule.cc', 'acquire.cc', 'cache.cc', 'cdrom.cc', 'configuration.cc', 'depcache.cc', 'generic.cc', 'hashes.cc', 'hashstring.cc', 'indexfile.cc', 'indexrecords.cc', 'metaindex.cc', 'pkgmanager.cc', 'pkgrecords.cc', 'pkgsrcrecords.cc', 'policy.cc', 'progress.cc', 'sourcelist.cc', 'string.cc', 'tag.cc', 'lock.cc', 'acquire-item.cc', 'python-apt-helpers.cc', 'cachegroup.cc', 'orderlist.cc'] files = sorted(['python/' + fname for fname in files], key=lambda s: s[:-3]) apt_pkg = Extension("apt_pkg", files, libraries=["apt-pkg"]) # The apt_inst module files = ["python/apt_instmodule.cc", "python/generic.cc", "python/tar.cc", "python/arfile.cc", "python/tarfile.cc"] apt_inst = Extension("apt_inst", files, libraries=["apt-pkg", "apt-inst"]) # Replace the leading _ that is used in the templates for translation if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "build": if not os.path.exists("build/data/templates/"): os.makedirs("build/data/templates") for template in glob.glob('data/templates/*.info.in'): source = open(template, "r") build = open("build/" + template[:-3], "w") for line in source: build.write(line.lstrip("_")) source.close() build.close() for template in glob.glob('data/templates/*.mirrors'): import shutil shutil.copy(template, os.path.join("build", template)) setup(name="python-apt", description="Python bindings for APT", version=os.environ.get('DEBVER'), author="APT Development Team", author_email="deity@lists.debian.org", ext_modules=[apt_pkg, apt_inst], packages=['apt', 'apt.progress', 'aptsources'], data_files = [('share/python-apt/templates', glob.glob('build/data/templates/*.info')), ('share/python-apt/templates', glob.glob('data/templates/*.mirrors'))], cmdclass = cmdclass, license = 'GNU GPL', platforms = 'posix')