Python Library Documentation: module potools # __NAME__ potools # __CLASSES__ builtins.object Bcolors #### Bcolors __Bcolors__ = \ # __FUNCTIONS__ #### def __append\_compendium__(compendium, appendfile, outputfile): Returns a outputfile as a union po #### def __compare\_langpack__(inputdir, otherdir): Returns a differences between two directories #### def __create\_compendium__(compendiumdir, outputfile): Returns a outputfile as a compendium po #### def __debug\_msg__(msg): Print debug messages with fancy colours #### def __empty\_po__(inputfile): empty\_po empty all entries at inputfile #### def __error\_msg__(msg): Print error messages with fancy colours #### def __info_msg__(msg): Print info messages with fancy colours #### def __lowerator__(inputfile, outputfile): Returns a outputfile with all msgid and msgstr with lowercase #### def __search_duplicates__(duplicatedfiles, pooutput=False, logoutput=False): #### def __set_metadata_pilarized__(pofile): Set the metada at custom Translator #### def __simple_po_creation__(outputfile): Function create a empty po, with a example `metadata` :param outputfile: Path to new po. #### def __test_duplicates__(inputfile): return the duplicates entries at a given po #### def __test_metadata__(pofile): Return the metadata and Last-Translator field #### def __union\_po__(inputfile1, inputfile2, outputfile): Returns a po at outputfile that is the union of two arguments inputfile1 & 2 inputfile1 -- Path to new po inputfile2 -- Path to new po outputfile -- Path to new po