/* * Translatable strings file generated by Glade. * Add this file to your project's POTFILES.in. * DO NOT compile it as part of your application. */ gchar *s = N_("QA Assistant"); gchar *s = N_("© 2004 Toshio Kuratomi"); gchar *s = N_("A tool to help write QA reviews of RPM Packaged Contributed Software"); gchar *s = N_(""); gchar *s = N_("Not Yet Implemented"); gchar *s = N_("Feature Not Yet Implemented"); gchar *s = N_("This feature is planned for the future but has not yet been implemented. If you are interested in implementing this feature, please email the developers."); gchar *s = N_("QA Assistant Preferences"); gchar *s = N_("Text Colors"); gchar *s = N_("Notes Color"); gchar *s = N_("Minor Color"); gchar *s = N_("Fail Color"); gchar *s = N_(" Pass Color"); gchar *s = N_("Set the review text to this color when the resolution indicates it has passed"); gchar *s = N_("Set the review text to this color when it is informational"); gchar *s = N_("Set the review text to this color when it indicates the test has failed"); gchar *s = N_("Set the review text to this color when its resolution is for a minor problem."); gchar *s = N_("Popup Help"); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_("Most checklists have builtin documentation to explain how to determine if the entry should be marked pass or fail. Enabling this will cause the information to be displayed in a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the checklist item"); gchar *s = N_("Display tooltip help on entries"); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_("Display tooltip after"); gchar *s = N_("The informational tooltip will display after this number of milliseconds"); gchar *s = N_("milliseconds"); gchar *s = N_("Review Output"); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_("Setting this will cause QA Assistant to automatically put in the review any entries which have negative resolutions (Fail or Non-Blocker)."); gchar *s = N_("Automatically add failed items to the review"); gchar *s = N_("Display"); gchar *s = N_("Review Signing"); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_("Select this to cryptographically sign the review with gpg"); gchar *s = N_("Sign the review"); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_("Path to GPG"); gchar *s = N_("Identity to use"); gchar *s = N_("Select the program to sign with"); gchar *s = N_("Path to the GPG program used to sign the review"); gchar *s = N_("Directories"); gchar *s = N_(" "); gchar *s = N_("State directory"); gchar *s = N_("Select a User State Directory"); gchar *s = N_("This is a directory where QA Assistant will save temporary files when performing automated actions on the checklist"); gchar *s = N_("Misc");