0) { if(substr($dirParam,0,1)=='/') $IMG_ROOT .= $dirParam; else $IMG_ROOT = $dirParam; } } function do_upload($file, $dest_dir) { global $clearUploads; if(is_file($file['tmp_name'])) { //var_dump($file); echo "DIR:$dest_dir"; move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $dest_dir.$file['name']); chmod($dest_dir.$file['name'], 0666); } $clearUploads = true; } function delete_file($file) { global $BASE_DIR; $del_image = dir_name($BASE_DIR).$file; $del_thumb = dir_name($del_image).'.'.basename($del_image); if(is_file($del_image)) { unlink($del_image); } if(is_file($del_thumb)) { unlink($del_thumb); } } $refresh_dirs = false; $clearUploads = false; if(strrpos($IMG_ROOT, '/')!= strlen($IMG_ROOT)-1) $IMG_ROOT .= '/'; if(isset($_GET['delFile']) && isset($_GET['dir'])) { delete_file($_GET['delFile']); } if(isset($_FILES['upload']) && is_array($_FILES['upload']) && isset($_POST['dirPath'])) { $dirPathPost = $_POST['dirPath']; if(strlen($dirPathPost) > 0) { if(substr($dirPathPost,0,1)=='/') $IMG_ROOT .= $dirPathPost; else $IMG_ROOT = $dirPathPost; } if(strrpos($IMG_ROOT, '/')!= strlen($IMG_ROOT)-1) $IMG_ROOT .= '/'; do_upload($_FILES['upload'], $BASE_DIR.$BASE_ROOT.$dirPathPost.'/'); } function num_files($dir) { $total = 0; if(is_dir($dir)) { $d = @dir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { //echo $entry."
"; if(substr($entry,0,1) != '.') { $total++; } } $d->close(); } return $total; } function dirs($dir,$abs_path) { $d = dir($dir); //echo "Handle: ".$d->handle."
\n"; //echo "Path: ".$d->path."
\n"; $dirs = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$entry) && substr($entry,0,1) != '.') { //dirs($dir.'/'.$entry, $prefix.$prefix); //echo $prefix.$entry."
\n"; $path['path'] = $dir.'/'.$entry; $path['name'] = $entry; $dirs[$entry] = $path; } } $d->close(); ksort($dirs); for($i=0; $i= 1024 && $size < 1024*1024) { return sprintf('%01.2f',$size/1024.0).' KB'; } else { return sprintf('%01.2f',$size/(1024.0*1024)).' MB'; } } function show_image($img, $file, $info, $size) { global $BASE_DIR, $BASE_URL, $newPath; $img_path = dir_name($img); $img_file = basename($img); $img_url = $BASE_URL.$img_path.'/'.$img_file; $filesize = parse_size($size); ?>
<?php echo $file; ?> - <?php echo $filesize; ?>
<?php echo $dir; ?> <?php echo $dir; ?>
No files
Configuration problem: "" does not exist.
'; echo ''; } function draw_table_footer() { echo ''; echo ''; } ?> Image Browser 0) { $upDirPath .= $path.'/'; } } $slashIndex = strlen($dirPath); $newPath = $dirPath; if($slashIndex > 1 && substr($dirPath, $slashIndex-1, $slashIndex) == '/') { $newPath = substr($dirPath, 0,$slashIndex-1); } ?> '; $d = @dir($BASE_DIR.$IMG_ROOT); if($d) { //var_dump($d); $images = array(); $folders = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { $img_file = $IMG_ROOT.$entry; if(is_file($BASE_DIR.$img_file) && substr($entry,0,1) != '.') { $image_info = @getimagesize($BASE_DIR.$img_file); if(is_array($image_info)) { $file_details['file'] = $img_file; $file_details['img_info'] = $image_info; $file_details['size'] = filesize($BASE_DIR.$img_file); $images[$entry] = $file_details; //show_image($img_file, $entry, $image_info); } } else if(is_dir($BASE_DIR.$img_file) && substr($entry,0,1) != '.') { $folders[$entry] = $img_file; //show_dir($img_file, $entry); } } $d->close(); if(count($images) > 0 || count($folders) > 0) { //now sort the folders and images by name. ksort($images); ksort($folders); draw_table_header(); for($i=0; $i